系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
新藥開發研究所碩士班 1年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
MKM000012 / A
2 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Bioorganic chemistry
陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
30 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
3 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
全英語授課(Full English course)
可選學制 (availability)
1年級 至4年級
1年級 至4年級



課程概述Course Description
This course is a multidisciplinary approach toward the learning of the metabolic pathways. I consider Bioorganic Chemistry as an advanced Biochemistry course. Bioorganic Chemistry concerns the structure and reactivity of the biological components and the processes that involve the molecules in the cells. The course explains the most important chemical reactions of the biological systems with the additional description of the enzymatic functional groups involved in such processes. The first part of the class concerns the biological macromolecules. I will explain their modification through laboratory procedures and the biologic systems mimic. A second part concerns the primary metabolism and molecular biology. The study objects of this part are the biological substrates and reactions. Some lectures will put attention on synthetic systems that mimic the biologic processes.
教學目標Course Objectives
因本課程是多領域課程,所以完成此課程的學生可獲得關於生物系統的深刻的知識.此外,可深入明白生活系統裡的結構和過程邏輯.課程的最後,學生可掌握生物學的化學概念. Due to the subject's multidisciplinary, the student who completes the course will gain a profound knowledge of biological systems. He will deeply understand the logic of structures and processes inside the living systems. At the end of the classes, the student will master the chemical concepts of biology.
在課程中,老師將解釋基本概念,以便學生能了解生物結構和過程。所以不需先修科目。只需帶著好奇心和動力。基本化學知識有助於了解此課程,但不是必要的. During the course, I will explain the basic concepts for understanding the biological structure and the processes, which means that there are no prerequisites for attending the lectures. It is only required curiosity and motivation. The knowledge of basilar chemistry is helpful but not necessary.
教學方式Teaching Methods
講課 Lecturing
小組作業 Group homework 前後測比較進步與成長 Progress evaluation 出席狀況 Class attendance
The assessment method is thought to induce the student to study weekly the subject of the course. For this reason, I want to make use of periodical home-works (individual or group). I also will annotate the participation of the single students in the lectures (class involvement), which means that I will appreciate questions and observations.
Textbook. D. Voet, J. Voet, C.W. Pratt ‘Principles of Biochemistry’, 5th edition (2018), Wiley Reference. J. Org. Chem. 2009, 74, 2631–2645. Historical description of bioorganic Chemistry
教學進度Course Schedule
2022/02/23 生物有機化學簡介, 陳述課程和課程的定義 Introduction to bioorganic Chemistry, presentation of the course and definitions. 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2022/03/02 生物學和化學作用的基本概念 General concepts about the biological and chemical processes. 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2022/03/09 生物系統裡有機分子的結構和反應 Structure and reactions of organic molecules that we can also find in biological systems. 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2022/03/16 生物大分子:碳水化合物和核酸 Biological macromolecules: carbohydrates and nucleic acids 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2022/03/23 生物大分子:胺基酸和蛋白質 Biological macromolecules: amino-acids and proteins 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2022/03/30 生物大分子:脂質 Biological macromolecules: lipids 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2022/04/06 膜間傳送 Intermembrane transport 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2022/04/13 病毒的結構 Structures of viruses 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2022/04/20 初級代謝之基本說明 General description of primary metabolism 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2022/04/27 醣解 Glycolysis 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2022/05/04 克式循環 Krebs cycle 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2022/05/11 醣質新生和酮體 Gluconeogenesis and Ketonic bodies 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2022/05/18 蛋白質之代謝 Metabolism of proteins 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2022/05/25 脂肪酸之生物降解與生物合成 Biodegradation and biosynthesis of fatty acids 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2022/06/01 肝醣之降解與生物合成 Degradation and biosynthesis of Glycogen 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2022/06/08 蛋白質生物合成 Proteins biosynthesis 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2022/06/15 核醣核酸生物合成 RNA biosynthesis 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2022/06/22 去氧核醣核酸複製 DNA replication 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)