系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
醫學系 4年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
01U001008 / AB
1 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Review of basic medicine (I)
謝文聰(Hsieh Wen-Tsong)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
140 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
124 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
可選學制 (availability)
4年級 至4年級
1年級 至3年級



課程概述Course Description
General review of Medical Biochemistry part 1: Metabolism of nucleic acid and lipid General review of Medical Biochemistry part 2: Metabolism of Protein General review of Medical Physiology part 1: Cell physiology, Neurophysiology, Cardiovascular Physiology General review of Medical Physiology part 2: Respiratory Physiology, Renal and Acid-Base Physiology General review of Medical Physiology part 3: Gastrointestinal Physiology, Endocrine Physiology General review of Medical Histology part 1: The system histology of epidermis, connective tissue, muscle, nervous system and Skin , Endocrine system General review of Medical Histology part 2: Urogenital system, gastrointestinal system, circulation system, respiratory system How to apply these basic medical sciences to the pharmacology and pathology? From the basic to the advance. Midterm Exam General review of Embryology General review of Gross Anatomy part 1: Head, Neck General review of Gross Anatomy part 2: Thorax , Abdomen,Back,Plevic General review of Gross Anatomy part 3: Upper and Lower limbs General review of Microbiology part 1: The immune system General review of Microbiology part 2: The Bacterium and the Fungus General review of Microbiology part 3: The Virus and the Parasites Final Exam
教學目標Course Objectives
醫學總論課程為醫學系四年級,對已經學習過基礎醫學課程之同學,注重以同學為主體的自我學習課程、進行全面性、系列性、整合性、團體討論性之複習與相互討論學習,做為醫學臨床前學習的共同成長課程。 本課程之學生團隊以考選部指定參考書籍為基礎、加上老師上課講義、融合學生共筆、探討國考歷屆考題及輔助相關醫學書籍資料。再經所有授課老師在課程前確認討論內容、課程中詳細解釋及相互討論、課程後模擬國家考試進行出題目複習。 第一階段以系列式討論及複習:解剖學、神經解剖學、組織學、胚胎學、生物化學及生理學(醫師國考第一階段醫學(一)範圍)。 第二階段以整合式討論及複習:微生物免疫學、病理學、藥理學及其他相關課程(醫師國考第一階段醫學(二)範圍)。 本課程希望結合學習助理(Learning Assistant)系統,能使同學發揮自主學習、互助學習、同心協力的團體學習精神,使同學們對於基礎醫學課程能夠有系列性與整體性的觀念,提升同學對於基礎醫學的成果。以通過醫師考試為目標,並做為進入臨床前學習之準備。 This general medical review course is only for the fourth grade of the medical students. For those who have already review their basic medical courses, they must pay attention onto the self-learning concept and group-learning discussion with their classmates. Evermore, the aim of this course is to promote a serial of comprehensive, integrated, group discussion, self-review, and mutual discussion study. As a common growth course before preclinical study in medicine learning. The student-base team of this course is based on the specify reference books of Ministry of Examination ROC, plus the lecture materials which was given by the teachers, the integration notes of the students, the examination questions of the Ministry of Examination, and the related medical books. After all the professors confirmed the discussion content before the course, detailed explanation and mutual discussion in the course, and the curriculum simulation national examination to review the topic after the course. However, the first stage is discussed and reviewed in a series course of basic medical science about Anatomy, Neuroanatomy, Histology, Embryology, Biochemistry, and Microbial Immunology (Physician National Examination Phase I Medicine (I) Scope). Moreover, the second phase is an integrated discussion and review about Physiology, Pathology, Pharmacology, and other related courses (Physician National Examination Phase I Medicine (II) Scope). In conclusion, this course want to combine the Learning Assistant system to enable students to develop self-learning, mutual learning and teamwork spirit, which that students can have a series of concepts and holistic concepts for basic medical courses. The goal of this course only focus on pass the Physician National Examination and well-preparation of the pre-clinical learning.
第一階段:生物化學、生理學、解剖學、神經解剖學、組織學、胚胎學(醫師國考第一階段醫學(一)範圍)。 第二階段:微生物免疫學、病理學、藥理學及其他相關課程(醫師國考第一階段醫學(二)範圍)。 Anatomy, Neuroanatomy, Histology, Embryology, Biochemistry, and Physiology (Physician National Examination Phase I Medicine (I) Scope). Microbial Immunology, Pathology, Pharmacology, and other related courses (Physician National Examination Phase I Medicine (II) Scope).
