系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
生物醫學研究所博士班 1年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
D4D000165 / A
2 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Advanced stem cell biology
朱志成(Jyh-Cherng Ju)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
70 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
4 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
全英文授課 全英語授課(Full English course)
可選學制 (availability)
1年級 至4年級



課程概述Course Description
本課程除了對於一般幹細胞生物學做通論性的介紹外,將進一步分別以下列幾個主題進行論述: 1. 幹細胞更新與分化之基因以及外在因子調控;2. 誘導性多功能幹細胞之特性與應用;3. 幹細胞老化之研究;4. 幹細胞之微環境:細胞和非細胞微環境對幹細胞的影響;5. 腫瘤幹細胞的特性與上皮間質轉化。上課除老師講授之外,還包含相關內容的文獻閱讀及報告,希望學生能了解幹細胞的生長分化及行為模式的最新研究發展,以建立幹細胞研究與臨床應用的基礎。
教學目標Course Objectives
本課程除了對於一般幹細胞生物學做通論性的介紹外,將進一步分別以下列幾個主題進行論述: 1. 幹細胞更新與分化之基因以及外在因子調控;2. 誘導性多功能幹細胞之特性與應用;3. 幹細胞老化之研究;4. 幹細胞之微環境:細胞和非細胞微環境對幹細胞的影響;5. 腫瘤幹細胞的特性與上皮間質轉化。上課除老師講授之外,還包含相關內容的文獻閱讀及報告,希望學生能了解幹細胞的生長分化及行為模式的最新研究發展,以建立幹細胞研究與臨床應用的基礎。 This course aims to provide students with a head start platform for general understanding of stem cell biology, and ultimately to assist them gaining in-depth knowledge about cell renewal and differentiation of stem cells for research. In addition to general introduction, this course will focus on several specific topics on cell renewal, differentiation and cell behavior of stem cells with detailed and profound discussion. The first part will discuss specific gene regulation and signaling pathways in controlling stem cell renewal and differentiation, with some emphases on specific gene delivery and manipulation in stem cells. In the second part, the phenomena and mechanism of senescence in somatic stem cells will be introduced. The third part will discuss the effect of cell and non-cell microenvironment (niche) on stem cell physiology. The behavioral patterns during migration and homing of stem cells will be discussed in the fourth part. Finally, we will discuss the character and mechanisms of EMT (and/or) MET of mesenchymal stem cells. Literature review and oral presentation of assigned papers will follow each related lecture.
教學方式Teaching Methods
教學進度Course Schedule
2021/09/15 課程簡介與幹細胞生物學概述 Course syllabus and Introductory overview on stem cell biology 朱志成(Jyh-Cherng Ju)
2021/09/22 幹細胞的分類和特性 Classifications and characteristics of stem cells 朱志成(Jyh-Cherng Ju)
2021/09/29 幹細胞自我更新和分化的內在與外在因素 Intrinsic and extrinsic factors governing stem cell renewal and differentiation 朱志成(Jyh-Cherng Ju)
2021/10/06 幹細胞微環境與上皮間質細胞之轉化(EMT) The stem cell niche and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) 朱志成(Jyh-Cherng Ju)
2021/10/13 胚幹細胞的現狀與特性 Current status and characterization of embryonic stem cells 朱志成(Jyh-Cherng Ju)
2021/10/20 成體幹細胞的研究現況與展望 Current status of adult stem cell research and perspectives 朱志成(Jyh-Cherng Ju)
2021/10/27 腫瘤幹細胞之生物學 Biology of cancer stem cells 朱志成(Jyh-Cherng Ju)
2021/11/03 多能性幹細胞研究的最新進展(1) The state-of-the-art in pluripotent stem cell research (1) 朱志成(Jyh-Cherng Ju)
2021/11/10 多能性幹細胞研究的最新進展(2) The state-of-the-art in pluripotent stem cell research (2) 朱志成(Jyh-Cherng Ju)
2021/11/17 幹細胞技術的應用(1) Applications of stem cell technologies (1) 朱志成(Jyh-Cherng Ju)
2021/11/24 幹細胞技術的應用(2) Applications of stem cell technologies (2) 朱志成(Jyh-Cherng Ju)
2021/12/01 胚幹細胞相關文獻檢討與報告 (學生引導討論) Presentation and discussion on selected articles on ES cells (led by students) 朱志成(Jyh-Cherng Ju)
2021/12/08 成人幹細胞相關文獻檢討與報告(學生引導討論) Presentation and discussion on selected articles on adult stem cells (led by students) 朱志成(Jyh-Cherng Ju)
2021/12/15 誘導多能幹細胞相關文獻報告與檢討(學生引導討論) Presentation and discussion on selected articles on iPS cells (led by students) 朱志成(Jyh-Cherng Ju)
2021/12/22 腫瘤幹細胞相關文獻報告與檢討(學生引導討論) Presentation and discussion on selected articles on cancer stem cells (led by students) 朱志成(Jyh-Cherng Ju)
2021/12/29 幹細胞與基因治療的限制與倫理問題 Limitations and ethical issues related to stem cell and gene therapies 朱志成(Jyh-Cherng Ju)
2022/01/05 邀請相關學者演講 Invited speech on stem cell research 朱志成(Jyh-Cherng Ju)
2022/01/12 期末課堂討論與檢討 Final evaluation and class discussion 朱志成(Jyh-Cherng Ju)