系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
生物醫學研究所博士班 1年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
D4D000178 / A
1 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Targeting hedgehog signaling & cancer metabolism in brain tumor (I)
楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
20 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
2 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
全英文授課 全英語授課(Full English course)
可選學制 (availability)
1年級 至4年級



課程概述Course Description
The course consists of the introduction of Hedgehog signaling and cancer metabolism in medulloblastoma as well as presentation skills training. How to prepare an abstract.
教學目標Course Objectives
• 教授學生如何給一個生動及好的演講 • 概述髓母細胞瘤及其臨床上的進展及學習其他癌症的致病機轉 • 概述刺猬信號與AMPK在腦瘤發展中的所扮演的重要角色 • 增進研究學者的口語表達能力以促進其專業發展 • 概述如何準備優質的科學演講 • 讓學生熟悉不同的演講風格 • 增進學生公開演講經驗 • 促進學生間和自我評估技能的發展 • 提高學生批判思考的能力 • How to prepare an abstract • How to give a killer presentation •. To provide an overview of medulloblastoma and its clinical progress • To provide an overview of the important role of hedgehog signaling and AMPK in the growth of brain tumors • To promote the development of oral skills critical to the professional development of research scientists • To provide an overview of how to prepare an effective scientific presentation • To become familiar with different oral presentations styles • To provide an opportunity for students to gain experience in public speaking • To foster the development of peer- and self-assessment skills • To promote the ability to think critically
教學方式Teaching Methods
講課 Lecturing 小組討論、腦力激盪(如案例討論、電影欣賞等) Group discussion, Brain storming, e.g., Case study, Event discussion, Movie review 由學生自訂學習目標與抱負水準 Self-defined learning goal and evaluation standard 學生上台報告、角色演練 Oral presentation, Role playing
個人上台報告 Oral Report 實作作品與反思 Practical work and introspection 小組上台報告 Group oral report 前後測比較進步與成長 Progress evaluation 出席狀況 Class attendance 課堂參與與表現 Class involvement 心得與反思報告 Learning gain and introspection report
1. Book title: Neurooncology (ISBN 978-953-51-4781-7); Chapter title: Medulloblastoma: Clinical Challenges and Emerging Molecular Discoveries. 2016; Authors: Eric Q. Trieu, Sherri Y. Huang, Jer-Yen Yang* 2. eBook title: Recent Advances in Brain Tumor (Open access ebook, Avid Science Publications) Chapter title: Targeting Medulloblastoma: Genetic and Metabolic Signatures in the Focus. 2016; Authors: Rui Zhang, Sherri Y. Huang, Jer-Yen Yang* 3. Book title: Handbook of Brain Tumor Chemotherapy. Chapter title: Targeting the sonic hedgehog pathway in brain cancers: Advances, limitations and future directions. 2018; Authors: Sherri Y. Huang, Jer-Yen Yang*
教學進度Course Schedule
2021/09/14 如何準備一個令人印象深刻的5分鐘簡報 How to prepare an impressive 5 mins presentation 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen)
2021/09/21 概述:髓母細胞瘤 Overview: Introduction of Medulloblastoma 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen)
2021/09/28 概述:髓母細胞瘤於臨床上的瓶頸 The Updated Clinical Obstacle in Medulloblastoma 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen)
2021/10/05 概述:刺蝟信號 Introduction of Hedgehog Signaling 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen)
2021/10/12 刺蝟路徑與癌症 (I) Hedgehog Pathway and Cancer (I) 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen)
2021/10/19 刺蝟路徑與癌症 (II) Hedgehog Pathway and Cancer (II) 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen)
2021/10/26 刺蝟路徑與癌症 (III) Hedgehog Pathway and Cancer (III) 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen)
2021/11/02 期中報告 Mid-term EXAM 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen)
2021/11/09 概述:能量感應器AMPK在癌症中的角色 Introduction of Energy Sensor: AMPK in Cancer 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen)
2021/11/16 AMPK在腦瘤發展的角色 (I) Basics of breast cancer I 山口浩史(Yamaguchi Hirohito)
2021/11/23 AMPK在腦瘤發展的角色 (II) Basics of breast cancer II 山口浩史(Yamaguchi Hirohito)
2021/11/30 AMPK抑制刺蝟信號 (I) Using Chemistry for Neuroblastoma Target Therapy I 李興國(Li, Xing-Guo)
2021/12/07 AMPK抑制刺蝟信號 (II) Using Chemistry for Neuroblastoma Target Therapy II 李興國(Li, Xing-Guo)
2021/12/14 概述:癌症與髓母細胞瘤 Introduction of Cancer and Metabolism 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen)
2021/12/21 概述:癌症代謝 (I) Cancer Metabolism (I) 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen)
2021/12/28 概述:癌症代謝 (II) Cancer Metabolism (II) 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen)
2022/01/04 概述:癌症代謝 (III) Cancer Metabolism (III) 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen)
2022/01/11 期末總結與檢討 FINAL EXAM 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen)