系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
醫學系 2年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
01U000841 / AB
2 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Introduction to nutrition & health --You are what you eat
林靜茹(Chingju Lin)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
70 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
10 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
全英語授課(Full English course)
可選學制 (availability)
1年級 至2年級



課程概述Course Description
此全英文授課課程,將以常見營養與健康議題,由基本生化及生理層面導入學生了解1). 基本營養素中生化代謝作用及能量攝取失調所導致之疾病等關係;2).相關人體生理之構造、消化吸收及其他功能及調節的巨觀瞭解,以增進預防醫學的觀念。上課除利用PPT或影片等多媒體教材授課之外,並著重課堂互動討論,上課小組討論等方式以增進與學生間互動及討論,即時了解學生學習狀況。課程中的討論或口頭、書面報告均以英文進行。希望藉由此課程,不但培養同學的科學素養、溝通能力、專業知識的累積,亦能增進同學專業科目英語字彙及學習如何用英文討論科學專業議題。
教學目標Course Objectives
在完成本學期的課程之後,學生們應能 1). 了解消化吸收相關人體生理之構造、消化吸收功能的運作及其調節 2). 了解基本營養素中生化代謝作用並 3). 了解能量攝取之平衡及營養素攝取之平衡的重要性,並了解平衡失調時所導致之相關疾病 4). 增進預防醫學的概念,知道該如何吃才健康 5). 增進專業科目英語字彙的能力,並學習如何用英文討論科學專業議題、以英文作報告 (Perfect English proficiency is not necessarily required for this class, but a brave and prepared sprit that is willing to take the challenge of discussing in English is mandatory). Upon the completion of this course, the students should be able to 1). understand the human digestive system, its components, functions and regulations during digestion and absorption. 2). understand the basic nutrients in food and their biochemical metabolism process in human body 3). learn the importance of balancing the energy intake/output and balancing different nutrients in our diets; and understand related diseases when the balancing mechanisms go wrong 4). learn the concept of preventive medicine; and know how to eat healthily 5). know relevant English medical terminology and improve the English proficiency in scientific discussion/ presentation (Perfect English proficiency is not necessarily required for this class, but a brave and prepared spirit that is willing to take the challenge of discussing in English is mandatory).
高中生物, 高中英文 High school biology and English
教學方式Teaching Methods
非同步教學(主要提供線上影音教材,透過線上教學平台進行作業及討論) Asynchronous Online Learning 講課 Lecturing 小組討論、腦力激盪(如案例討論、電影欣賞等) Group discussion, Brain storming, e.g., Case study, Event discussion, Movie review 學生上台報告、角色演練 Oral presentation, Role playing
期中筆試 Midterm exam 隨堂筆試測驗 In-class exam 期末筆試 Final exam 小組上台報告 Group oral report 出席狀況 Class attendance 課堂參與與表現 Class involvement
平時成績 (討論、小考、作業) 50%, 期中考試25%, 期末考25% 1). Midterm and final examinations: 30% each 2). Others ( reports, presentation and class discussion): 40%
1). Byrd-Bredbenner C, Moe G, Beshgetoor D and Berning J “Wardlaw’s Perspectives in Nutrition” 12th edition 2022 (藝軒代理)
教學進度Course Schedule
2022/09/15 課程簡介/營養科學簡介 Ch.1 (關鍵內容: 營養素、營養不良、主要營養素、微量營養素、均衡飲食、影響食物選擇的因素) Introduction / The science of nutrition Ch.1 (Key Content: Nutrient, Malnutrition, Macronutrient, Micronutrient, Balanced meal, Factors that affect food choices) 林靜茹(Chingju Lin)
