1. 學生對投資與其風險能有初步認知。
2. 瞭解常見之金融詐騙手法,具有事先預警之能力。
3. 使學生對我國常見金融投資工具(股票、期貨)有基本認知能力並瞭解其操作實務 。
4. 未來學生若修習相關課程能有接續之能力。
Teaching objectives are the following:
1. Students have initial knowledge of investment risk.
2. To make students understand the common financial fraud and ability to advance
3. To enable students to have the basic cognitive ability in common financial
investment instruments (i.e. stocks, futures).
4. Students could have the ability to follow the relevant courses.
Financial Market
教學方式Teaching Methods
Student hands-on practice
Final exam
Midterm report
Class attendance
Class involvement
2021/03/05 認識投資
Know investment
何秉樺(Ho, Ping-Hua) 2021/03/12 報酬與風險
Remuneration and risk
何秉樺(Ho, Ping-Hua) 2021/03/19 資產類別、金融商品與常見投資工具簡介
Introduction to asset classes, financial and common instruments
何秉樺(Ho, Ping-Hua) 2021/03/26 傳統投資工具介紹
Introduction to traditional investment instruments
何秉樺(Ho, Ping-Hua) 2021/04/02 金融詐騙案例介紹(一):傳銷詐騙
Financial fraud case introduction 1
何秉樺(Ho, Ping-Hua) 2021/04/09 金融詐騙案例介紹(二):境外基金、外匯保證金詐騙
Financial fraud case introduction 2
何秉樺(Ho, Ping-Hua) 2021/04/16 正確的財務規劃方向
The correct financial planning direction
何秉樺(Ho, Ping-Hua) 2021/04/23 金融從業人員演講
Lectures: Introduction of financial instruments
何秉樺(Ho, Ping-Hua) 2021/04/30 期中報告
Midterm report
何秉樺(Ho, Ping-Hua) 2021/05/07 我國股票市場介紹
Taiwan’s stock market
何秉樺(Ho, Ping-Hua) 2021/05/14 證券投資組合與資本資產訂價模型
Securities portfolio and capital asset pricing model
何秉樺(Ho, Ping-Hua) 2021/05/21 股價與報酬率模式
Stock and return rate model
何秉樺(Ho, Ping-Hua) 2021/05/28 公司財務報表與分析。商業品牌與智財權介紹
Corporate financial statements and analysis.Introduction of commercial brands and intellectual property rights
何秉樺(Ho, Ping-Hua) 2021/06/04 我國期貨市場與期貨交易所介紹
Futures markets and futures exchange in Taiwan
何秉樺(Ho, Ping-Hua) 2021/06/11 期貨之功能與風險分析
The function of futures and risk analysis
何秉樺(Ho, Ping-Hua) 2021/06/18 我國股票期貨之發展與實務操作
The development and practice of Taiwan’s stock futures
何秉樺(Ho, Ping-Hua) 2021/06/25 股票選擇權商品、種類、規格與風險分析
The stock option, specification and risk analysis
何秉樺(Ho, Ping-Hua) 2021/07/02 期末考
Final exam
何秉樺(Ho, Ping-Hua)