使學生學到與醫學方面相關的物理知識 配合醫學系學生對於物理學科的需要,介紹傳統物理學中的思緒過程,以及近世物理的新發展。 本課程由分別具有物理、醫工、核醫學專業知識的教師們擔任授課工作。
Make the students understand the physical related knowledge in medical science.
To match with the demand by students in medical science toward physics acknowledge, and to introduce the thinking process and feelings in the historical physics, as well as the new development of modern physics. This curriculum is tough by a group of teachers who are major in physics, medical science or nuclear medical professional. The curriculum contents covers the traditional kinetics and dynamics, heat conduction, fluid mechanics, electromagnetism and optics etc.. The modern development of special theory of relativity, quantum theories and Nano science and technology etc. are also involved.
教學方式Teaching Methods
1. Physics, Giancoli, Pearson International Edition, Fourth Edition, 2010
2. College Physic, Vuille/Serway, Eighth Edition 2010, by Brooks/Cole
3. Physics, by Paul E. Tippens, Seventh Edition, 2007, Publisher: Mc Graw Hill
4. 中文參考書: 物理, 黃榮俊 審閱, 高立圖書出版 2005
教學進度Course Schedule
2013/09/10 課程說明 & 物理發展與物理量簡介
introduction to the course, the development of physics and the physical quantities
陳方周(Fun-jou Chen) 2013/09/17 牛頓運動定律 & 轉動運動
Newton's low of motion, motion of rotation
陳方周(Fun-jou Chen) 2013/09/24 功 & 能量 & 衝量 & 動量
work & energy & impulse & momentum
陳方周(Fun-jou Chen) 2013/10/01 簡諧運動 & 波動
simple harmonic motion & wave
陳方周(Fun-jou Chen) 2013/10/08 聲學 & 超聲波應用
acoustics & the application of ultra sound
陳方周(Fun-jou Chen) 2013/10/15 流體力學
陳方周(Fun-jou Chen) 2013/10/22 氣體動力學與熱效應
airodynamics and heat effects
陳方周(Fun-jou Chen) 2013/10/29 熱機與熱力學
heat engine and thermodynamics
陳方周(Fun-jou Chen) 2013/11/05 期中考
陳方周(Fun-jou Chen) 2013/11/12 電力 & 電場 & 電位
electric force & electric field & electric potential
陳方周(Fun-jou Chen) 2013/11/19 電容 & 電流 & 電阻 & 直流電路
conductor & electric current & resistance & direct current circuitry
陳方周(Fun-jou Chen) 2013/11/26 磁學
陳方周(Fun-jou Chen) 2013/12/03 電磁感應與電感
Electromagnetic induction and electric inductance
陳方周(Fun-jou Chen) 2013/12/10 電磁波、光學與雷射
electromagnetic wave, optics and laser
陳方周(Fun-jou Chen) 2013/12/17 近代物理與相對論
modern physics and relativity
陳方周(Fun-jou Chen) 2013/12/24 量子物理
quantum physics
陳方周(Fun-jou Chen) 2013/12/31 輻射物理與影像
radiation physics and imaging
陳方周(Fun-jou Chen) 2014/01/07 期末考
final examination
陳方周(Fun-jou Chen)