2022/09/22 健康飲食的工具 Ch.2 (Part I) (關鍵內容: 營養標示、每日營養素攝取量、建議攝取量、上限攝取量、上限攝取量、營養份宣稱) Tools of a healthy diet Ch.2 (part I) (Key Content: Nutrition Facts, Daily value (DV), Recommended dietary allowance (RDA), Tolerable upper intake levels (ULs), Nutrient claim) 林靜茹(Chingju Lin)
2022/09/29 健康飲食的工具 Ch.2 (Part II) (關鍵內容: 健康宣稱、健康食品、保健食品、能量密度、飲食指南、我的餐盤) Tools of a healthy diet Ch.2 (part II) (Key Content: Health claim, Health food, Dietary supplement, Energy density, Dietary guideline, My plate) 林靜茹(Chingju Lin)
2022/10/06 食物中的碳水化合物 Ch. 5 (關鍵內容: 葡萄糖、肝醣、雙醣、膳食纖維、血糖生成指數) Carbohydrate in food Ch. 5 (Key Content: Glucose, Glycogen, Disaccharide, Dietary fibers, Glycemic index) 林靜茹(Chingju Lin)
2022/10/13 食物中的脂質 Ch.6 (關鍵內容: 氫化、飽和脂肪酸、不飽和脂肪酸、反式脂肪酸、膽固醇) Lipids and proteins in food Ch.6 (Key Content: Essential fatty acid, Hydrogenation, Saturated fatty acid, Unsaturated fatty acid, trans fatty acid, Cholesterol) 林靜茹(Chingju Lin)
2022/10/20 食物中的蛋白質 Ch. 7 (關鍵內容: 必須胺基酸、素食者) Proteins in food Ch. 7 (Key Content: Essential amino acids, Vegetarian) 林靜茹(Chingju Lin)
2022/10/27 消化與吸收 Ch.4 Digestion and Absorption (Key content: digestive system overview , Food process in the GI tract) 林靜茹(Chingju Lin)
2022/11/03 代謝總攬 Ch.9 Overview of Energy Metabolism Ch.9 (ATP Production, Glycolysis, Oxidative Physphorylation) 林靜茹(Chingju Lin)
2022/11/10 期中考 (範圍: 9/11 – 10/30 lecture content) 原上課時間, 地點考試 Midterm examination (including lecture contents from 9/11-10/30) Time: 03:10-05:00pm Place: Classroom 林靜茹(Chingju Lin)
2022/11/17 代謝與食慾調控相關激素 Hormones Related to Metabolism and Eating Behavior (Key content: hormones, Eating Disorder) 林靜茹(Chingju Lin)
2022/11/24 能量調節與代謝性疾病 Ch. 10 (關鍵內容: 肥胖、過重、身高體重指數、基礎代謝率、代謝症候群) Energy balance and metabolic diseases Ch. 10 (Key Content: Obesity, Overweight, Body Mass Index (BMI), Basal metabolic rate, Metabolic syndrome) 林靜茹(Chingju Lin)
2022/12/01 代謝性疾病的治療 Treatment for metabolic diseases 林靜茹(Chingju Lin)
2022/12/08 分組報告 Group Presentation 林靜茹(Chingju Lin)
2022/12/15 分組報告 Group Presenatation 林靜茹(Chingju Lin)
2022/12/22 維他命 Ch. 12 & 13 (Part I) (關鍵內容: 脂溶性維他命、維他命A、類胡蘿蔔素、維甲酸、維他命D、維他命E、維他命K、抗氧化) Vitamins Ch. 12 & 13 (Part I) (Key Content: Fat soluble vitamin, Vitamin A, Carotenoids, Retinoid, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Antioxidant) 林靜茹(Chingju Lin)
2022/12/29 水與礦物質 Ch.14 (關鍵內容: 等張溶液、足夠攝取量、低鈉、生物利用度、骨密度、骨質疏鬆) Water and minerals Ch.14 (Key Content: Isotonic solution, Adequate intake, Hyponatremia, Bioavailability, Bone density, Osteoporosis) 林靜茹(Chingju Lin)
2023/01/05 總複習 General Review 林靜茹(Chingju Lin)
2023/01/12 期末考 (範圍: 2019/11/13-2019/12/25 class materials) 原上課時間, 地點考試 Final examination (including lecture contents from 2019/11/13-2019/12/25) Time: 03:10-05:00pm Place: classroom 林靜茹(Chingju Lin)
校核心能力指標 沒有資料