系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
醫學系 6年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
01U000642 / AB
2 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Neurosurgery & clinical clerkship
周德陽(Der-Yang Cho)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
140 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
132 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
可選學制 (availability)
6年級 至7年級



課程概述Course Description
核心課程 1.Brain Tumor Assumption The student has a basic skill of history taking. The student has a basic skill of neurological examination. Learning Objectives The objectives are to learn the concepts of deferential diagnoses, clinical signs, radiological study, operation and post-operative care of intra-cranial neoplasms Skills Communicating a patient with brain tumor, the student demonstrated about history taking and neurological examination at bedside. First impression was made and further imagination studies checked at ward, the student can discuss about more detail information about clinical experiences from the teacher. Introduction Brain tumor usually cause neurological deficits in patients. Surgical intervention is indicated to patients with IICP, seizure, severe focal neurological deficits, and problems of endocrine. 1. Clinical signs and symptoms  History taking  General signs: IICP signs, seizure, conscious disturbance, hormone  Focal signs: Focal neurological deficits, partial seizure 2. Laboratory datas  Tumor markers  Hormone level  SMA, CBC….. 3. Radiology Brain CT, Brain MRI, Brain MRS, PET, Bone scan…… 4. Pathology  World Health Organism ( WHO ) classification  Histo-biochemicho-immunology 5. Operations  Craniotomy  ETA ( Endoscopic transphenoid adenectomy )  Stereotactic biopsy  Gamma-knife radiosurgery 6. Adjuvant therapy  Medication  Steroid  Chemotherapy  Radiotherapy  Immunotherapy 2.Cerebral Vascular Accident Assumption The student has a basic skill of history taking. The student has a basic skill of neurological examination. Learning Objectives The objectives are to learn the concepts of deferential diagnoses, etiology, anatomy, image and clinical presentation, and clinical management of cerebral vascular accident. Skills Communicating a patient with acute stage hemorrhagic type cerebral vascular accident, the student demonstrated about history taking and neurological examination at bedside. First impression was made and further imagination studies checked at ward, the student can discuss about more detail information about clinical experiences from the teacher. Introduction Cerebral vascular accident always attacks suddenly with rapid worsening prognosis of neurological deficits. The options of indications of medical management and surgical intervention are important. 1. Anatomy Brain anatomy Intracranial vessels ( Willis’ circle, territories of intra-cranial vessels…..) 2. Patho-physiology Infarction: Thrombosis, embolism Hemorrhage: Hypertensive ICH, vascular deformities, bleeding tendency, intracranial neoplasm, hepatic failure, renal disease, anticoagulants, SLE 3. Clinical presentation General signs: IICP signs, Cushing’s triads, seizure, conscious disturbance Focal signs: Focal neurological deficits, partial seizure 4. CVA in ER A-B-C-D-Es History taking Neurological examination Glasgow Coma Scale Anatomic diagnosis of stroke ( brain stem or hemisphere lesion ) 5. Imaging Brain CT or CTA Brain MRI or MRA Angiography 6. Emergent Treatment of cerebral infarction Inclusion and excursion criteria of IV r-TPA Inclusion and excursion criteria IAA Indication of Craniectomy + ICP monitoring 7. Emergent treatment of Hypertensive ICH Indication of surgical intervention External ventricular drainage Craniotomy Endoscopic evacuation Stereotactic aspiration 8. Intensive care Blood pressure Sedative administration IICP, ICP, CPP Others 3.Head Injury Assumption The student has a basic skill of history taking. The student has a basic skill of neurological examination. Learning Objectives The objectives are to learn the mechanism and definition of head injury, indications of operative intervention and concepts of post-operative care. Skills Communicating a patient with