系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
共同整合課程 2年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
DBU000031 / A
2 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
65 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
60 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
可選學制 (availability)
2年級 至5年級



課程概述Course Description
教學目標Course Objectives
要求學生充分熟悉: 1.生物分子之種類,物理化學性質及其生物功能。2.新陳代謝及其調解。3.生命之分子基礎及其調控。 Biochemistry is essential to the study and practice of medicine. The intention of the course is for students to (1) know the composition, structure, and function of the major classes of biological molecules. (2) understand the biochemical principles, including: structure-function correlation; chemical reactivity, kinetics and equilibrium; thermodynamics, membrane structure and function; metabolic energy pathways, integration and regulation. (3) understand how improper regulation of these biochemical processes can lead to human disease.
生物學、普通化學 Biology, General Chemistry
教學方式Teaching Methods
同步教學(使用虛擬教室如:Moodle同步教室、Google Meet、Microsoft Classroom等) Synchronous Online Learning 非同步教學(主要提供線上影音教材,透過線上教學平台進行作業及討論) Asynchronous Online Learning 線上教學(如磨課師、翻轉教學) Online teaching, e.g., MOOCs, Flipped classroom, SPOCs 講課 Lecturing 小組討論、腦力激盪(如案例討論、電影欣賞等) Group discussion, Brain storming, e.g., Case study, Event discussion, Movie review 學生上台報告、角色演練 Oral presentation, Role playing
期中筆試 Midterm exam 期末筆試 Final exam 小組作業 Group homework 小組上台報告 Group oral report 出席狀況 Class attendance
教科書:Reginald H. Garrett and Charles M. Grisham (2017) Biochemistry, 6th ed. 參考書: 1. Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Lubert Stryer. (2012) Biochemistry, 7th ed. 2. Victor W Rodwell, David A. Bender, Kathleen M. Botham, Peter J. Kennelly, P. Anthony Weil (2015) Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry, 30th ed. 3. David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox. (2017) Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 6th ed. 4. Denise R. Ferrier. (2017) Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry, 6th ed. 5. Mary K. Campbell and Shawn O. Farrell. (2015) Biochemistry An Introduction, 7th ed. 6. Dean R. Appling, Spencer J. Anthony-Cahill, Christopher K. Mathews. (2016) Biochemistry Concepts and Connections, Global ed. 7. Christopher K. Mathews, K. E. Van Holde, Dean R. Appling, Spencer J. Anthony-Cahill. (2013) Biochemistry, 4th ed. 8. Thomas M. Devlin. (2011) Textbook of Biochemistry with clinical correlations, 7th ed.
教學進度Course Schedule
