Management of patients with heart failure
Heart failure may be the principal manifestation of nearly every form of cardiac disease, including hypertension, coronary artery disease, valvular diseases, etc. The aim is to educate students on the clinical aspects of heart failure, focusing on strategies of medical, surgical, and endovascular treatment methods.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this lecture, students should be able to:
Describe the methods of diagnosing HF.
Incorporate echo assessment of failing heart in patient management.
Discuss the treatment of HF, including treating the underlying causes, lifestyle changes, medications and surgery.
Develop effective treatment strategies for managing HF.
Management of patient with shock
Rationale: patient in shock status is very risky and is a medical emergency. Quickly and appropriate management may save the patient’s life
Upon completion of this lecture, students should be able to:
1.understand the different etiologies and types of shock
2.Differentiate diagnosis of the major types of shock
3.Know the basic management of different types of shock
4.Know the pharmacologic effects of drugs use in the management of shock
Management of acute coronary syndrome
ACS resulted from thrombotic occlusion or critical stenosis in major epicardial coronary vessels. The aim is to educate students on the clinical aspects of acute coronary syndrome, focusing on strategies of diagnostic techniques, and current treatment recommendations.
Upon completion of this activity, students should be able to:
Describe common symptoms and signs of ACS
Understand the diagnostic criteria for ACS and strategies for identifying high risk patients
Develop effective treatment strategies for managing ACS
1.Introduction to Diagnosis Imaging, Gray K. Stimac W.B. Saunders
2.Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine
3.Cecil Textbook of Medicine
4.Heart Disease