教學方式Teaching Methods
同步教學(使用虛擬教室如:Moodle同步教室、Google Meet、Microsoft Classroom等) Synchronous Online Learning 非同步教學(主要提供線上影音教材,透過線上教學平台進行作業及討論) Asynchronous Online Learning 線上教學(如磨課師、翻轉教學) Online teaching, e.g., MOOCs, Flipped classroom, SPOCs 講課 Lecturing 學生上台報告、角色演練 Oral presentation, Role playing
期中筆試 Midterm exam 隨堂筆試測驗 In-class exam 期末筆試 Final exam 出席狀況 Class attendance 課堂參與與表現 Class involvement
本校購置Accessmedicine醫藥學之電子書https://accessmedicine.mhmedical.com/books.aspx?view=library 請多多利用 醫師分階段考試命題大綱及參考用書 (自109年第二次專技高考醫師考試分階段考試第一階段考試開始實施) https://wwwc.moex.gov.tw/main/content/wHandMenuFile.ashx?file_id=2451 1. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 14e Bertram G. Katzung. McGraw-Hill https://accessmedicine.mhmedical.com/book.aspx?bookid=2249 (In CMU campus use only) 2. Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Goodman & Gilman's: The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 13e, Elsevier Mosby https://accessmedicine.mhmedical.com/book.aspx?bookid=2189 (In CMU campus use only) 3. Vander's Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function 15/e 2018 5. Berne & Levy Physiology (English) 7th, Koeppen MD PhD, Bruce M. (Author), Stanton PhD, Bruce A. (Author). 6. BRS Physiology PDF Free Download | [7th Edition] By Arslan Raza - June 28, 2018 7. HiHistology: A Text and Atlas: With Correlated Cell and Molecular Biology (English) Eighth, North American, Pawlina MD FAAA, Wojciech (Author), Ross PhD, Michael H. (Author) 8. High Yield Gross Anatomy 5th Edition By Syed Arslan - 25/09/2017 9. High-Yield™ Neuroanatomy (High-Yield Series) (English) Fifth Gould PhD, Douglas J. (Author), Brueckner-Collins PhD, Jennifer K. (Author), James D. Fix (Author) 10. Markell and Voge's Medical Parasitology, 9th EditionBy David T. John, MSPH, PhD and William A. Petri, MD, PhD 11. Medical Microbiology 8th Editionand Pfaller, Published by Elsevier Authors: Patrick Murray Ken Rosenthal Michael Pfaller 12. Immunobiology: The Immune System in Health and Disease (English) 2nd Charles Janeway (Author), Paul Travers (Author) 13. High-Yield™ Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (High-Yield Series) (English) Second, Hawley MD, Louise (Author) 14. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 7th Edition PDF By Syed Arslan - 29/03/2018 15. Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry 31 ed, By Admin - January 4, 2018 16. Medical Microbiology, 7th Edition with STUDENT CONSULT Online Access By Patrick R. Murray, PhD, Ken S. Rosenthal, PhD and Michael A. Pfaller, MD 17. Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry (Lippincott Illustrated Reviews Series) (English) Seventh, North American Denise Ferrier (Author)
教學進度Course Schedule
2021/09/13 醫學總論簡介 生物化學 醣類代謝(2hr) TA:羅韻瑽 109/10/06 (二)1500-1700 (2hr) 1A01 Overview on review of basic medicine Biochemistry-carbohydrate 109/10/06 (Tue)1500-1700 (2hr) 1A01 張乃文(Nai-Wen Chang)
2021/09/20 生物化學 醣類代謝(2hr) TA:羅韻瑽 109/10/12(一) 1500-1700 (2hr) 1A01 Biochemistry-carbohydrate 109/10/12(Mon) 1500-1700 (2hr) 1A01 張乃文(Nai-Wen Chang)
