By telling and introducing the concepts, content, principles, structure and interpretation methods of the General Part of Civil Law, as well as the literal meaning and implications of the legal provisions, beginners can clearly understand the essence and implications of the General Part of Civil Law, laying a foundation for subsequent civil law courses.
教學方式Teaching Methods
Group discussion, Brain storming, e.g., Case study, Event discussion, Movie review
2021/09/14 民法之概述、適用及其解釋方法
Overview, Application of Civil Law and Its Interpretation method
蘇顯騰 2021/09/21 權利主體:自然人概述、權利能力、行為能力及胎兒、未成年、精神障礙或其他心智缺陷者保護
Subject of right:overview of natural persons, capacity of rights(Rechtsfähigkeit) and capacity to contract (Geschäftsfähigkeit), and protection of fetuses, minors, mental disorders or other mentally handicapped persons
蘇顯騰 2021/09/28 權利主體:法人概述、通則、社團、財團及特別法規定
Subject of right::overview of legal persons, general provisions , associations(Verein), consortia(Stiftungen) and provisions of special laws
蘇顯騰 2021/10/05 權利客體:物、動產、不動產、權利、權利體系
Object of Rights: things(Sache), movable property, real property, rights, rights system
蘇顯騰 2021/10/12 權利變動:法律行為(通則、強制、禁止規定、公序良俗、脫法行為、暴利行為、行為能力)
Change of rights:legal transaction(Rechtsgeschäft)-general provisions , compulsory provisions, public policy, or good morals, evasive act(Gesetzungsumgehung), profiteering act(Wucher), capacity to contract
蘇顯騰 2021/10/19 權利變動:意思表示基本理論
Change of rights:the basic theory of “declaration of intent” (Willenserklärung)
蘇顯騰 2021/10/26 權利變動:單獨虛偽意思表示與通謀意思表示
Change of rights:false expression of intention and conspiracy expression of intention
蘇顯騰 2021/11/02 權利變動:意思表示之錯誤、被詐欺或被脅迫及其瑕疵救濟
Change of rights:mistake(Irrtum), deceit(Tauschung) or duress(Drohung) of “declaration of intent” and its relief of defects
蘇顯騰 2021/11/09 期中考
Midterm exam.
蘇顯騰 2021/11/16 條件及期限
Conditions and specification of time(Bedingung und Zeitbestimmung)
蘇顯騰 2021/11/23 代理之基本理論
The basic theory of agency(Vertretung)
蘇顯騰 2021/11/30 有權代理、無權代理與表現代理、無權處分
authorized agency, unauthorised agency and Apparent power of agency(Scheinbare Vollmacht), unauthorised disposition
蘇顯騰 2021/12/07 法律行為之無效及撤銷
Invalidation and revocation of legal transaction(nichiges und anfechtares Rechtsgeschäft)
蘇顯騰 2021/12/14 期間及期日、消滅時效
Periods of time and fixed dates, Limitation(Fristen, Termine, Verjährung)
蘇顯騰 2021/12/21 權利行使、公共利益、誠信原則、權利濫用、自力救濟
Exercise of rights, public interest, the principle of good faith, abuse of rights, self-relief
蘇顯騰 2021/12/28 案例研討
Case study
蘇顯騰 2022/01/04 案例研討及心得分享
Case study and experience sharing
蘇顯騰 2022/01/11 期末考
Final exam