系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
醫學系 3年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
01U000781 / AB
1 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Neuroanatomy (A)
蔡孟宏(Mang Hung Tsai)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
135 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
131 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
與中三甲合班 PBL:課程週一56堂(心臟循環第1-2週2/26 3/5 神經第10 11 12週4/30 5/7 5/14)
可選學制 (availability)
3年級 至7年級



課程概述Course Description
教學目標Course Objectives
本課程學習目標在使學生能認識中樞神經系統結構的組成包含腦及脊髓,以及許多感覺、運動系統與高級整合中樞間的聯繫。讓學生能熟悉正常的神經結構並能運用在臨床的案例上。 The student will gain knowledge in the principles of neuroanatomy. The objectives will be for the student to (1) know the structural organization of the central nervous system, including many sensory and motor systems and higher integrative centers, (2) be familiar with clinical-neuroanatomical correlations to understand the normal anatomy and its importance, and (3) acquire the language essential for the identification of neuroanatomical structures and for use in clinical situations.
解剖學,組織學,胚胎學 anatomy, histology, enbryology
教學方式Teaching Methods
案例或故事討論 Case study or event discussion 講課 Lecturing 學生課後書面報告 After class written report 小組討論 Group discussion 學生上台報告 Oral presentation 一分鐘回饋 One-minute feedback
期中筆試 Midterm exam 隨堂筆試測驗 In-class exam 期末筆試 Final exam 小組作業 Group homework 個人上台報告 Oral Report 出席狀況 Class attendance 課堂參與與表現 Class involvement
1.學期總成績計算方式: a. 2次正課考試共佔 80% b. 平時成績(學習態度、平時測驗等)佔20% 2.請假須於上課前向授課教師報備,若被點到,以曠課論。 遲到2次以曠課1次計;曠課3次,本課程(正課與實習)重修。
Barr's the Human Nervous System: An Anatomical Viewpoint (9TH ed.) 2009 Contributor(s): Kiernan, John A (Author)
教學進度Course Schedule
2018/03/01 1.中樞神經系統簡介 2.脊髓結構及神經路徑 關鍵內容:神經解剖學定義、灰白質結構、Rexed板層、脊髓背柱路徑、脊髓視丘徑、脊髓小腦徑、錐體路徑、錐體外路徑 1.Introduction to Neuroanatomy 2.Spinal cord and tract Key content: Neuroanatomy definition; Gray and White matten; Rexed lamination; Dorsal column pathways; Spinothalamic tract; Spinocerebellar tract; Pyramid tract; Extrapyramid tract 蔡孟宏(Mang Hung Tsai)
2018/03/08 腦幹 關鍵內容: 薄狀核; 四疊體; 大腦腳; 顏面丘; 孤立核; 迷走三角; 疑核; 黑質 Brain stem Key content: Gracile nucleus; Corpora quadrigemina; Cerebral peduncles; Facial colliculus; Solitary nucleus ; Vagal trigone; Nucleus ambiguous; Substantia nigra 柯妙華(Ko Miau-Hwa)
2018/03/15 小腦與聯繫路徑 關鍵內容: 小腦外觀與細分; 小腦白質; 小腦皮質; 小腦腳; 小腦深層神經核; 小腦輸入纖維; 小腦輸出纖維; 小腦功能性模組 Cerebellum and its connection tract Key content: External features and subdivisions of the cerebellum; Cerebellar cortex ; White matter of the cerebellum; Cerebellar peduncle; Deep Cerebellar Nuclei; Cerebellar afferent fibers; Cerebellar efferent fibers; Functional modules of the cerebellum 朱培銘(Pei-Ming Chu)
2018/03/22 中樞神經系統的血液供應 關鍵內容: 內頸動脈; 椎動脈; 前大腦動脈; 中大腦動脈; 後大腦動脈 The blood supply of CNS Key content: Internal carotid artery; Vertebral artery; Anterior cerebrum artery; Middle cerebrum artery; Posterior cerebrum artery 吳政訓(Cheng-Hsun Wu)
2018/03/29 間腦與終腦 關鍵內容: 間腦; 大腦分區; 大腦皮質的溝與腦回; Brodmann 分區; 基底神經核;大腦白質 Diencephalon and Telencephalon Key content: Diencephalon; Subdivision of the cerebrum; Sulcus and gyrus of the cerebral cortex; Brodmann area; Basal nuclei; White matter 楊美芳(Mei-Fang Yang)
2018/04/02 邊緣系統和網狀系統 關鍵內容: 杏仁核及聯繫路徑;海馬回及聯繫路徑; 穹窿; 網狀系統結構; 上升網狀活化系統 Limbic system and reticular formation Key content: Amygdala and major connection pathway ; Hippocapus and major connection pathway; Fornix; Cytoarchitecture of reticular formation; Ascending Reticular Activating System 楊美芳(Mei-Fang Yang)
2018/04/23 一般感覺系統徑路 關鍵內容: 一般軀體傳入; 一般內臟傳入; 痛覺; 溫覺; 觸覺; 本體覺 General sensory systems Key content: General somatic afferent; General visceral afferent; Pain; Temperature; Touch; Proprioception 張綺芬(Chi-Fen Chang)
2018/05/01 運動路徑系統 關鍵內容: 皮質脊髓徑; 網狀脊髓徑; 頂蓋脊髓徑; 紅核脊髓徑; 前庭脊髓徑 The motor system Key content: Corticospinal tract; Reticulospinal tract; Tectospinal tract; Rubrospinal tract; Vestibilospinal tract 郭書瑞
2018/05/03 聽覺與平衡覺系統 關鍵內容: 柯氏器; 耳蝸神經核; 外側蹄係; 毛細胞; 前庭核 Auditory and vestibular system Key content: Organ of Corti; Cochlear nucleus; lateral lemniscus; Hair cells; Vestibular nuclei 魏一華(Wei I Hua)
2018/05/04 臨床神經解剖學 關鍵內容: 醫學影像的種類; 腦部電腦斷層攝影; 功能性核磁共振影像; 血管攝影 Clinical Neuroanatomy application Key content: The kinds of medical image; CT of Brain; Functional MRI; Angiography 沈戊忠(Wu-Chung Shen)