head injury, the student demonstrated about history taking and neurological examination at bedside. First impression was made and further imagination studies checked at ward, the student can discuss about more detail information about clinical experiences from the teacher. Introduction The mechanisms of head injury, including of primary and secondary insult, are important to predict the prognosis and clinical outcome of patients. We should learn how to make deferential diagnoses of head injury and optimal options of operation or not. To avoid secondary insult is important either in pre-operative or post-operative care. 1. Head injury in wild A-B-C-D-Es 2. Head injury in Hospital A-B-C-D-Es Glasgow Coma Scale Neurological examinations 3. Definition of brain concussion and brain contusion History taking Mechanism of head injury 4. Diagnosis of SAH, EDH, SDH and ICH Brain CT Skull film 5. Indication of surgery and ICP monitor Guidelines of ICP monitor Consciousness Herniation and mss effect in Brain CT Open fracture 6. Post-operative care Increased intra-cranial pressure ( IICP ) Cerebral perfusion pressure ( CPP ) Lund Therapy Sedative administration Hypothermia Others 4.Spinal Injury Assumption The student has a basic skill of history taking. The student has a basic skill of neurological examination. Learning Objectives The objectives are to learn the mechanism and definition of spinal injury, indications of operative intervention and concepts of post-operative care. Skills Communicating a patient with spinal injury, the student demonstrated about history taking and neurological examination at bedside. First impression was made and further imagination studies checked at ward, the student can discuss about more detail information about clinical experiences from the teacher. Introduction The mechanisms of spinal injury, including of primary and secondary insult, are important to predict the prognosis and clinical outcome of patients. We should learn how to make deferential diagnoses of spinal injury and optimal options of operation or not. To avoid secondary insult is important either in pre-operative or post-operative care. 1. Spinal injury in wild A-B-C-D-Es Immobilization Brief neurological examination 2. Spinal injury in Hospital A-B-C-D-Es Immobilization Glasgow Coma Scale Neurological examinations History taking Mechanism of spinal injury NASIS or not 3. Diagnosis of SAH, EDH, SDH and ICH Lateral plain film Anterior – posterior plain film Oblique films, Flexion-extension films Open-mouth view, swimmer’s view Spinal MRI Spinal CT 4. Indication of surgery Frankle’s scale Incomplete type or complete type 5. Post-operative care Intensive care of complete spinal injury Respiratory system Cardiovascular system Gastric-intestinal system Others 5.Degenerative Spinal Disease Assumption The student has a basic skill of history taking. The student has a basic skill of neurological examination. Learning Objectives The objectives are to learn the mechanism and definition of Degenerative spinal diseases, indications of medication, operative intervention and concepts of post-operative care. Skills Communicating a patient with degenerative spinal disorder, the student demonstrated about history taking and neurological examination at bedside. First impression was made and further imagination studies checked at ward, the student can discuss about more detail information about clinical experiences from the teacher. Introduction The mechanisms of degenerative spinal diseases, including of primary and secondary insult, are important to predict the prognosis and clinical outcome of patients. We should learn how to make deferential diagnoses of degenerative spinal diseases and optimal options of operation or not. To avoid acute injury, adjacently secondary insult and chronic morbidities is important. 1. Degenerative spinal diseases History taking Neurological examinations ( Motor, sensory, DTR ) Mechanisms 2. Radiographic survey Lateral plain film Anterior – posterior plain film Oblique films, Flexion-extension films Open-mouth view, swimmer’s view Spinal MRI Spinal CT 3. Indication of surgery Clinical presentation: Frankle’s scale, JOAS, Nurick Scale, Odem craiteria Imaging : Occupying ratio, Cobb’s angle, Modic degeneration….. 