系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
醫學系 2年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
01U000894 / AB
2 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Medicine & health
陳玉芳(Yuh-Fung Chen)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
30 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
5 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
全英語授課(Full English course)
可選學制 (availability)
2年級 至4年級
1年級 至3年級



課程概述Course Description
奠定醫學生對於常見疾病成因與治療及其治療之基礎,課程中利用圖表、slide或影片等多媒體教材授課,教授學生對於對於藥品,以及國人常見疾病成因與治療有基本認識,為基礎醫學整合課程- 藥理學之基石。
教學目標Course Objectives
為加強奠定醫學生進入醫學整合課程的基礎,對於藥品,以及國人常見疾病成因與治療及其英文名稱有基本認識,課程以全英文授課。課程中除利用圖表、slide或影片等多媒體教材授課,並利用分組討論之方式,增進與學生間互動及溝通, 希望建立同學的基礎醫學素養,培養學生「專業知識」、「邏輯能力」、「解決問題的能力」、「人際關係及溝通技巧」、「專業精神及倫理」、「終身學習」,累積醫學生所具備六大核心能力。 Drug therapy is one of the most important and complicated treatment modalities in modern health care. Medicine and Health is a basic guide for medical students beginning the study of pharmacology. This course is designed to provide a clear and concise introduction to pharmacology for students entering health professions.
生物學,生物化學 Biology, Biochemistry
教學方式Teaching Methods
講課 Lecturing 一分鐘回饋、其他 One-minute feedback, Others
個人上台報告 Oral Report 出席狀況 Class attendance 課堂參與與表現 Class involvement 心得與反思報告 Learning gain and introspection report
課堂表現 30%,期末報告 35%,作業 35% (classroom performance 30%, Presentation 35%, Homework assignment 35%)
1. W.R. Acosta: Pharmacology for Health Professionals, 2nd Ed, 2013, Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2. J.L. Stringer: Basic Concepts in Pharmacology, 4th Ed, 2011, Mc Graw Hill. 3. M.M. Dale and D.G. Haylett: Pharmacology Condensed, 2nd Ed, 2009, Chur chill Livingstone.
教學進度Course Schedule
2022/02/25 課程簡介與基本概念 (關鍵字: "藥"健康; 藥物;藥物治療; 藥效) Introduction and General Principles (Keywords: Medicine and Health; Medicine; Drug therapy; Drug effects) 陳玉芳(Yuh-Fung Chen)
2022/03/04 用藥之原則 (關鍵字: 給藥途徑; 起始作用時間; 作用期; 藥物血中濃度) General Principles of Drug Administration (Keywords: Routes of drug administration; Onset; Action duration; Plasma concentration of drug) 陳玉芳(Yuh-Fung Chen)
2022/03/11 藥物基本觀念 - 藥物對身體之作用 (藥效學)(I) (關鍵字: 藥效學; 受體: 作用機轉; 藥理作用; 療效; 副作用) Basic Concepts in Medications - The actions of the drug on the body (Pharmacodynamics)(I) (Keywords: Pharmacodynamics; Receptor; Action mechanism; Pharmacologic effects; Therapeutic effects; Side effects) 陳玉芳(Yuh-Fung Chen)
2022/03/18 藥物基本觀念 - 藥物對身體之作用 (藥效學)(II) (關鍵字: 藥效學; 受體: 作用機轉; 藥理作用; 療效; 副作用) Basic Concepts in Medications - The actions of the drug on the body (Pharmacodynamics)(II) (Keywords: Pharmacodynamics; Receptor; Action mechanism; Pharmacologic effects; Therapeutic effects; Side effects) 陳玉芳(Yuh-Fung Chen)
2022/03/25 清明連假 Ching Ming Festival 陳玉芳(Yuh-Fung Chen)