2024/02/22 脂質 1. 脂肪酸的結構和化學性質 2. 儲存和膜脂質的主要分類(關鍵內容:脂肪酸,磷脂質,醣脂質(醣神經鞘脂質),複合性脂質,衍生性脂質)(線上非同步教學影音或同步教室) Lipids 1. The structures and chemistry of fatty acids 2. The principal classes of storage and membrane lipids (Key content : atty acids; phospholipids; glycolipids (glycosphingolipids); complex lipids; derived lipids ) 黄琮竣(HUANG,TSURNG-JUHN)
2024/02/29 脂肪酸代謝 1. 儲存在脂肪組織中三酸甘油酯的動員 2. 飲食中三酸甘油酯的降解 (關鍵內容:活性脂肪酸,β-氧化,肉鹼,肉鹼梭動機制,肉鹼醯[基]轉移酶-1,過氧化體,α-氧化,ω-氧化,激素敏感(性)脂酶)(線上非同步教學影音或同步教室) Fatty acid Catabolism 1. Mobilization of triacylglycerols stored in adipose tissue 2. Degradation of dietary triacylglycerols 3. Oxidation of fatty acids (Key content : active fatty acid; β-oxidation; carnitine; carnitine shuttle; carnitine acyltransferase-1; peroxisomes; α-oxidation; ω-oxidation; hormone-sensitive lipase ) 黄琮竣(HUANG,TSURNG-JUHN)
2024/03/07 脂肪酸代謝 1. 脂肪酸的氧化 (關鍵內容:活性脂肪酸,β-氧化,肉鹼,肉鹼梭動機制,肉鹼醯[基]轉移酶-1,過氧化體,α-氧化,ω-氧化,激素敏感(性)脂酶)(線上非同步教學影音或同步教室) Fatty acid Catabolism 1. Mobilization of triacylglycerols stored in adipose tissue 2. Degradation of dietary triacylglycerols 3. Oxidation of fatty acids (Key content : active fatty acid; β-oxidation; carnitine; carnitine shuttle; carnitine acyltransferase-1; peroxisomes; α-oxidation; ω-oxidation; hormone-sensitive lipase ) 黄琮竣(HUANG,TSURNG-JUHN)
2024/03/14 脂質生合成 1. 酮體的合成與利用 2. 脂肪酸合成途徑 3. 脂肪酸代謝的調節 (關鍵內容:酮體,酮酸中毒,酮解作用,檸檬酸,乙醯輔酶A羧化酶,丙二醯輔酶A,脂肪酸合成酶,NADPH,去飽和酶)(線上非同步教學影音或同步教室) Lipids Biosynthesis 1. Ketone body synthesis and utilization 2. Pathway of fatty acid synthesis 3. Regulation of fatty acid metabolism (Key content : ketone body; ketoacidosis; ketolysis; citrate; acetyl CoA carboxylase; malonyl CoA; fatty acid synthase; NADPH; desaturases) 黄琮竣(HUANG,TSURNG-JUHN)
2024/03/21 脂質生合成 1. 複合脂質的合成 2. 類花生酸的合成 (關鍵內容:二醯甘油,神經鞘氨醇,神經醯胺,磷脂酶,溶血磷脂酶,鞘髓磷脂酶,神經節苷脂,神經鞘脂質過多症,前列腺素,前列凝素,白三烯素,環加氧酶,脂肪加氧酶)(線上非同步教學影音或同步教室) Lipids Biosynthesis 1. Synthesis of complex lipids 2. Synthesis of eicosanoids (Key content : diacylglycerol; sphingosine; ceramide; phospholipase; lysophospholipase; sphingomyelinase; ganglioside; sphingolipidoses; prostaglandine; thromboxanes; leukotrienes; cyclooxygenase; lipoxygenase) 黄琮竣(HUANG,TSURNG-JUHN)
2024/03/28 膽固醇代謝 1. 膽固醇生合成 2. HMG-CoA還原酶的調節 3. 血漿脂質的運送途徑 4. 高脂血症 (關鍵內容:甲羥戊酸,類異戊二烯,角鯊烯,羊毛固醇,法尼基焦磷酸,HMG-CoA還原酶,固醇調節元件結合蛋白,醯基輔酶A:膽固醇醯基轉移酶,乳糜微粒,極低密度脂蛋白(VLDL或前β-脂蛋白),低密度脂蛋白(LDL或β-脂蛋白),高密度脂蛋白(HDL或α-脂蛋白),脂蛋白元,逆向膽固醇輸送,卵磷脂:膽固醇醯基轉移酶,膽酸,動脈粥樣硬化,冠心病)(線上非同步教學影音或同步教室) Cholesterol Metabolism 1. Cholesterol biosynthesis 2. Regulation of HMG-CoA reductase 3. The plasma lipids transport pathways 4. Hyperlipidemia (Key content : mevalonate; isoprenoid; squalene; lanosterol; farnesyl diphosphate; HMG-CoA reductase; sterol regulatory element-binding protein; acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase; chylomicrons; very low density lipoproteins (VLDL, or pre-β-lipoproteins); low-density lipoproteins (LDL, or β-lipoproteins); high-density lipoproteins (HDL, or α-lipoproteins); apolipoproteins; reverse cholesterol transport; lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase; bile acids; atherosclerosis、coronary heart disease) 黄琮竣(HUANG,TSURNG-JUHN)