4. Options of surgery Conservative management: medication, radiofrequencey…. Decompression: Laminectomy, foraminotomy, disectomy… Fixation and fusion: ACD + cage, LMS, TPS, PLF, PLIF, TLIF 5. To know materials Cage, ACP, TMC, TPS, LMS, PDN, Artificial disc…. 6.Functional Neurosurgery Assumption The student has a basic skill of history taking. The student has a basic skill of neurological examination. Learning Objectives The objectives are to learn the concepts of anatomy, image and clinical presentation, and clinical management of functional neurological disorder. Skills Communicating a patient with specific disease such as Parkinsonism, trigerminal neuralgia, intractable epilepsy,etc. The student demonstrated about history taking and neurological examination at bedside. First impression was made and further imagination studies checked at ward, the student can discuss about more detail information about clinical experiences from the teacher. Introduction The options of indications of medical management and surgical intervention of functional neurological disorders, including of parkinsonism, epilepsy, pain, involuntary move disorders are in rapidly progress and necessary to update. Parkinsonism 1. 病因:degeneration of pigmented neurons in the substantia nigra導致neostriatum之dopamine level降低,非遺傳性,好發於40-70歲。 2. 主要症狀: Triad of Parkinson’s disease: Tremor (resting), rigidity (cogwheel), brady-kinesia. other signs 有posture instability, micrographia, mask-like facses. gait為: Frozen gait, shuffling steps, festinating gait. 3. 治療:藥物治療有五類:  dopamine (DA) precursor: 如levodopa: 因dopamine不能通過BBB, Levodopa經胃腸吸收,經肝臟運輸至腦部(但有一些被dopa decarboxylase作用成dopamine者無法進腦) 所以,添加decarboxylation阻斷劑(如Carbidopa)的Levodopa (sinemet)較不引起食慾不振、噁心嘔吐之GI症狀。Most effective for brady kinesia, poor for tremor. Overdose可引發chorea  Anticholinergics: 如Trihexyphenidyl (Artane, or Benzhexol, 2mg) improvement : rigidity > tremor > akinesia  DA agonist: 直接刺激post-synaptic DA receptors : (Bromocriptine (parlodel) 及 pergolide  Amphetamines : (減少DA re-uptake)  Anti-oxidants : Selegiline. (mono-amine oxidant inhibitor)可抑制DA在Brain的breakdown 4. Surgical treatment:  Stereotactic thalamotomy (ventro-lateral nucleus) or pallidotomy ( Internal segment). Relieving tremor效果比brady kinesia好  Fetal tissue transplantation: implantation of (100 days) fetal dopaminergic brain cells. Further study is needed. Huntinton’s Chorea: autosomal dominant neuro-degenerative disorder with dementia, choreoathetosis and personality changes; preferential loss of striato-Gpe ( external segment of globus pallidus) projection neurons, 發病年齡40-45歲,預後不良,藥物以phenytoin或tegretol治療,手術以stereotactic internal pallidotomy為主。 Hemiballism: 典型者為infarction或hemorrhage in subthalamic semilunar nucleus (STN) of Luys (STN破壞)導至decreased inhibitory basal ganglia output to thalamus. 外科治療stereotactic pallidotomy (internal segmnet) Spasticity 1. 常發生在CVA, spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy 及 Multiple sclerosis 2. 藥物治療:Muscle relaxants (如Baclofen, Tizanidine) 3. 手術方式:  Selective posterior rhizotomy  Selective neurectomy ( obturator neurectomy, pudendal neurectomy)  myelotomy : Bischof’s myelotomy ( via lateral), midline “T” myelotomy ( T11~L1 laminectomy and T12-S1 myelotomy,保留S2-4之bladder reflex)  Stereotactic thalamotomy or dentatotomy ( useful in cerebral palsy or unilateral dystonia) Pain: ( Intractable pain, cancer pain) 1. electric stimulation  deep brain stimulation  spinal cord stimulation ( dorsal column stimulation) 2. Intracranial ablasive procedures  Cingulotomy, (bilateral) 3. Spinal ablasive procedures  Cordotomy ( Interuption of the lateral spinothalamic tract fibers.適單側nipple以下之痛  b.Commissural myelotomy ( mediolongitudinal myelotomy)適雙側、中間胸部以下之痛  c.Dorsal root entry Zone (DREZotomy): deafferentation pain resulting from nerve root avulsion. 4. Sympathectomy (T2): for causalgia major ( involve nor-epinephrine released at sympathetic terminals together with hypersensitivity secondary to denervation or sprouting) 癲癇手術治療 1. 