系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
醫學檢驗生物技術學系 3年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
07U000219 / A
2 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Medical molecular diagnostics
林振文(Lin Cheng Wen)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
70 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
53 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
可選學制 (availability)
3年級 至6年級



課程概述Course Description
分子檢驗是結合最新分子生物學、生物技術與生物科技,深入DNA與RNA層次診斷疾病,為臨床檢驗新興學門。本課程安排基礎分子生物學,分子檢驗技術、高通量基因體定序技術、生物晶片等核心技術,並應用於傳染病,遺傳病和腫瘤之診斷,及個體化醫療與預防醫學。 “Molecular diagnostics” is the combined subject with the latest molecular biology, biotechnology and bio-science, providing in-depth diagnosis of the disease at DNA and RNA levels, as well as becoming the emerging discipline in clinical laboratory. The curriculum includes basic molecular biology and biotechnology, high-throughput genome sequencing, bio-chips and other core technologies, linking with the current diagnostics of infectious diseases, genetic diseases and tumors, and even personalized medicine and Preventive Medicine.
教學目標Course Objectives
本課程將學習現代分子生物學技術包括PCR,生物晶片,蛋白質體學和生物資訊學,並應用分子生物學技術在診斷人的疾病,例如:傳染病,遺傳病,腫瘤學,藥物基因體學和個性化醫療。 This course will learn modern molecular technologies including PCR, biochips, proteomics and bioinformatics, and apply the molecular technologies in diagnosing human diseases, e.g. infectious diseases, inherited diseases, oncology, pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine.
教學方式Teaching Methods
成績將取決於期中考(45%)、期末考( 45%)、出席率(5%)及課堂提問 (5%)。 Course grades will be determined based on midterm (45%), final exam (45%), attendance (5%) and answer questions in class (5%).
1.醫學分子檢驗,吳俊忠 總校閱/吳俊忠、李宏謨、孫光蕙、趙崇義等主編,五南圖書出版有限公司 2.Fundamentals of Molecular diagnostics, David Burns/ Edward Ashwood/ Carl Burtis, 1st edition, 2007, Saunder 3.Molecular diagnostics: Fundamentals, methods and clinical applications, Lela Buckingham/Maribeth Flaws, 1st edition, 2007, F A Davis Company.
教學進度Course Schedule
2024/02/21 分子檢驗學簡介基及核酸純化 (實體教室授課) Introduction to Molecular Diagnostics; Nucleic acid extraction 林振文(Lin Cheng Wen)
2024/02/28 核酸分析及偵測技術; 核酸擴增偵測 (1) (線上標竿課程) Nucleic acid analysis and detection; Nucleic Acid Amplification (1) 林振文(Lin Cheng Wen)
2024/03/06 核酸擴增偵測 (2)(線上標竿課程) Nucleic Acid Amplification (2) 林振文(Lin Cheng Wen)
2024/03/13 中低通量變異檢測方法;高分辨率熔解曲線分析之分子診斷(線上標竿課程) Low- and Medium-Throughput Variant Detection Methods;High-Resolution Melting Curve Analysis for Molecular Diagnostics; 林振文(Lin Cheng Wen)
2024/03/20 通量基因體定序技術及DNA甲基化偵測 (實體教室授課) High-throughput Genome Sequencing Technologies; Molecular Techniques for DNA Methylation Studies 林振文(Lin Cheng Wen)
2024/03/27 生物晶片,微流體暨晶片實驗室技術 (實體教室授課) Biochip; Microfluidics and Lab-on-a- Chip Technologies 林振文(Lin Cheng Wen)
2024/04/03 分子細胞遺傳學診斷技術;產前及胚胎植入前遺傳篩選(線上標竿課程) Molecular Cytogenetics in Molecular Diagnostics; Prenatal test and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis 林振文(Lin Cheng Wen)
2024/04/10 遺傳疾病之分子檢驗(線上標竿課程) Molecular Diagnosis in genetic diseases 林振文(Lin Cheng Wen)
2024/04/17 期中考 Mid-term Examination 林振文(Lin Cheng Wen)
2024/04/24 分子檢驗應用在個體鑑別-身份、親子及刑事鑑定;組織抗原基因分型(線上標竿課程) Molecular Diagnosis in Identity Assessment, Paternity, and HLA typing 林振文(Lin Cheng Wen)
2024/05/01 醫學微生物之分子鑑定-1 (實體教室授課) Molecular diagnosis of Medical Microbiology-1 鄭如茜(Ju Chien Cheng)
2024/05/08 醫學微生物之分子鑑定-2 (實體教室授課) Molecular diagnosis of Medical Microbiology-2 鄭如茜(Ju Chien Cheng)
2024/05/15 醫學病毒之分子鑑定 (實體教室授課) Molecular diagnosis of Medical Viruses 鄭如茜(Ju Chien Cheng)
2024/05/22 藥物基因與個人化醫學之分子檢驗 (實體教室授課) Molecular diagnosis in pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine 鄭如茜(Ju Chien Cheng)
2024/05/29 血型系統之分子檢驗; 分子檢驗實驗室認證、能力測試與品質保證(線上標竿課程) Molecular tying of blood group systems; Laboratory Accreditation, measurement ability and quality assurance in molecular diagnosis 林振文(Lin Cheng Wen)
2024/06/05 腫瘤標幟之分子檢驗 (1):血液及組織中腫瘤標誌、致癌與抑癌基因 (實體教室授課) Application of solid tumor biomarkers in molecular diagnosis(1): circulation and tissue tumor markers, oncogenes and tumor suppressive genes 莊淨媛(Chuang Jing Yuan)
2024/06/12 腫瘤標幟之分子檢驗 (2): 骨髓系及淋巴系血液腫瘤 (實體教室授課) Application of solid tumor biomarkers in molecular diagnosis (2): myeloid and lymphoid malignancy 莊淨媛(Chuang Jing Yuan)
2024/06/19 期末考 Final examination 林振文(Lin Cheng Wen)