2024/04/04 兒童節、清明節放假 Festival Holiday 黄琮竣(HUANG,TSURNG-JUHN)
2024/04/11 膜與膜的轉運 1. 細胞膜簡介 2. 細胞膜的結構與功能 (關鍵內容:脂質雙層,選擇性滲透性,轉運蛋白,離子通道,整合蛋白,周邊蛋白,液體鑲嵌模型,脂膜筏,胞膜窖,促進擴散,主動轉輸,水通道蛋白,胞吐作用,胞飲作用,裂隙接合,細胞間相互作用,跨膜信號傳導)(線上非同步教學影音或同步教室) Membranes and Membrane transport 1. Introduction to membrane 2. The structure and function of the membrane (Key content : lipid bilayer; selective permeabilities; transporters; ion channels; integral proteins; peripheral proteins; fluid mosaic model; lipid rafts; caveolae; facilitated diffusion; active transport; aquaporins; exocytosis; endocytosis; gap junctions; cell-cell interactions; transmembrane signaling) 黄琮竣(HUANG,TSURNG-JUHN)
2024/04/18 期中考:星期四 13:10 ~ 14:00,範圍:2/22~4/11上課內容 The First Examination: 13:10 ~ 14:00, Lectures:2022/02/16~2022/04/06. 黄琮竣(HUANG,TSURNG-JUHN)
2024/04/25 胺基酸代謝 1. 氮循環 2. 胺基的代謝命運 (關鍵內容:硝酸鹽同化作用;固氮作用;轉胺作用;葡萄糖-丙氨酸循環;尿素循環)(線上非同步教學影音或同步教室) Nitrogen Acquisition and Amino Acid Metabolism 1. The nitrogen cycle 2. Metabolic fates of amino groups (Key content : Nitrate assimilation; Nitrogen fixation; Transamination; Glucose-alanine cycle; Urea cycle) 黄琮竣(HUANG,TSURNG-JUHN)
2024/05/02 胺基酸代謝 1. 必需胺基酸和非必需胺基酸的生物合成途徑 2. 胺基酸的降解途徑 3. 胺基酸代謝的遺傳缺陷 (關鍵內容:產糖性胺基酸,產酮性胺基酸,苯酮尿症,黑尿症,S-腺苷甲硫胺酸,楓糖尿病,必需胺基酸,α-酮戊二酸,草醯乙酸,3-磷甘油酸,硒代半胱胺酸)(線上非同步教學影音或同步教室) Nitrogen Acquisition and Amino Acid Metabolism 1. Biosynthetic pathways for essential and nonessential amino acids 2. Pathways of amino acid degradation 3. Genetic defects of amino acid metabolism (Key content : glucogenic amino acid; ketogenic amino acid; phenylketonuria alkaptonuria; S-adenosylmethionine; maple syrup urine disease; essential amino acid; α-ketoglutarate; oxaloacetate; 3-phosphoglycerate; selenocysteine) 黄琮竣(HUANG,TSURNG-JUHN)
2024/05/09 血基質代謝與胺基酸轉變成特殊產物 1. 卟啉合成途徑 2. 血基質的降解 3. 將胺基酸轉化為其他含氮化合物 (關鍵內容:肌酸,一氧化氮,多胺腐胺,精液素,精胺酸,血清素,褪黑激素,腎上腺素,三碘甲狀腺胺酸,甲狀腺素,組織胺,黑色素,血紅素蛋白,δ-胺基乙醯丙酸(ALA),紫質,紫質症,膽紅素,黃疸)(線上非同步教學影音或同步教室) Synthesis and Degradation of Nucleotides 1. Pathway of porphyrin synthesis 2. Degradation of heme 3. Conversion of amino acids to specialized products (Key content : creatine; nitric oxide; polyamines putrescine; spermine; spermidine; serotonin; melatonin; epinephrine; triiodothyronine; thyroxine; histamine; melanin; hemoproteins; δ-aminolevulinate (ALA); porphyrins; porphyrias; bilirubin; jaundice) 黄琮竣(HUANG,TSURNG-JUHN)
