系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
醫學系 5年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
01U000603 / AB
2 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Gastroenterology & clinical clerkship
彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
140 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
127 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
可選學制 (availability)
5年級 至7年級



課程概述Course Description
教學目標Course Objectives
(一)、本次專科訂有學習目標(詳見附件一),學生到消化系內科orientation 時就發給學生,並予說明。 (二)、利用平時抽問,開會討論時,評估學生思維發言之表現,course 結束時進行口試,配合讀書報告的表現,以了解學生有無達到學習目標。 (三)、病人就像是一本書,引導學生可以隨時隨地回想,目前已經辛苦照護過的很多病人的機轉、表現、治療、過程、結果,做一個比較,配合手冊的幫忙,如滾雪球般的建立起臨床實用的,樹狀的、模組化的思維和處置程式。 (1) th, this faculty subscribes has the study goal (to for details see appendix one), the student to the digestion is when internal medicine department orientation issues the student, and gives the explanation. (2) th, the use usually pulls out asked, when holds a meeting the discussion, appraised performance student thought speech, when course conclusion carries on the oral examination, coordinates to study the report performance, understood whether there is the student does achieve the study goal. (3) th, the patient likely is a book, guides the student to be possible to recollect anytime and anywhere, at present already was laborious has looked after the very many patient's turning point, the performance, the treatment, the process, the result, made a comparison, the coordinate handbook help, like made a snowman establishment clinical practical, tree, mold train thought and handling formula.
四年級下學期內科學概論、外科學概論及臨床診斷學與實習。 4th class next semester internal medicine introduction, surgery introduction and clinical diagnostics and practice.
教學方式Teaching Methods
1. 各科成績: (1) 口試:口頭報告後由VS 及R 提出問題,依表現給予成績。 (2) 各科筆試:每2~8 週舉辦一次。 (3) 臨床核心技術及Mini-CEX。 (4) 平常考核。 2. 學期筆試:每大組結束舉辦一次;五年級B 組24 週結束後各考一次六年級C組10 週結束後各考一次 3. OSCE 考試:五、六年級結束後各一次。 ※ 各科總成績=各科成績90%+ OSCE 10%。
(1) Braunwald E, Hauser SL, Fauci AS, et al. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. (2008), 17th edition. McGraw-Hill. (2) Cooper, Daniel H, Krainik, et al. Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics. (2007), 32th edition.Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. (3) Pocket medicine: The Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of Internal Medicine. (2007), 3rd edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. (4) Sherlock S. Diseases of the Liver and Biliary System. (2002), 12th edition. Blackwell Science. (5) Mark Feldman, Lawrence S. Friedman, Marvin H. Sleisenger. Gastrointestinal and Liver disease.(2006), 8th edition. W.B. Saunders. (6) Wolfe MM. Therapy of Digestive Disorders. (2005), 2nd edition. W.B. Saunder. (7) Klaus F.R Schiller et al. Atlas of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and Related Pathology (2003). Software edition. Blackwell Science. (8) Henry M. Seidel et al. Mosby's Guide to Physical Examination, 3rd edition. Mosby. (9) 書名:腹部超音波精解 [病例篇] 原文書名:Compact Atlas of Abdominal Ultrasound 原著:南里 和秀 監修:和賀井 敏夫 譯者:吳泰德、蔡宏杰 醫師 長庚大學醫學系畢業 校閱: 沈一嫻 醫師 長庚大學 內科副教授,長庚紀念醫院
教學進度Course Schedule
2016/09/12 105/09/12~106/09/03 醫智庫- 肝癌(數位) (1小時) Hepatocellular carcinoma 彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)
2016/09/19 期中考 TEST 彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)
2016/09/26 105/09/12~106/09/03 醫智庫-肝臟疾病的內科治療(數位) (1小時) Medical treatment of liver disease 賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai)
2016/10/03 105/09/12~106/09/03 醫智庫-膽道及胰臟癌的內科治療(數位) (1小時) Tumors of the biliary tract and pancreas and medical treatment of the biliary and pancreatic diseases 黃文信(Huang, Wen-Hsin)
2016/10/10 105/09/12~106/09/03 醫智庫-肝膿瘍(數位)(楊其穎醫師,1小時) Liver abscess 教學小組
2016/10/17 105/09/12~106/09/03 醫智庫-發炎性大腸疾病 (數位)(徐章虎醫師,1小時) Inflammatory bowel disease 教學小組
2016/10/24 105/09/12~106/09/03 醫智庫-消化性潰瘍及相關疾病的內科治療(數位)(徐章虎醫師,1小時) Medical treatment of peptic ulcer disease and related disorders 教學小組
2016/10/31 105/09/12~106/09/03 醫智庫-腸胃道出血的內科治療& 大腸直腸癌(數位)(馮俊龍醫師,2小時) Medical treatment of gastrointestinal bleeding & Colorectal cancer 教學小組
2016/11/07 105/09/12~106/09/03 醫智庫-胃癌(數位) (周仁偉醫師,1小時) Gastric cancer 教學小組
2016/11/14 105/09/12~106/09/03 醫智庫-大腸激躁症(數位)(周仁偉醫師,1小時) Irritable bowel syndrome 教學小組
2016/11/21 105/09/12~106/09/03 醫智庫-腸道感染症(數位)(陳昇弘醫師,1小時) Infectious diarrhea 陳昇弘(Sheng-Hung Chen)
2016/12/05 105/09/12~106/09/03 醫智庫-非酒精性脂肪肝炎(數位) (1小時) Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis 高榮達(Jung-Ta Kao)
2016/12/19 104/09/15~105/08/30 醫智庫-Colorectal cancer(馮俊龍醫師)(數位)(1小時) 104/09/15~105/08/30 Colorectal cancer 教學小組
2016/12/26 期末考 TSET 彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)