系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
中醫學系甲組 1年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
22U001007 / A
2 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Chinese medicine health promotion wisdom in daily life
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
127 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
127 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
20 人
校內磨課師線上課程,選完課後請至「校園入口網」,點選「磨課師線上開放式課程 CMU MOOCs」上課。http://moocs.cmu.edu.tw
可選學制 (availability)
1年級 至8年級



課程概述Course Description
教學目標Course Objectives
1. 瞭解中醫養生概念由古至今的歷史轉變 2. 認識自我的中醫體質與養生 3. 瞭解中醫經絡與穴位知識 4. 應用中醫按摩、刮痧拔罐、溫灸和藥浴等方法來養生 5. 瞭解中醫養生方藥和藥膳 6. 學習中醫太極拳和八段錦動作技巧來養生 1. The origin and historical development of Chinese Medical Health Promotion. 2. The Constitution Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 3. Acupuncture points and meridians of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 4. Health Promotion Applications I: acupressure, scraping, cupping, moxibustion, and Medicated Bath. 5. Health Promotion Applications II: Chinese medicine, prescriptions, and Chinese Dietary Therapy. 6. Health Promotion Applications III: Tai Chi and Ba Duan Jin.
教學方式Teaching Methods
非同步教學(主要提供線上影音教材,透過線上教學平台進行作業及討論) Asynchronous Online Learning 線上教學(如磨課師、翻轉教學) Online teaching, e.g., MOOCs, Flipped classroom, SPOCs 學生實作 Student hands-on practice 習題練習、書面報告 Exercise, Written report
期中筆試 Midterm exam 隨堂筆試測驗 In-class exam 期末筆試 Final exam 期末報告 Final report 出席狀況 Class attendance 心得與反思報告 Learning gain and introspection report
1. 內經。台灣知音出版社。 2. 老年醫學。上海科學技術出版社。 3. 鄭曼青。鄭子太極拳自修新法。
教學進度Course Schedule
2024/03/02 溯古論今話中醫 (非同步線上課程) Discussion of Chinese Medicine, Reflecting on the Past in the Light of the Present. (Asynchronous Online Course) 顏宏融(Hung-Rong Yen) 陳乃綸
2024/03/09 體質大不同:中醫體質學說 (非同步線上學習) Constitution Makes Big Differences: The Constitution Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine. (Asynchronous Online Course) 顏宏融(Hung-Rong Yen) 陳乃綸
2024/03/16 打通任督二脈:中醫經絡養生 (非同步線上學習) To Open Up Conception Vessel and Governor Vessel: Meridian System’s Life Nurturing in the Traditional Chinese Medicine. (Asynchronous Online Course) 李育臣(Yu-Chen Lee) 陳乃綸
2024/03/23 閱讀補充資料並討論(一)(非同步線上學習) Reading Supplementary Material and Discussion I. (Asynchronous Online Course) 陳乃綸
2024/03/30 閱讀補充資料並討論(二)(非同步線上學習) Reading Supplementary Material and Discussion II. (Asynchronous Online Course) 陳乃綸
2024/04/06 武俠小說點穴是真的嗎:中醫穴位按摩 (非同步線上學習) Is Pressing Acupoints in Martial Arts Novel Real: Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupressure. (Asynchronous Online Course) 李育臣(Yu-Chen Lee) 陳乃綸
2024/04/13 中醫刮痧與拔罐 (非同步線上學習) Scraping and Cupping of Traditional Chinese Medicine. (Asynchronous Online Course) 李育臣(Yu-Chen Lee) 陳乃綸
2024/04/20 期中考(非同步線上學習) Midterm Exam. (Asynchronous Online Course) 陳乃綸
2024/04/27 不再手腳冰冷:中醫溫灸與藥浴養生 (非同步線上學習) No More Cold Hands and Feet: Chinese Moxibustion and Medicated Bath Life Nurturing. (Asynchronous Online Course) 李育臣(Yu-Chen Lee) 陳乃綸
2024/05/04 閱讀補充資料並討論(三)(非同步線上學習) Reading supplementary material and discussion III. (Asynchronous Online Course) 陳乃綸
2024/05/11 閱讀補充資料並討論(四)(非同步線上學習) Reading Supplementary Material and Discussion IV. (Asynchronous Online Course) 陳乃綸
2024/05/18 延年益壽、養顏美容的中醫養生方藥 (非同步線上學習) Chinese Medicinal Prescriptions for Longevity and Beauty. (Asynchronous Online Course) 陳乃綸
2024/05/25 藥膳大補帖 (非同步線上學習) Medicinal Foods Encyclopedia. (Asynchronous Online Course) 陳乃綸
2024/06/01 中醫導引養生:太極拳 (非同步線上學習) Life Nurturing Introduced by Chinese Medicine: Taijiquan. (Asynchronous Online Course) 顏宏融(Hung-Rong Yen) 陳乃綸
2024/06/08 閱讀補充資料並討論(五)(非同步線上學習) Reading Supplementary Material and Discussion V. (Asynchronous Online Course) 陳乃綸
2024/06/15 閱讀補充資料並討論(六)(非同步線上學習) Reading Supplementary Material and Discussion VI. (Asynchronous Online Course) 陳乃綸
2024/06/22 中醫導引養生:八段錦 (非同步線上學習) Life Nurturing Introduced by Chinese Medicine: Ba Duan Jin. (Asynchronous Online Course) 黃升騰(Huang,Sheng-Teng) 陳乃綸
2024/06/29 期末考(非同步線上學習) Final exam. (Asynchronous Online Course) 陳乃綸