2022/04/01 藥物基本觀念 - 身體對藥物之作用(藥動學)(I) 關鍵字: 藥物動力學; 藥物之清除: 藥物之分布; 分布體積; 生物可用率) Basic Concepts in Medications - The actions of the body on the drug (Pharmacokinetics)(I) (Keywords: Pharmacokinetics; Drug clearance; Drug distribution; Volume of distribution; Bioacailability) 陳玉芳(Yuh-Fung Chen)
2022/04/08 藥物基本觀念 - 身體對藥物之作用(藥動學)(II) 關鍵字: 藥物動力學; 藥物之清除: 藥物之分布; 分布體積; 生物可用率) Basic Concepts in Medications - The actions of the body on the drug (Pharmacokinetics)(II) (Keywords: Pharmacokinetics; Drug clearance; Drug distribution; Volume of distribution; Bioacailability) 陳玉芳(Yuh-Fung Chen)
2022/04/15 心血管疾病與用藥 –高血壓 (I) (關鍵字: 血壓; 高血壓; 血管擴張劑; 乙型交感神經阻斷劑,利尿劑) Cardiovascular Disorders and Medications- Hypertension (I) (Keywords: Blood pressure; Hypertension; Vasodilators; beta-Adrenergeric blockers, Diuretics) 陳玉芳(Yuh-Fung Chen)
2022/04/22 心血管疾病與用藥 –高血壓 (II) (關鍵字: 血壓; 高血壓; 血管擴張劑; 乙型交感神經阻斷劑,利尿劑) Cardiovascular Disorders and Medications- Hypertension (II) (Keywords: Blood pressure; Hypertension; Vasodilators; beta-Adrenergeric blockers, Diuretics) 陳玉芳(Yuh-Fung Chen)
2022/04/29 心血管疾病與用藥 –心絞痛 (關鍵字: 典型心絞痛; 不穩定型心絞痛; 變異型心絞痛; 冠狀動脈擴張劑; 靜脈擴張劑) Cardiovascular Disorders and Medications- Angina pectoris (Keywords: Classic angina; Variant angina; Unstable angina; Coronary vasodilator; Venodilator) 陳玉芳(Yuh-Fung Chen)
2022/05/06 心血管疾病與用藥 –心律不整 (I) (關鍵字: 心臟電生理; 心臟的動作電位; 心電圖; 心律不整; 第I級抗心律不整藥; 第II級抗心律不整藥; 第III級抗心律不整藥; 第IV級抗心律不整藥; 其他抗心律不整藥 ) Cardiovascular Disorders and Medications- Arrhythmia (I) (Keywords: Electrophysiology of the heart; Cardiac action potentials; The electrocardiogram; Arrhythmias; Class I antiarrhythmic drugs; Class II antiarrhythmic drugs; Class III antiarrhythmic drugs; Class IV antiarrhythmic drugs; Miscellaneous antiarrhythmic drugs) 陳玉芳(Yuh-Fung Chen)
2022/05/13 心血管疾病與用藥 –心律不整 (II) (關鍵字: 心臟電生理; 心臟的動作電位; 心電圖; 心律不整; 第I級抗心律不整藥; 第II級抗心律不整藥; 第III級抗心律不整藥; 第IV級抗心律不整藥; 其他抗心律不整藥 ) Cardiovascular Disorders and Medications- Arrhythmia (II) (Keywords: Electrophysiology of the heart; Cardiac action potentials; The electrocardiogram; Arrhythmias; Class I antiarrhythmic drugs; Class II antiarrhythmic drugs; Class III antiarrhythmic drugs; Class IV antiarrhythmic drugs; Miscellaneous antiarrhythmic drugs) 陳玉芳(Yuh-Fung Chen)
2022/05/20 心血管疾病與用藥 –高脂血症 (關鍵字: 高脂血症; 三酸甘油酯; 低密度脂蛋白; 高密度脂蛋白; HMG CoA 還原酶) CardiovascularDisorders and Medications-Hyperlipidemia (Keywords: Hyperlipidemias; Triglyceride; Low density lipoprotein; High density lipoprotein; HMG CoA reductase) 陳玉芳(Yuh-Fung Chen)
2022/05/27 腦中風 (關鍵字: 缺血性腦中風; 出血性腦中風; 治療藥物) Cerebral stroke (Keywords: Ischemic cerebral stroke; Hemorrhagic cerebral stroke; Drugs for the treatment) 陳玉芳(Yuh-Fung Chen)
2022/06/03 端午節 Dragon Boat Festival 陳玉芳(Yuh-Fung Chen)
2022/06/10 神經系統 – 疼痛 (關鍵字: 疼痛傳遞路徑; 嗎啡類鎮痛劑; 嗎啡類拮抗劑; 非類固醇抗炎藥) Nervous system – Pain (Keywords: Pain pathway; Opioid analgesics; Opioid antagonists; NSAIDs) 陳玉芳(Yuh-Fung Chen)
2022/06/17 期末報告 Selected Topic Presentation 陳玉芳(Yuh-Fung Chen)
2022/06/24 期末回顧 Final review 陳玉芳(Yuh-Fung Chen)