系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
新藥開發研究所博士班 1年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
D5D000029 / A
2 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Advanced tumor biology(II)
許凱文(Hsu, Kai-Wen)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
30 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
4 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
全英語授課(Full English course)
可選學制 (availability)
1年級 至4年級
1年級 至5年級



課程概述Course Description
本課程以英文授課,使用該領域發表之最新期刊論文。本課程將涵蓋(a) 腫瘤生物學和(b)治療及藥物開發之研究領域中的重要主題。課程主題以細胞及分子層面概述腫瘤惡性轉化,包含探討細胞內訊息傳導路徑之調控、癌症研究之分子技術及方法、癌症之治療與預防。利用講解與相互討論的方式,使學生能對該領域的研究有全面性的了解。 This course is taught in English, using the latest articles published in this field. This course will cover (a) important topics in tumor biology and (b) possible research areas in therapy and drug development. The topics give an overview of tumor progression at the cellular and molecular levels, including discussions of the signal transduction networks involved in growth control and molecular techniques for studying the progression, treatment and prevention of cancer. Lectures and discussions will enable students to gain a comprehensive understanding of research in the field.
教學目標Course Objectives
本課程授課對象為想從事科學研究之臨床醫師或相關研究人員。課程內容將廣泛地介紹並導讀腫瘤相關領域中最新的研究發現,以啟發相關聯之研究靈感。 This class is for clinicians or staffs who are interested in scientific research. The course aims to introduce new research findings in the field of tumor biology and to explore related research ideas.
教學方式Teaching Methods
講課 Lecturing 小組討論、腦力激盪(如案例討論、電影欣賞等) Group discussion, Brain storming, e.g., Case study, Event discussion, Movie review 學生上台報告、角色演練 Oral presentation, Role playing
期末報告 Final report 個人上台報告 Oral Report 心得與反思報告 Learning gain and introspection report
口頭報告(70%)、出缺席率、上課表現(30%) Oral presentation (70%), class attendance and involvement (30%)
學術文獻回顧之期刊論文及目前發表的研究期刊論文 Review articles and currently published research articles
教學進度Course Schedule
2022/02/24 課程介紹 (II) Course introduction (II) 許凱文(Hsu, Kai-Wen)
2022/03/03 期刊導讀—腫瘤之訊息傳導路徑及調控(1)(II) Journal study -- Cellular signal transduction and regulation in cancer (1) (II) 許凱文(Hsu, Kai-Wen)
2022/03/10 期刊導讀—腫瘤之訊息傳導路徑及調控(2)(II) Journal study -- Cellular signal transduction and regulation in cancer (2) (II) 許凱文(Hsu, Kai-Wen)
2022/03/17 期刊導讀—腫瘤之血管新生、上皮-間質轉化 (EMT)、侵襲及轉移(1)(II) Journal study -- Tumor angiogenesis, epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT), invasion and metastasis (1) (II) 許凱文(Hsu, Kai-Wen)
2022/03/24 期刊導讀—腫瘤之血管新生、上皮-間質轉化 (EMT)、侵襲及轉移(2)(II) Journal study -- Tumor angiogenesis, epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT), invasion and metastasis (2) (II) 許凱文(Hsu, Kai-Wen)
2022/03/31 期刊導讀—腫瘤之微環境 (II) Journal study -- Tumor microenvironment (II) 許凱文(Hsu, Kai-Wen)
2022/04/07 期刊導讀—腫瘤幹細胞研究 (II) Journal study -- Study of cancer stem cells (II) 許凱文(Hsu, Kai-Wen)
2022/04/14 期刊導讀—腫瘤免疫學及免疫治療 (II) Journal study -- Tumor immunology and immunotherapy (II) 許凱文(Hsu, Kai-Wen)
2022/04/21 期中考試週 Mid-term exam 許凱文(Hsu, Kai-Wen)
2022/04/28 期刊導讀—致癌物及癌症預防 (II) Journal study -- Carcinogen and cancer prevention (II) 許凱文(Hsu, Kai-Wen)
2022/05/05 期刊導讀—癌症標靶治療 (1) (II) Journal study -- Cancer cell-targeted therapy (1) (II) 許凱文(Hsu, Kai-Wen)
2022/05/12 期刊導讀—癌症標靶治療 (2) (II) Journal study -- Cancer cell-targeted therapy (2) (II) 許凱文(Hsu, Kai-Wen)
2022/05/19 期刊導讀—癌症研究之動物模式 (II) Journal study -- Animal models of cancer research (II) 許凱文(Hsu, Kai-Wen)
2022/05/26 期刊導讀—癌症之早期檢測 (II) Journal study -- Early detection of cancer (II) 許凱文(Hsu, Kai-Wen)
2022/06/02 期刊導讀—分子標靶藥物之開發 (1)(II) Journal study -- Development of molecular targeting drugs (1) (II) 許凱文(Hsu, Kai-Wen)
2022/06/09 期刊導讀—分子標靶藥物之開發 (2)(II) Journal study -- Development of molecular targeting drugs (2) (II) 許凱文(Hsu, Kai-Wen)
2022/06/16 期刊導讀—分子標靶藥物之開發 (3)(II) Journal study -- Development of molecular targeting drugs (3) (II) 許凱文(Hsu, Kai-Wen)
2022/06/23 期末考試週 Final exam 許凱文(Hsu, Kai-Wen)