系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
護理學系 3年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
05U000047 / AB
3 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Medical-surgical nursing (I)
王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
90 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
75 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
可選學制 (availability)
3年級 至4年級



課程概述Course Description
教學目標Course Objectives
1.瞭解成人常罹患的各種疾病的症狀及徵象 2.瞭解個案罹病後,所面臨的生理、心理、社會及靈性等健康問題 3.瞭解早期偵測、診斷於個案之整體性照護 4.瞭解個案罹病後所面臨常見健康問題之急性處置及照護 5.以中西醫學知識為基礎,學習運用護理過程來處理個案健康問題 6.瞭解個案罹病後,所面臨到持續照護及復原治療 7.能運用相關文獻於問題之解決,並增進統合及創造性思考之能力 8.能具備合作學習及自主學習的能力 9.能在護理教學過程中進行專業之自我成長 1.Understand symptoms and signs in relation to common adults' dieases which were found in the acute care setting. 2.Identify physical, psychological,social and spiritual health problems in hospitalized adult patients. 3.Understand the knowledge in relation to early detection and diagnosis in care of the adult patients. 4.Understand the management and care of adult health problems in acute care setting. 5.Based on the Chinese and Western medical knowledge,students apply the skill of nursing process to deal with adults’ health problems. 6.Understand and apply the knowledge to use in the continuing care and rehabilitation care. 7.Utilize current best knowledge to solve clinic problems and collaborate creative thinking in nursing care. 8.Demonstrate the independent learning skill and ability to cooperate with others. 9.Be able to achieve professional self-improvement throughout the learning process.
1.基礎醫學 2.身體檢查與評估 3.基本護理學 1.Fundamental of medical sciences 2.Physical examination and assessment 3.Fundamental of nursing
教學方式Teaching Methods
非同步教學(主要提供線上影音教材,透過線上教學平台進行作業及討論) Asynchronous Online Learning 講課 Lecturing 小組討論、腦力激盪(如案例討論、電影欣賞等) Group discussion, Brain storming, e.g., Case study, Event discussion, Movie review
期中筆試 Midterm exam 隨堂筆試測驗 In-class exam 期末筆試 Final exam 小組作業 Group homework 小組上台報告 Group oral report 出席狀況 Class attendance 心得與反思報告 Learning gain and introspection report
1.內外科第一次考試成績 佔 30% (呼吸 50% & 神經50%) 2.內外科期中考成績 佔30% (心血管58% & 消化42% ) 3.內外科期末考成績 佔 30% (免疫26%、皮膚26%、消化18% 呼吸10%、神經10%、心血管10%) 4. PBL 佔 10%(含概念架構及架構說明之書面報告一份) 5.課程參與 點名一次未到扣學期總成績1分,依此類推。
◎書籍 ◎ 王桂芸等總校訂(2014)‧新編內外科護理學(上、下冊)(五版)‧臺北:永大。 ◎ 林貴滿等編著(2018)‧內外科護理技術(第九版)‧臺北:華杏。 ◎ 胡月娟總校閱(2019)‧內外科護理學(上、下冊)(六版)‧臺北:華杏。 ◎ 黃靜微(2018)‧最新護理診斷手冊(三版):護理計畫與措施‧臺北:華杏。 ◎ 劉雪娥總校閱(2016)‧成人內外科護理學(上、下冊)(七版)‧臺北:華杏。 ◎ 蔡秀鸞總校訂(2018)‧最新實用內外科護理學(上、下冊)(六版)‧臺北:永大。 ◎ Lewis, S. M., Heitkemper, M. M., & Dirksen, S. R. (2016). Medical-surgical nursing: Assessment and management of clinical problems(10th ed). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. ◎ Smeltzer, S. C. & Bare, B. G. (2017). Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing(14th ed). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams& Wilkins. ◎ Timby, B. K. & Smith, Nancy E. (2018). Introductory medical-surgical nursing(12th ed). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams& Wilkins. ◎ 期刊 護理雜誌、榮總護理、長庚護理、臨床醫學、American Journal of Nursing(AJN)、Nursing、RN、Nursing Outlook、Nursing Standard、Nursing Research、Journal of Practical Nursing等。
教學進度Course Schedule
2020/07/20 課程簡介 (節次5) 1.The introduction of curriculum (1 hour) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao)
2020/07/20 呼吸系統疾病病人的護理 (節次6) Nursing people Experiencing Disturbances of Respiratory Function (1rs) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao)
2020/07/20 PBL概念與執行 (節次7) 2.The introduction of the PBL (1 hour) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao)
2020/07/21 呼吸系統疾病病人的護理 (節次5) Nursing people Experiencing Disturbances of Respiratory Function (1rs) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao)
2020/07/21 1.呼吸系統疾病病人的護理 (節次6) 2.個案報告書寫 (節次7) 1.Nursing people Experiencing Disturbances of Respiratory Function (1hrs) 2.Writing for case reports (1hrs) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao)
2020/07/22 呼吸系統疾病病人的護理 (節次5) Nursing people Experiencing Disturbances of Respiratory Function (1hrs) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao)
2020/07/22 呼吸系統疾病病人的護理 (節次6) Nursing people Experiencing Disturbances of Respiratory Function (1hrs) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao)
2020/07/22 呼吸系統疾病病人的護理 (節次7) Nursing people Experiencing Disturbances of Respiratory Function (1hrs) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao)
