系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
通識選組 2年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
95U000855 / A
2 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Learn neuroscience from movies
翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
60 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
48 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
醫學院(醫學系、醫檢系及醫放系)同學不得選修。如初選滿額,以畢業班為優先,再依年級高低,最後依權重排序。如初選滿額,以畢業班為優先,再依年級高低,最後依權重排序。 全英語授課(Full English course)
可選學制 (availability)
1年級 至6年級



課程概述Course Description
This course is taught in English, However, good English proficiency is not required for this class. In this class, you will watch part of the movie related to brain functions and brain diseases in English. I will than introduce the brain function or disease and how it affect our life. You will gain basic neuoscience knowledge and relevant English medical terminology.
教學目標Course Objectives
本課程藉由神經疾病的電影欣賞讓學生從中學習基礎神經科學以及腦疾病對生活的影響,課程方式可提升學生學習意願,討論與報告可加深學生對該議題之理解 Students will preview the class topics and learn basic neurosciences and how brain diseases affect our lives from watching partial movies related to the topics.
教學方式Teaching Methods
教學進度Course Schedule
2022/09/13 主題:概論 課程簡介 Title: Introduction Content and method: Course overview 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
2022/09/20 主題:腎上腺腦白質失養症 內容及方式:授課,觀看”羅倫佐的油”及討論 Title: Adrenoleukodystrophy, ALD Content and method: lecture, watch “Lorenzo's Oil” and discussion 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
2022/09/27 主題:嗜睡性腦炎和緊張性抑鬱障礙 內容及方式:授課,觀看”睡人”及討論 Title: Encephalitis lethargica and Catatonia Content and method: lecture, watch “Awakenings” and discussion 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
2022/10/04 主題:腦性麻痺 內容及方式:授課,觀看”我的左腳”及討論 Title: Cerebral palsy, CP Content and method: lecture, watch “My Left Foot” and discussion 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
2022/10/11 主題:肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症 內容及方式:授課,觀看”漸動人生”及討論 Title: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ALS Content and method: lecture, watch “You're not you” and discussion 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
2022/10/18 主題:改變記憶 內容及方式:授課,觀看”記憶裂痕”及討論 Title: Memory modification Content and method: lecture, watch “Paycheck” and discussion 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
2022/10/25 主題:早發性阿茲海默症 內容及方式:授課,觀看”我想念我自己”及討論 Title: Familial Alzheimer's disease Content and method: lecture, watch “Still Alice” and discussion 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
2022/11/01 主題:妥瑞症 內容及方式:授課,觀看”叫我第一名”及討論 Title: Tourette Syndrome Content and method: lecture, watch “Front of the class” and discussion 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
2022/11/08 期中報告 Midterm report 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
2022/11/15 主題:腦震盪 內容及方式:授課,觀看”震盪效應”及討論 Title: Concussion Content and method: lecture, watch “Concussion” and discussion 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
2022/11/22 主題:逆行性記憶缺失 內容及方式:授課,觀看”愛‧重來”及討論 Title: Retrograde amnesia Content and method: lecture, watch “The Vow” and discussion 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
2022/11/29 主題:腦創傷 內容及方式:授課,觀看”我的失憶女友”及討論 Title: Brain trauma Content and method: lecture, watch “50 First Dates” and discussion 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
2022/12/06 主題:口吃 內容及方式:授課,觀看”王者之聲:宣戰時刻”及討論 Title: Stuttering Content and method: lecture, watch “The King's Speech” and discussion 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
2022/12/13 主題:順行性記憶缺失 內容及方式:授課,觀看”記憶拼圖”及討論 Title: Anterograde amnesia Content and method: lecture, watch “Momemnto” and discussion 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
2022/12/20 主題:聰明藥 內容及方式:授課,觀看”藥命效應”及討論 Title: Nootropic drug Content and method: lecture, watch “Limitless” and discussion 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
2022/12/27 主題:癲癇 內容及方式:授課,觀看”不要傷害我的小孩”及討論 Title: Epilepsy Content and method: lecture, watch “First Do No Harm” and discussion 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
2023/01/03 主題:巴金森氏症 內容及方式:授課,觀看”愛情藥不藥”及討論 Title: Parkinson's disease Content and method: lecture, watch “Love and other drugs” and discussion 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
2023/01/10 期末報告 Final report 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)