The main purpose of this course module is to introduce the essential concept of Rehabilitation Medicine and how it is related to other professions. In the Modern Medicine, Rehabilitation Medicine plays an important role to offer the appropriately integrated health care with high quality, and further optimize health and function of individuals with disabilities or dysfunctions to reduce the burdens of families and society.
教學方式Teaching Methods
3.DeLisa’s Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Medicine:Principle and Practice, By Walter R. Frontera.(5th ed), Philadelphia, PA, Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2010 .
4.Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, By Randall L. Braddom. (4th ed), W. B. Saunders Co 2011.
5.Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, By Martin Grabolis, Blackwell Science Inc, 2000.
6.Handbook of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, By Braddom, Randall L., Baker & Tayl, 2003.
7.Krusen’s handbook of physical medicine and rehabilitation. By Kottke FJ. (4th ed), 1990.
教學進度Course Schedule
2014/02/18 復健醫學簡介
General introduction of rehabilitation
周立偉(Li-Wei Chou) 2014/02/25 腦創傷患者之復健
Rehabilitation for traumatic brain injury patients
周立偉(Li-Wei Chou) 2014/03/04 下背痛及腰椎疾患之復健
Rehabilitation for low back pain
& disorders of the lumbar spine
周立偉(Li-Wei Chou) 2014/03/11 復健醫學之神經學概論
Neurological Basis for Rehabilitation
楊佩瑜 2014/03/18 腦中風患者之復健
Rehabilitation of the stroke patients
羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo) 2014/03/25 脊髓損傷患者之復健
Rehabilitation for spinal cord injuried patients
羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo) 2014/04/01 手部復健
Hand Rehabilitation
羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo) 2014/04/08 老年患者之照護及復健(仁愛醫療財團法人復健科主治醫師徐弘正醫師)
Rehabilitation and care of the geriatric patients
教學小組 2014/04/15 期中考
周立偉(Li-Wei Chou) 2014/04/22 1.兒童復健 2.腦性麻痺患者之復健
1.Pediatric Rehabilitation 2.Rehabilitation for cerebral palsy
楊佩瑜 2014/04/29 骨科患者之復健(彰基復健科魏大森主任)
Rehabilitation of orthopedic patients
魏大森 2014/05/06 神經性膀胱和腸道之簡介及復健治療
Introduction and Management of Neurogenic Bladder and Bowel
楊佩瑜 2014/05/13 1.心臟患者之復健
1.Rehabilitation of the cardiac patients
2.Rehabilitation of the patients with respiratory dysfunction
孟乃欣(Nai-Hsin Meng) 2014/05/20 1.制動症候群 2.關節炎患者之復健
1.Immobilization syndrome 2.Rehabilitation of the patients with arthritis
孟乃欣(Nai-Hsin Meng) 2014/05/27 發展遲緩兒童之早期介入及復健
Rehabilitation and early intervention for developmental dysfunction
林千琳 2014/06/03 截肢患者之復健,義肢及副木
Rehabilitation for amputee, prostheses and orthoses
陳信水 2014/06/10 周邊神經疾患及小兒麻痺患者之復健
Rehabilitation of peripheral nerve lesion and poliomyelitis
陳信水 2014/06/17 期末考
Final Test
周立偉(Li-Wei Chou)