2024/05/16 核苷酸的合成及降解 1. 嘌呤的合成 2. 嘌呤的救援途徑 3. 嘌呤的降解 (關鍵內容:嘌呤,嘧啶,5-磷酸核糖-5-焦磷酸,次黃嘌呤核苷酸,反饋調節,再利用路徑,核糖核苷酸還原酶,氨基甲醯磷酸合成酶II,尿酸,痛風,腺苷脫氨酶缺乏症,抗癌藥物)(線上非同步教學影音或同步教室) Synthesis and Degradation of Nucleotides 1. Biosynthesis of purines 2. Salvage pathway of purines 3. Degradation of purines (Key content : purines; pyrimidines; 5-phosphoribosyl 5-pyrophosphate; inosine monophosphate; feedback regulation; salvage pathway; ribonucleotide reductase; carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II; uric acid、gout; adenosine deaminase deficiency; anticancer drugs) 黄琮竣(HUANG,TSURNG-JUHN)
2024/05/23 核苷酸的合成及降解 1. 嘧啶的合成 2. 嘧啶的降解 3. 去氧核糖核苷酸的合成 (關鍵內容:嘧啶的合成,嘧啶的降解,去氧核糖核苷酸的合成,胸腺嘧啶的合成)(線上非同步教學影音或同步教室) Synthesis and Degradation of Nucleotides 1. Biosynthesis of pyrimidines 2. Degradation of pyrimidines 3. Synthesis of deoxyribonucleotides (Key content : Biosynthesis of pyrimidines; Degradation of pyrimidines; Synthesis of deoxyribonucleotides; Synthesis of thymine nucleotides) 黄琮竣(HUANG,TSURNG-JUHN)
2024/05/30 代謝整合與器官的專一性 1. 系統分析簡化代謝系統 2. 細胞能量狀態的指標 3. 整體能量平衡的調控 4. 多細胞生物的代謝整合 5. 飲食行為的調控 6. 減食延壽 (關鍵內容:合成代謝途徑,分解代謝途徑,兩用代謝路徑,肥胖,能量電荷,AMP-活化蛋白激酶(AMPK)良好進食狀態,禁食狀態,葡萄糖恆定,進食行為,產生黑皮質素的神經元,產生NPY / AgRP的神經元,熱量限制,去乙醯化酶(NAD+-依賴去乙醯化酶))(實體課程) Metabolic Integration and Organ Specialization 1. Systems analysis simplifies metabolism complexity 2. Index of cellular energy status 3. Regulation of overall energy balance 4. Metabolism integration in multicellular organisms 5. Regulation of eating behavior 6. Longevity by eating less(Key content : anabolic pathways; catabolic pathways; amphibolic pathways; obesity; energy charge; AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK); well-fed state、fasting state; glucose homeostasis; eating behavior; melanocortin-producing neurons; NPY/AgRP-producing neurons; caloric restriction; sirtuins (NAD+-dependent protein deacetylases 黄琮竣(HUANG,TSURNG-JUHN)
2024/06/06 細胞外信息的接收與傳遞 1. 賀爾蒙的介紹 2. 訊息傳遞 3. 受體的種類 (關鍵內容:賀爾蒙,訊息傳遞,受體)(實體課程) The Reception and Transmission of extracellular Information 1. Introduction of Hormone 2. Signal transmission 3. Types of receptors (Key content : Hprmone; Signal transduction; Receptor) 黄琮竣(HUANG,TSURNG-JUHN)
2024/06/13 細胞外信息的接收與傳遞 1. 第二訊息傳遞者的介紹 2. 致癌基因與抑癌基因 3. 訊息整合 (關鍵內容:第二訊息傳遞者,致癌基因,抑癌基因,訊息整合)(實體課程) The Reception and Transmission of extracellular Information 1. Introduction of second messengers 2. Oncogenes and tumor suppressors 3. Integration of signaling (Key content : Second messengers; Oncogenes; Tumor suppressors; Signal integration) 黄琮竣(HUANG,TSURNG-JUHN)
2024/06/20 期末考試:星期四(13:10~14:00),範圍:4/25~6/13上課內容 Final Examination: 13:10 ~ 14:00, Lectures: 2022/04/20~2022/06/08 黄琮竣(HUANG,TSURNG-JUHN)