2020/07/24 PBL(1)正視呼吸道疾患,避免黑白人生(節次3) PBL(1) - Nursing people Experiencing Disturbances of Respiratory Function(1hrs ) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao) 羅琦(Lo, Chyi) 王文芳(Wang, Wen-Fang) 蘇曇紅(Su, Tan-Hong) 蔡淑華(Tsai,Shu-Hua) 李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee) 曾惠楨(Tseng, Hui-Chen) 葉子裴(Tzu-Pei Yeh) 何雅芳(Ho, Ya- Fang) 呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)
2020/07/24 PBL(1)正視呼吸道疾患,避免黑白人生(節次4) PBL(1) - Nursing people Experiencing Disturbances of Respiratory Function(1hrs ) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao) 羅琦(Lo, Chyi) 王文芳(Wang, Wen-Fang) 蘇曇紅(Su, Tan-Hong) 蔡淑華(Tsai,Shu-Hua) 李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee) 曾惠楨(Tseng, Hui-Chen) 葉子裴(Tzu-Pei Yeh) 何雅芳(Ho, Ya- Fang) 呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)
2020/07/27 神經系統疾病病人的護理 (節次5) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of the Neurologic Function (1 hrs) 呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)
2020/07/27 神經系統疾病病人的護理 (節次6) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of the Neurologic Function (1hrs) 呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)
2020/07/27 神經系統疾病病人的護理 (節次7) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of the Neurologic Function (1 hrs) 呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)
2020/07/28 神經系統疾病病人的護理 (節次5) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of the Neurologic Function (1 hrs) 呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)
2020/07/28 神經系統疾病病人的護理 (節次6) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of the Neurologic Function (1 hrs) 呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)
2020/07/28 神經系統疾病病人的護理 (節次7) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of the Neurologic Function (1 hrs) 呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)
2020/07/29 神經系統疾病病人的護理 (節次2) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of the Neurologic Function (1 hrs) 呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)
2020/07/29 神經系統疾病病人的護理 (節次3) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of the Neurologic Function (1 hrs) 呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)
2020/07/29 神經系統疾病病人的護理 (節次4) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of the Neurologic Function (1 hrs) 呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)
2020/07/31 PBL(2)-正視呼吸道慢性疾患,避免黑白人生 (節次3) PBL(2)-Nursing people Experiencing Disturbances of Respiratory Function (1 hrs) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao) 羅琦(Lo, Chyi) 王文芳(Wang, Wen-Fang) 蘇曇紅(Su, Tan-Hong) 蔡淑華(Tsai,Shu-Hua) 李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee) 曾惠楨(Tseng, Hui-Chen) 葉子裴(Tzu-Pei Yeh) 呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)
2020/07/31 PBL(2)-正視呼吸道慢性疾患,避免黑白人生 (節次4) PBL(2)-Nursing people Experiencing Disturbances of Respiratory Function (1 hrs) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao) 羅琦(Lo, Chyi) 王文芳(Wang, Wen-Fang) 蘇曇紅(Su, Tan-Hong) 蔡淑華(Tsai,Shu-Hua) 李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee) 曾惠楨(Tseng, Hui-Chen) 葉子裴(Tzu-Pei Yeh) 呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)
2020/08/03 PBL(3)-正視呼吸道慢性疾患,避免黑白人生 (節次5) PBL(3)-Nursing people Experiencing Disturbances of Respiratory Function (1hrs) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao) 羅琦(Lo, Chyi) 王文芳(Wang, Wen-Fang) 蘇曇紅(Su, Tan-Hong) 蔡淑華(Tsai,Shu-Hua) 李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee) 曾惠楨(Tseng, Hui-Chen) 葉子裴(Tzu-Pei Yeh) 呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)
2020/08/03 PBL(3)-正視呼吸道慢性疾患,避免黑白人生 (節次6) PBL(3)-Nursing people Experiencing Disturbances of Respiratory Function (1hrs) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao) 羅琦(Lo, Chyi) 王文芳(Wang, Wen-Fang) 蘇曇紅(Su, Tan-Hong) 蔡淑華(Tsai,Shu-Hua) 李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee) 曾惠楨(Tseng, Hui-Chen) 葉子裴(Tzu-Pei Yeh) 呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)
2020/08/03 實習前說明會 10樓階梯教室 (節次7) Clinical practical seminar (1hr) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao)
2020/08/04 心血管循環系統疾病病人的護理(節次5) Nursing people Experiencing Disturbances of Cardiovascular Function and Peripheral Vascular Function (1hrs) 羅琦(Lo, Chyi)
2020/08/04 心血管循環系統疾病病人的護理(節次6) Nursing people Experiencing Disturbances of Cardiovascular Function and Peripheral Vascular Function (1hrs) 羅琦(Lo, Chyi)
2020/08/04 心血管循環系統疾病病人的護理(節次7) Nursing people Experiencing Disturbances of Cardiovascular Function and Peripheral Vascular Function (1hrs) 羅琦(Lo, Chyi)
2020/08/05 心血管循環系統疾病病人的護理(節次2) Nursing people Experiencing Disturbances of Cardiovascular Function and Peripheral Vascular Function (1hrs) 羅琦(Lo, Chyi)
2020/08/05 心血管循環系統疾病病人的護理(節次3) Nursing people Experiencing Disturbances of Cardiovascular Function and Peripheral Vascular Function (1hrs) 羅琦(Lo, Chyi)
