系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
生物醫學研究所博士班 1年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
D4D000180 / A
1 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Advanced Theory and practice of translationmedicine(I)
包大靝(Da-Tian Bau)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
70 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
3 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
開放碩士班學生上修,全英文授課 全英語授課(Full English course)
可選學制 (availability)
1年級 至4年級



課程概述Course Description
教學目標Course Objectives
以臨醫所為骨幹,結合醫學院轉譯醫學的師資,為本所研究生所開設的一門轉譯醫學入門之綜論課程,其目的在使各位同學透過每一位領域內專家的經驗分享,於轉譯醫學之概念定義、實務應用與未來發展有一通盤性的瞭解,有助於各位同學將轉譯醫學研究納為己用。本學期將較著重於『理論』部份。 The professors major in clinical medicine will share and discuss their precious experience and research findings to all the attendants in the courses, which will help all the students in our department to get familiar with the concepts, definitions, theories, techniques about translational medicine, and help them to know the modern application and current development in translational medicine for their own future.
無先修科目需求 Not necessary
教學方式Teaching Methods
線上教學(如磨課師、翻轉教學) Online teaching, e.g., MOOCs, Flipped classroom, SPOCs 講課 Lecturing 由學生自訂學習目標與抱負水準 Self-defined learning goal and evaluation standard 一分鐘回饋、其他 One-minute feedback, Others 學生上台報告、角色演練 Oral presentation, Role playing
專題報告 Project report 前後測比較進步與成長 Progress evaluation 出席狀況 Class attendance 課堂參與與表現 Class involvement 心得與反思報告 Learning gain and introspection report
到課率40%、發言討論40%、期中報告10%、期末報告10%。 Attitude 40%, Discussion 40%, Mid Report 10%, Final Report 10%.
由各老師依進度建議參考之書籍與文獻。 References and literature are suggested by each lecturer when needed.
教學進度Course Schedule
2022/09/14 轉譯醫學第二學期課程巡禮 Introduction of Translational Medicine 包大靝(Da-Tian Bau) 蔡佳紋
2022/09/21 (1) 轉譯醫學與基礎研究之關係與現況 (2) 轉譯醫學與臨床研究之關係與現況 (1) Current Status and Relationship between Translational Medicine and Basic Research (2) Current Status and Relationship between Translational Medicine and Clinical Research 包大靝(Da-Tian Bau)
2022/09/28 初階心得回饋與自我期許 (1) First Feedback & (2) Set of individual learning targets 包大靝(Da-Tian Bau) 蔡佳紋
2022/10/05 轉譯醫學與癌症研究之關係與現況 Current Status and Relationship between Translational Medicine and Cancer Research 包大靝(Da-Tian Bau)
2022/10/12 轉譯醫學與血管生物學之關係與現況 Current Status and Relationship between Translational Medicine and Vascular Biology 包大靝(Da-Tian Bau)
2022/10/19 轉譯醫學與基因體學之關係與現況 (1) Current Status and Relationship between Translational Medicine and Genomics 包大靝(Da-Tian Bau)
2022/10/26 轉譯醫學與基因體學之關係與現況 (2) Current Status and Relationship between Translational Medicine and Biomedical Engineering 包大靝(Da-Tian Bau)
2022/11/02 轉譯醫學與神經科學之關係與現況 Current Status and Relationship between Translational Medicine and Neuroscience 包大靝(Da-Tian Bau)
2022/11/09 期中討論 Mid-term sharing and discussion 包大靝(Da-Tian Bau) 蔡佳紋
2022/11/16 轉譯醫學與腫瘤轉移之關係與現況 Current Status and Relationship between Translational Medicine and Tumor Metastasis 包大靝(Da-Tian Bau)
2022/11/23 轉譯醫學與生理學之關係與現況 Current Status and Relationship between Translational Medicine and Physiology 包大靝(Da-Tian Bau)
2022/11/30 轉譯醫學與幹細胞學之關係與現況 Current Status and Relationship between Translational Medicine and Stem Cells 包大靝(Da-Tian Bau)
2022/12/07 轉譯醫學與電生理科學之關係與現況 Current Status and Relationship between Translational Medicine and Electro-Physiology 包大靝(Da-Tian Bau)
2022/12/14 轉譯醫學與奈米藥物之關係與現況 Current Status and Relationship between Translational Medicine and Nanotechnology 包大靝(Da-Tian Bau)
2022/12/21 轉譯醫學與表觀基因體學之關係與現況 Current Status and Relationship between Translational Medicine and Pharmacology/ Pharmacy 包大靝(Da-Tian Bau)
2022/12/28 轉譯醫學與基因治療之關係與現況 Current Status and Relationship between Translational Medicine and Gene Therapy 包大靝(Da-Tian Bau)
2023/01/04 轉譯醫學與病毒醫學之關係與現況 (或可因國定假日停課與調課) Current Status and Relationship between Translational Medicine and Viology 包大靝(Da-Tian Bau)
2023/01/11 期末討論與頒發證書 Final feedback and reward sharing 包大靝(Da-Tian Bau) 蔡佳紋