1. 生醫工程中使用電腦輔助工程進行模擬分析的應用,此部分以研究論文或演講呈現。 2. 實際操作電腦輔助工程的軟體並了解其應用背後的原理,此部分已實際操作軟體並解說背後原理為主。
The goal of this course is 1. to provide the applications used the tool of computer aided engineering to perform the computer simulation related to researches or studies of biomedical enginering. 2. to practise the software of computer aided engineering (or finite element analysis)and know its background knowledge.
教學方式Teaching Methods
Oral presentation
Oral Report
Class attendance
Class involvement
教學進度Course Schedule
2020/03/02 課程介紹
黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang) 2020/03/02 基本力學、FEA觀念簡介
introduction to basic biomchanics & FEM
許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu) 2020/03/02 有限元素於生物力學應用I
Finite element simulation in biomechanics I
許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu) 2020/03/09 有限元素於生物力學應用II
Finite element simulation in biomechanics II
許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu) 2020/03/16 有限元素於生物力學應用III
Finite element simulation in biomechanics III
許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu) 2020/03/23 醫學影像軟體mimics連結於有限元素分析軟體-ANSYS之方法與應用 1
applications of linking the tools of medical imaging software-mimics with finite element analysis(FEA)-ANSYS 1
許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu) 2020/03/30 醫學影像軟體mimics連結於有限元素分析軟體-ANSYS之方法與應用 2
applications of linking the tools of medical imaging software-mimics with finite element analysis(FEA)-ANSYS 2
許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu) 2020/04/06 醫學影像軟體mimics連結於有限元素分析軟體-ANSYS之方法與應用 3
applications of linking the tools of medical imaging software-mimics with finite element analysis(FEA)-ANSYS 3
許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu) 2020/04/13 期中周
Midterm term
許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu) 2020/04/20 FEA基本介紹_認識ANSYS介面與基本練習
Introduction of FEA-Interface of ANSYS and basic exercises
黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang) 2020/04/27 FEA基本介紹_FEA基本五大步驟-1、2
Introduction of FEA-Basic five steps of operation-1、2
黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang) 2020/05/04 FEA基本介紹_FEA基本五大步驟-3、4
Introduction of FEA-Basic five steps of operation-3、4
黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang) 2020/05/11 FEA基本介紹_FEA基本五大步驟-5
Introduction of FEA-Basic five steps of operation-5
黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang) 2020/05/18 簡介ANSYS非線性分析-1
Introduction of non-linear FEA-1
黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang) 2020/05/25 簡介ANSYS非線性分析-2
Introduction of non-linear FEA-2
黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang) 2020/06/01 正交材料的設定與分析
Setting orthogonal material and its related analysis
黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang) 2020/06/08 個人上台報告
Oral presentation
黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang) 2020/06/15 期末週
Final term
黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang) 2020/06/22 彈性教學 2020/06/29 彈性教學