2020/08/05 心血管循環系統疾病病人的護理(節次4) Nursing people Experiencing Disturbances of Cardiovascular Function and Peripheral Vascular Function (1hrs) 羅琦(Lo, Chyi)
2020/08/07 第一次期中考 102教室 (節次3-4) Mid Exam(1st) (1hr) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao)
2020/10/16 心血管循環系統疾病病人的護理(節次3) Nursing people Experiencing Disturbances of Cardiovascular Function and Peripheral Vascular Function (1hrs) 羅琦(Lo, Chyi)
2020/10/16 心血管循環系統疾病病人的護理(節次4) Nursing people Experiencing Disturbances of Cardiovascular Function and Peripheral Vascular Function (1hrs) 羅琦(Lo, Chyi)
2020/10/23 消化系統疾病病人的護理 (節次3) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of the Digestive Function, Liver, Biliary Tract, and Pancrease (1hrs) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao)
2020/10/23 消化系統疾病病人的護理 (節次4) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of the Digestive Function, Liver, Biliary Tract, and Pancrease (1hrs) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao)
2020/10/30 消化系統疾病病人的護理 (節次3) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of the Digestive Function, Liver, Biliary Tract, and Pancrease (1hrs) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao)
2020/10/30 消化系統疾病病人的護理 (節次4) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of the Digestive Function, Liver, Biliary Tract, and Pancrease (1hrs) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao)
2020/11/06 消化系統疾病病人的護理 (節次3) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of the Digestive Function, Liver, Biliary Tract, and Pancrease (1hrs) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao)
2020/11/06 消化系統疾病病人的護理 (節次4) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of the Digestive Function, Liver, Biliary Tract, and Pancrease (1hrs) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao)
2020/11/13 第二次期中考 (節次3-4) Mid Exam (1hr) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao)
2020/11/20 消化系統疾病病人的護理 (節次3) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of the Digestive Function, Liver, Biliary Tract, and Pancrease (1hrs) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao)
2020/11/20 消化系統疾病病人的護理 (節次4) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of the Digestive Function, Liver, Biliary Tract, and Pancrease (1hrs) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao)
2020/12/04 PBL 成果分享與討論(節次3) PBL final discussion 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao) 羅琦(Lo, Chyi) 王文芳(Wang, Wen-Fang) 蘇曇紅(Su, Tan-Hong) 蔡淑華(Tsai,Shu-Hua) 李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee) 廖玟君(Liao, Wen-Chun) 曾惠楨(Tseng, Hui-Chen) 葉子裴(Tzu-Pei Yeh) 高僖黛(Kao, Hsi-Tai) 呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)
2020/12/04 PBL 成果分享與討論(節次4) PBL final discussion 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao) 羅琦(Lo, Chyi) 王文芳(Wang, Wen-Fang) 蘇曇紅(Su, Tan-Hong) 蔡淑華(Tsai,Shu-Hua) 李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee) 廖玟君(Liao, Wen-Chun) 曾惠楨(Tseng, Hui-Chen) 葉子裴(Tzu-Pei Yeh) 高僖黛(Kao, Hsi-Tai) 呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)
2020/12/11 皮膚系統疾病病人的護理與傷口照護(節次3) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of Integumentary System and wound care (1hrs) 李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)
2020/12/11 皮膚系統疾病病人的護理與傷口照護(節次4) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of Integumentary System and wound care (1hrs) 李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)
2020/12/18 皮膚系統疾病病人的護理與傷口照護(節次3) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of Integumentary System and wound care (1hrs) 李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)
2020/12/18 皮膚系統疾病病人的護理與傷口照護(節次4) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of Integumentary System and wound care (1hrs) 李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)
2020/12/25 免疫系統疾病病人的護理 (節次3) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of immunologic system (1hrs) 李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)
2020/12/25 免疫系統疾病病人的護理 (節次4) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of immunologic system (1hrs) 李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)
2021/01/08 免疫系統疾病病人的護理 (節次3) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of immunologic system (1hrs) 李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)
2021/01/08 免疫系統疾病病人的護理 (節次4) Nursing People Experiencing Disturbances of immunologic system (1hrs) 李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)
2021/01/22 期末考試(節次3-4) Final examination(1hr) 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao)
2021/01/29 課程暨實習評值(節次3-4) Course evaluation 王小喬(Wang, Hsiao-Chiao)