1. The changes in Chromatin structure and gene expression in cancer cells 2. Cancer related Chromatin modifier enzymes 4. DNA methylation and demethylation in Cancer cells 5. The changes of Histone code in Cancer cells 6. The regulation of epigenetic signal transduction in cancer 7. The dysregulation of non-Coding RNA in Cancer cells 8. Gene regulation by non-Coding RNA in Cancer cells. 9 The involvement of epigenetic regulation in the development of drug resistance.
教學目標Course Objectives
致癌基因 (Oncogene) 與抑癌基因 (tumor suppressor gene)表現的外遺傳調控失常為細胞癌化的主要關鍵,並經常影響抗癌藥物的治療效果。經由本課程之選修,期望研究生得以經由研讀期刊論文,瞭解各種癌症外遺傳調控作用及對相關抗癌藥物治療效果的影響發展,並培養研究生思考、分析、組織及表達之能力,為研究論文奠定基石。
The dysregulation of oncogene or tumor supressor gene at epigenetical level is crucial for tumorigenesis. This lecture will describe the epigenetic regulations of gene expression and their involvement in the sensitivity of anti-cancer drugs.
教學方式Teaching Methods
Innovation, creative activities
Oral presentation, Role playing
Oral Report
Class attendance
Class involvement
教學進度Course Schedule
2021/09/15 癌症表遺傳體學概論
Introduction of Cancer epigenetics
黃偉謙(Wei-Chien Huang) 2021/09/22 long non-coding RNA 與癌症
long non-coding RNA and cancer
黃偉謙(Wei-Chien Huang) 2021/09/29 long non-coding RNA 的調控異常 (1)
dysregulation of long non-coding RNA (1)
黃偉謙(Wei-Chien Huang) 2021/10/06 long non-coding RNA 的調控異常 (2)
dysregulation of long non-coding RNA (2)
黃偉謙(Wei-Chien Huang) 2021/10/13 long non-coding RNA 的調控異常 (3)
dysregulation of long non-coding RNA (3)
黃偉謙(Wei-Chien Huang) 2021/10/20 long non-coding RNA 的標的基因 (1)
target gene of long non-coding RNA (1)
黃偉謙(Wei-Chien Huang) 2021/10/27 long non-coding RNA 的標的基因 (2)
target gene of long non-coding RNA (2)
黃偉謙(Wei-Chien Huang) 2021/11/03 long non-coding RNA 的標的基因 (3)
target gene of long non-coding RNA (3)
黃偉謙(Wei-Chien Huang) 2021/11/10 期中考
Mid exam
黃偉謙(Wei-Chien Huang) 2021/11/17 microRNA RNA 與癌症
microRNA RNA and Cancer
黃偉謙(Wei-Chien Huang) 2021/11/24 microRNA RNA 的調控異常 (1)
dysregulation of microRNA RNA (1)
黃偉謙(Wei-Chien Huang) 2021/12/01 microRNA RNA 的調控異常 (2)
dysregulation of microRNA RNA (2)
黃偉謙(Wei-Chien Huang) 2021/12/08 microRNA RNA 的調控異常 (3)
dysregulation of microRNA RNA (3)
黃偉謙(Wei-Chien Huang) 2021/12/15 MicroRNA 的標的基因 (1)
target gene of microRNA (2)
黃偉謙(Wei-Chien Huang) 2021/12/22 MicroRNA 的標的基因 (2)
target gene of microRNA (2)
黃偉謙(Wei-Chien Huang) 2021/12/29 MicroRNA 的標的基因 (3)
target gene of microRNA (3)
黃偉謙(Wei-Chien Huang) 2022/01/05 non-coding RNA 之間的交互作用
cross-talk among non-coding RNAs
黃偉謙(Wei-Chien Huang) 2022/01/12 期末考
黃偉謙(Wei-Chien Huang)