2021/09/27 生物化學 脂質代謝(3hr) TA: 廖均翰 109/10/13(二) 1300-1600 (3hr) 1A01 Biochemistry-lipid 109/10/13(Tue) 1300-1600 (3hr) 1A01 張乃文(Nai-Wen Chang)
2021/10/04 生物化學 胺基酸與蛋白質代謝、酵素動力學 TA:吳宇翔 109/10/19(一) 1000-1200 (2hr) 1A01 Biochemistry-aminao acids and protein metabolism 109/10/19(Mon) 1000-1200 (2hr) 1A01 張乃文(Nai-Wen Chang)
2021/10/11 生物化學 胺基酸與蛋白質代謝、酵素動力學 TA:吳宇翔 109/10/19(一) 1500-1700 (2hr) 1A01 Biochemistry-aminao acids and protein metabolism 109/10/19(Mon) 1500-1700 (2hr) 1A01 張乃文(Nai-Wen Chang)
2021/10/18 分子生物學 DNA(2hr) TA:蕭鈞元 109/10/20 (二) 1300-1500 (2hr) 1A01 Molecular Biology DNA(2hr) 109/10/20 (Tue) 1300-1500 (2hr) 1A01 黄琮竣(Huang, Tsurng-Juhn)
2021/10/25 分子生物學 RNA、轉錄及轉譯(2hr) TA:曾上哲 109/10/20 (二) 1500-1700 (2hr) 1A01 Molecular biology- RNA. Transcription and Translation 109/10/20 (Tue) 1500-1700 (2hr) 1A01 黄琮竣(Huang, Tsurng-Juhn)
2021/11/01 分子生物學 RNA、轉錄及轉譯(2hr) TA:曾上哲 109/10/21 (三) 1100-1200 (1hr) 1A01 Molecular biology- RNA. Transcription and Translation 109/10/21 (Wed) 1100-1200 (1hr) 1A01 黄琮竣(Huang, Tsurng-Juhn)
2021/11/08 分子生物學 核酸代謝、訊息傳遞、維生素(3hr) TA: 劉彞瑄 蕭舒庭 109/11/03 (二) 1300-1600 (3hr) 1A01 Molecular biology- Others (Nucleic Acid Metabolism、Signal transduction chain、 Vitamin) 109/11/03 (Tue) 1300-1600 (3hr) 1A01 黄琮竣(Huang, Tsurng-Juhn)
2021/11/15 寄生蟲 寄生蟲全+用藥 TA:蔡于均 109/11/24 (二) AM 1300-1700 (4hr)) 1A01 Parasitology 109/11/24 (Tue) AM 1300-1700 (4hr)) 1A01 林雅玲(Ya-ling Lin)
2021/11/22 免疫學 免疫學I (2hr) TA: 賴奕彰 109/11/27(五) 1500-1700 (2hr) 1A01 Immunology I 109/11/27(Fri) 1500-1700 (2hr) 1A01 陳惠珍(Hui-Chen Chen)
2021/11/29 第一次考試(生化、分生):109/11/30 (二) 1000-1200 (2hr) 1A01 First Examination (Biochemistry, Molecular Biology) 109/11/30 (Tue) 1000-1200 (2hr) 1A01 張乃文(Nai-Wen Chang) 謝文聰(Hsieh Wen-Tsong) 黄琮竣(Huang, Tsurng-Juhn)
2021/12/06 免疫學 免疫學I (2hr) TA: 賴奕彰 109/12/7 (一) 1500-1700(2hr) 1A01 Immunology II 109/12/7 (Mon) 1500-1700(2hr) 1A01 陳惠珍(Hui-Chen Chen)
2021/12/13 免疫學 免疫學II (4hr) TA: 王貞棋 109/12/08 (二) 1300-1700 (4hr) 1A01 Immunology II 109/12/08 (Tue) 1300-1700 (4hr) 1A01 陳惠珍(Hui-Chen Chen)
2021/12/20 生理學 細胞生理(2hr) TA: 許品文 109/12/25 (五) 1000-1200 (2hr) 1A01 Cellular physiology 109/12/25 (Fri) 1000-1200 (2hr) 1A01 林靜茹(Chingju Lin)
2021/12/27 藥理學導論(2hr) TA: 許品文 109/12/25 (五) 1500-1700 (2hr) 1A01 Fundermental of pharmacology 109/12/25 (Fri) 1500-1700 (2hr) 1A01 陳玉芳(Yuh-Fung Chen)
2022/01/03 解剖1:腹部(2hr) TA: 林昱慈 109/12/28 (一) 1000-1200 (2 hr) 1A01 Anatomy -abdomen 109/12/28 (Mon) 1000-1200 (2 hr) 1A01 朱培銘(Pei-Ming Chu)
2022/01/10 解剖2:骨盆(2hr) TA: 劉福強 109/12/29 (二) 1300-1500 (2hr) 1A01 Anatomy -pelvis 109/12/29 (Tue) 1300-1500 (2hr) 1A01 朱培銘(Pei-Ming Chu)
2022/01/17 解剖3:下肢(2hr) TA: 江名蕙 109/12/29(二) 1500-1700 (2 hr) 1A01 Anatomy- Lower limbs (2hr) 109/12/29(Tue) 1500-1700 (2 hr) 1A01 朱培銘(Pei-Ming Chu)
2022/01/24 解剖4:頸部(2hr) TA: 黃昱翔 110/01/04(一) 1500-1700 (2hr) 1A01 Anatomy -neck 110/01/04(Mon) 1500-1700 (2hr) 1A01 朱培銘(Pei-Ming Chu)
2022/01/31 第二次考試(寄生蟲、免疫、生理藥理導論):110/01/11 (一) 1000-1200 (2hr) 1A01 Final Examination 110/01/11 (Mon) 1000-1200 (2hr) 1A01 林雅玲(Ya-ling Lin) 陳玉芳(Yuh-Fung Chen) 謝文聰(Hsieh Wen-Tsong) 林靜茹(Chingju Lin) 陳惠珍(Hui-Chen Chen)