系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
通識選組 2年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
95U000579 / A
2 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Biochemistry in daily life
翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
70 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
50 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
全英語授課(Full English course)
可選學制 (availability)
1年級 至6年級



課程概述Course Description
This course is taught in English. However, good English proficiency is not required for this class. All you need is the brave spirit willing to take on the challenge of discussing in English. You will need to give a short presentation in English as well. The course is aimed to build up the fundamental concepts of biochemistry and relate these concepts to daily life. Topics include food, our bodies and brains, medicine, and biotechnology. Through the topics, we hope to inspire you and stimulate you to engage in learning and use English in learning. Besides PowerPoint lectures, we will initiate group discussion about some myths in daily biochemistry and common misunderstandings and you need to try to find answers to them. Through these classes, you will gain basic knowledge about biochemistry and our bodies and brains. In addition, you will learn relevant English medical terminology and feel more comfortable using English in scientific discussion and presentation.
教學目標Course Objectives
藉由此課程,學生們能認識日常生活中生物化學與我們身體與腦運作的關係,並學習以英文討論,尋找並報告科學專業議題 Through this course, students can learn how biochemistry affect our daily life and how our bodies and brains function. Students will also improve their English proficiency in scientific discussion and presentation.
高中生物及化學 High school Biology and Chemistry
教學方式Teaching Methods
講課 Lecturing 小組討論、腦力激盪(如案例討論、電影欣賞等) Group discussion, Brain storming, e.g., Case study, Event discussion, Movie review 觀察與資料收集、採訪 Observation and data collection, Interview 學生上台報告、角色演練 Oral presentation, Role playing
小組作業 Group homework 個人上台報告 Oral Report 小組上台報告 Group oral report 出席狀況 Class attendance 課堂參與與表現 Class involvement
平時成績80%(出席,討論及口頭報告),課堂參與與表現20%. Attendance, discussion and oral presentation 80%; class involvement 20%.
1. Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations 7/e Devlin 2. Biochemistry, 7th ed., 2012, 2009, Mary Campbell and Shawn Farrell, Brooks/Cole (Thomson).
教學進度Course Schedule
2022/02/22 課程簡介 Introduction 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
2022/03/01 牛排,炸雞,還是滷肉? 蛋白質和我們的生活 Steak, fried chicken or braised pork? Proteins and our life 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
2022/03/08 討論: 蛋白質結構改變和日常生活 Discussion: Changes in protein structures in daily life 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
2022/03/15 我們如何感覺? 大腦和神經元。討論: 每天的知覺 How do we feel things? Brain and neurons. Discussion: Everyday sensation 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
2022/03/22 大腦的生物化學。神經傳導物質,賀爾蒙和受器 Biochemistry of brain. Neurotransmitters, hormones and receptors 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
2022/03/29 討論: 大腦的生物化學和日常生活 Discussion: Brain chemistry in our daily life 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
2022/04/05 誰是細胞的祖先:幹細胞與非幹細胞 Who is ancestor of cell: Stem cell and non-stem cell 王紹銘(Wang, Shao-Ming)
2022/04/12 幹細胞與非幹細胞:小組討論 Stem cell and non-stem cell: Discussion 王紹銘(Wang, Shao-Ming)
2022/04/19 如何影響細胞命運:訊息傳遞 How to affect Cell fate: Signal transduction 王紹銘(Wang, Shao-Ming)
2022/04/26 訊息傳遞:小組討論 Signal transduction: Discussion 王紹銘(Wang, Shao-Ming)
2022/05/03 控制細胞生活與命運:基因調控 Control cell life and fate: Gene regulation 王紹銘(Wang, Shao-Ming)
2022/05/10 控制細胞生活與命運:小組討論 Control cell life and fate: Discussion 王紹銘(Wang, Shao-Ming)
2022/05/17 專家說:「糖類對大腦是『好/不好』的」(碳水化合物的代謝與腦部代謝) Doctors say, “Sugar is good/bad for your brain.”(Carbohydrate metabolism & metabolism in brain) 黃騰緯(Huang, Teng-Wei)
2022/05/24 討論:糖是成癮藥物嗎? Discussion: “Is Sugar an Addictive Drug??” 黃騰緯(Huang, Teng-Wei)
2022/05/31 「燃燒你的脂肪」(脂質與脂質代謝) "Burning your fat”(Lipid & Lipid metabolism) 黃騰緯(Huang, Teng-Wei)
2022/06/07 討論:好脂肪、壞脂肪、融化脂肪 Discussion: “Good fat, bad fat, melting your fat” 黃騰緯(Huang, Teng-Wei)
2022/06/14 「侏儸紀公園、殭屍末日、邪惡科學家」(基因工程與生物科技) "Jurassic Park, Zombie apocalypse, and evil scientists”(Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology) 黃騰緯(Huang, Teng-Wei)
2022/06/21 討論:「如何製造T病毒」 Discussion: “Steps for making T Virus” 黃騰緯(Huang, Teng-Wei)