發生率與罹病率:年發生率約30-45/10萬人,罹病率約0.5-1.0%,約20-30%可藥物完全控制,70%獲改善,但有10%的癲癇以藥物控制不佳或產生抗藥性、毒性者需接受手術 2. Criteria: 藥物治療失敗(毒性、抗藥性、耐受性)或因藥物治療導致干擾精神、智能或社會行為者臨床和EEG顯示有大腦皮質的origin而且切除後不會產生新的神經學缺損者Seizure之patterns和frequency穩定,epileptogenic area成熟,病人必須有強烈的意願和合作有家庭和環境的支持做術後的復健 3. Basic procedures:  resection of epileptic focus:包括cortical resections, temporal lobectomy, amygdalo- hippocampectomy  b .section of copus callosum, and/or hemispherectomy 4. Pre-operation evaluation: 所有病人必須接受Imaging study to rule out neoplasm 。如MRI, CT scan, PET scan ( positron emission tomography) EEG, or Wada test (intracarotid amytal test,在做angiogram之開始注射100-125mg的amobarbital進入ICA,評估病人的運動、語言和記憶功能,求定位dominant hemisphere) 5. 手術前主要orders  a .taper 抗癲藥物,術前一天要完全DC  b.術前一天晚上給10mg Decadron,手術當天早上再給一次  c.若因停藥發生seizure:給予phenobarbital (luminal) 130mg IV. (<100mg/min) 6. 手術中考量  麻醉方式:Local:可用narcotics (如Fentanyl)或droperidol  全麻:避免使用banzodiazepines及barbiturates  術中cortical stimulation: For定位motor strip, sensory cortex或speech centers 7. 術中EEG: (cortical EEG):尤其是superior temporal gyrus,和inferior frontal gyrus. Depth electrodes in amygdala(距temporal tip 3 cm)和hippocampus(距temporal tip 5cm)
教學目標Course Objectives
在從事醫療照護時,熟練的技能是確保合乎醫療服務品質的根本。因此醫學教育的基本目的是讓每個學生平衡發展基本的核心能力,並在日後的專業工作中能繼續精鍊與充實其技能。以下訂定醫學生應該具備的神經外科相關技能,並於臨床課程中加強學習及精進,希望同學們除了一般醫學應具有之溝通能力、病歷寫作紀錄能力、基本身體檢查能力,基本檢驗及影像判斷能力與基本臨床步驟執行能力外,能對神經外科一般的疾病有所認識,同時在查房或者在值班的時候學習對病人的照顧及家屬之間的溝通技巧,以達到醫病關係的融洽及知識和技術上的進步。 Engaged in medical care, the proficiency of skills to ensure the quality of medical services in line with the fundamental. Therefore, the basic purpose of medical education is to enable each student a balanced development of basic core competencies, and professional work in the future to continue to refine and enrich their skills. The following set of medical students should have the relevant skills neurosurgery, and in the clinical course to enhance learning and sophistication, I hope in addition to general medical students should have the communication skills, medical record writing ability, the ability of basic physical examination, and imaging tests to determine the basic capacities and capabilities of clinical steps, general neurosurgery can be aware of the disease, while on duty in rounds or in the time to learn the patient's care and communication skills between family members, in order to achieve harmony and the doctor-patient relationship knowledge and technological advances.
四年級下學期內科學概論、外科學概論及臨床診斷學與實習。 Fourth grade next semester Introduction to internal medicine, surgery Introduction and clinical diagnosis and practice.
教學方式Teaching Methods
1.各科成績: (1)口試:口頭報告後由VS及R提出問題,依表現給予成績。 (2)各科筆試:每2~8週舉辦一次。 (3)臨床核心技術及Mini-CEX。 (4)平常考核。 2.學期筆試:每大組結束舉辦一次;五年級A、B組24週結束後各考一次 六年級C、D、E組10週結束後各考一次 3.OSCE考試:五、六年級結束後各一次。 ※ 各科總成績=各科成績70%+學期筆試20%+OSCE 10%。
神經外科學. 作者: 洪純隆. 出版社: 國立編譯館 神經放射診斷學 作者: 沈戊忠 出版社: 合記書局神經外科黑色喜劇. 作者:法蘭克.佛杜錫克 出版社: 天下雜誌 “Handbook of Neurosurgery”. Marks, Greenberg, M.D., 1996. “The practice Of Neurosurgery”, Geoge T.Tindall, Paul R. Cooper, Daniel L. Barrow, 1996 “The Spine”. David S. Bradford “Approaches In Neurosurgery-central and peripheral system. I.mohsenipour“, W.E. Goldhahn, J. Fischer, W.Platzer, A.Pomaroli, 1994 “Neurologic Surgery”. Julan R. Youmans, M.D. PhD, 1990 “Operative Neurosurgical Technique- Indication”, Method, and Result. Henry H. Schmidek, M.D., F.A.C.S., Willian H. Sweet, M.D. D.Sc., F.A.C.S., 1997 “Neurology and Neurosurgery Illustrated”. Lindsay / bone / Callander, 1996. “Neurologic and Neurosurgical Emergencies”. Cruz, 1998 “Atlas of Spine Surgery”. Winter, Lonstein, Denis, smith, 1998 “Neurosurgery”. Wilkins, Rengachary “Neurosurgical Intensive Care”. Brian T. Andrews Ordinary People Neurology and Neurosurgery Illustrated, Lindsay, Bone, Callander Neurological Examination Made Easy, Geraint Fuller, Churchill Living Stone Clinical Neuroanatomy for Medical Students, Richard S. Snell, M.D.,Ph.D.Little, Brown The ICU Book, Paul L. Arine, Loppincott Williams and Wilkins
教學進度Course Schedule
2013/09/16 4.功能性神經外科手術(邱尚明) 4.Functional Neurosurgery 邱尚明(Shang-Ming CHIOU)
2013/09/16 3.頭部外傷(李漢忠) 3.Head Trauma 李漢忠(Han-Chung Lee)
2013/09/16 1.出血性腦中風(陳春忠) 1.Intracerebellar Hemorrhage 陳春忠(CHUN-CHUNG CHEN)
2013/09/16 1.退化性脊椎疾病(陳德誠) 1.Degenerated Spinal Disease 教學小組
2013/09/16 2.脊椎外傷(劉俊麟) 2.Spinal Trauma 教學小組
2013/09/16 2.顱內腫瘤(林宏霖) 2.Brain Tumor 教學小組