系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
通識選組 2年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
95U000526 / A
2 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Animal behavior, evolution & the brain science
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
72 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
58 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
本教室人數上限為72人,如初選滿額,以畢業班為優先,再依年級高低,最後依權重排序。 全英語授課(Full English course)
可選學制 (availability)
1年級 至6年級



課程概述Course Description
1. Many of us derive inspirations from observations of animal behaviors: from the cooperation behavior of the ants, the dance of the bees, the “imprinted” conditioning of baby goose, to the echolocation abilities of the dolphins and bats. In this course, we will explore how scientists study animal behavior, including resource acquisition, avoiding predators, mate choice and reproduction, signals exchanges and communication, parental care and social behavior. 2. We will also talk about how the genes and behavior interact with the environment, and how the behavior is influenced by the evolutionary forces of natural and sexual selection. 3. We will talk about the brain and the physiological mechanisms behind the behavior and discuss the current research in brain and neuroscience on animal behavior. 1. 我們時常從觀察野生動物的行為中得到靈感:從螞蟻的合作行為,蜜蜂的舞蹈,小鵝的銘印制約行為,到海豚及蝙蝠的回聲定位。本課程中我們將探討關於動物行為的科學研究,包括:食物的取得、躲避天敵、求偶以及生殖、生物訊息及溝通、育幼以及社會行為等。 2. 我們將討論基因與行為是如何和環境產生互動,以及動物行為是如何受到演化(天擇、性擇)力量的影響。 3. 我們也將探討大腦與動物行為背後的生理機制,以及目前神經科學在動物行為方面的研究。
教學目標Course Objectives
1. 藉由了解動物行為以及其背後的生物學意義, 期許學生以更開闊的視野去思考個體與環境的關係以及生物保育的重要。 2. 本課程鼓勵學生主動閱讀與學習,並能夠從授課老師及同學之間的問題與討論中進一步增進自我的獨立思考能力。 1. We encourage students to think about the relationships between organisms and nature environment with a broader view by understanding the research of animal behavior and the neurological and biological meaning behind it. We also hope to encourage students to consider the importance of the conservation of nature and endangered species. 2. Students are encouraged to participate in the class discussion and learn actively with many interactions with their classmates and the instructor.
教學方式Teaching Methods
同步教學(使用虛擬教室如:Moodle同步教室、Google Meet、Microsoft Classroom等) Synchronous Online Learning 講課 Lecturing 習題練習、書面報告 Exercise, Written report 小組討論、腦力激盪(如案例討論、電影欣賞等) Group discussion, Brain storming, e.g., Case study, Event discussion, Movie review 學生上台報告、角色演練 Oral presentation, Role playing
期末筆試 Final exam 小組作業 Group homework 期末報告 Final report 專題報告 Project report 小組上台報告 Group oral report 出席狀況 Class attendance 課堂參與與表現 Class involvement
Class Participation 課堂參與 20% (Discussion課堂討論:15%; Attendance出席:5%) Group Presentation分組報告:30%; Written Report心得報告 20%; Final 期末考 30%
1.Animal Talk: breaking the codes of animal language,《動物密碼:從動物行為看動物溝通》,Tim Friend 著,林劭貞、劉守儀譯,商周,2006 2.King Solomon's Ring《所羅門王的指環》,Konrad Lorenz著,天下文化, 2007 3. Animals in Translation,《傾聽動物心語》,T. Grandin & C. Johnson著,木馬文化2006 3.The Self-fish Gene, R. Dawkins 著,趙淑妙譯,《自私的基因》,天下文化,1995 4.Animal Behavior: An Evolutionary Approach, Tenth Edition, John Alcock著,Sinauer Associates, Inc.; 2013 5. Perspectives on Animal Behavior, J. Goodenough, B. McGuire & E. Jakob Wiley, 著3rd edition 2009
教學進度Course Schedule
2021/09/14 課程簡介及動物行為研究介紹 Introduction: Research of Animal Behavior 李承宗(LEE,CHEN-CHUNG)
2021/09/21 天擇與演化 Evolution & Natural Selection 李承宗(LEE,CHEN-CHUNG)
2021/09/28 行為可以遺傳嗎? Behavioral Genetics 李承宗(LEE,CHEN-CHUNG)
2021/10/05 行為的發展 Development of the Behavior 李承宗(LEE,CHEN-CHUNG)
2021/10/12 生理時鐘與賀爾蒙調控 Circadian Rhythm and Hormonal Cycle 李承宗(LEE,CHEN-CHUNG)
2021/10/19 動物的覓食 Foraging Behavior 李承宗(LEE,CHEN-CHUNG)
2021/10/26 避敵行為 (I) Anti-predator Behavior (I) 李承宗(LEE,CHEN-CHUNG)
2021/11/02 避敵行為 (II) Anti-predator Behavior (II) 李承宗(LEE,CHEN-CHUNG)
2021/11/09 桌遊:演化論 Board Game: Evolution 李承宗(LEE,CHEN-CHUNG)
2021/11/16 動物的溝通 I Animal Communication I 李承宗(LEE,CHEN-CHUNG)
2021/11/23 動物的溝通 II Animal Communication II 李承宗(LEE,CHEN-CHUNG)
2021/11/30 動物的求偶與繁殖行為 (I) Animal's Reproduction Strategies (I) 李承宗(LEE,CHEN-CHUNG)
2021/12/07 動物的求偶與繁殖行為 (II) Animal's Reproduction Strategies (II) 李承宗(LEE,CHEN-CHUNG)
2021/12/14 動物的交配策略及配偶關係 Mating System 李承宗(LEE,CHEN-CHUNG)
2021/12/21 動物的親子關係 Parental Care 李承宗(LEE,CHEN-CHUNG)
2021/12/28 分組報告1 Group Presentation 1 李承宗(LEE,CHEN-CHUNG)
2022/01/04 分組報告2 Group Presentation 2 李承宗(LEE,CHEN-CHUNG)
2022/01/11 期末考 Final Exam 李承宗(LEE,CHEN-CHUNG)