系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
生物醫學研究所博士班 1年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
D4D000136 / A
4 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Molecular medicine
譚明(Tan, Ming)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
100 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
62 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
院級必修,全英文授課,醫學院各研究所碩博士班及學位學程需選課 全英語授課(Full English course)
可選學制 (availability)
1年級 至4年級
1年級 至4年級



課程概述Course Description
The course design of "Molecular Medicine" is for all the graduate student in the school of medicine, CMU. The objective of the provided course works is to build up the most solid knowledge basis for graduate student on the concept of biomedicine. Through sharing experience of the most prestigious pioneers in their field, the student can learn the most upfront knowledge. The course design decided into two part. One is lecture, the other is discussion.
教學目標Course Objectives
“分子醫學”的課程設計適用於醫學院的所有研究生。 課程的目的是為研究生建立生物醫學概念最堅實的知識基礎。 通過分享領域最負盛名的先驅者的研究經驗,學生可以學習最先進的知識。 課程設計分為兩部分。 一個是講座,另一個是PBL討論。 All the student will attend the lectures contain including five major territories of biomedical sciences. They are: Cancer, Immunology, Metabolic diseases, Stem cell biology, and Brain diseases. Except for learning from the lecturers, all the students will be divided into small groups to participate in the discussion courses. Each group will be leading by an outstanding junior faculties in the school, to have a two-hour discussion after each lecture. The purpose of this design is to make sure all the student understand deeper to the lecture contain. All the international student in the school will be participating in the courses. Therefore, the format of course work provides excellent environment of idea exchanging, and for practicing communication skills.
教學方式Teaching Methods
講課 Lecturing 小組討論、腦力激盪(如案例討論、電影欣賞等) Group discussion, Brain storming, e.g., Case study, Event discussion, Movie review
期中報告 Midterm report 期末報告 Final report 出席狀況 Class attendance 課堂參與與表現 Class involvement 心得與反思報告 Learning gain and introspection report
40% Course Attendance 30% PBL Discussion Performance 30% PBL Quizzes Asking question in the plenary lecture get extra points
教學進度Course Schedule
2021/09/17 Stem Cell Research: My 20+ years journey Stem Cell Research: My 20+ years journey 李光申 譚明(Tan, Ming)
2021/09/21 中秋節無課 National Holiday Day No Class
2021/09/24 Applications of single-particle tracking in visualizing EGFR trafficking and assessing the metastatic potential of cancer cells Applications of single-particle tracking in visualizing EGFR trafficking and assessing the metastatic potential of cancer cells 劉彥良(Liu, Yen-Liang) 譚明(Tan, Ming)
2021/09/28 Applications of single-particle tracking in visualizing EGFR trafficking and assessing the metastatic potential of cancer cells Applications of single-particle tracking in visualizing EGFR trafficking and assessing the metastatic potential of cancer cells 佘玉萍(Yuh-Pyng Sher) 蘇文琪(Wen-Chi Su) 鄒瑞煌(Ruey-Hwang Chou) 吳恒祥(Wu, Heng-Hsiung) 李威昇 楊文豪(Yang,Wen-Hao) 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine) 黃文欽(Huang,Wen-Chin) 鄧喬方(Teng, Chiao-Fang) 劉彥良(Liu, Yen-Liang) 李培志(Lee, Pei-Chih) 許榮茂(Hsu,Jung-Mao) 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen) 賴姝蓉(Lai, Shu-Jung) 王志豪(Wang, Chih-Hao) 李興國(Li, Xing-Guo) 徐昭業(Shiu, Jau-Ye) 山口浩史(Yamaguchi Hirohito)
2021/10/01 From Learning and Memory to Tools and Techniques From Learning and Memory to Tools and Techniques 譚明(Tan, Ming) 翁鳳如(Weng, Feng-Ju)
2021/10/05 From Learning and Memory to Tools and Techniques From Learning and Memory to Tools and Techniques 佘玉萍(Yuh-Pyng Sher) 蘇文琪(Wen-Chi Su) 鄒瑞煌(Ruey-Hwang Chou) 吳恒祥(Wu, Heng-Hsiung) 李威昇 楊文豪(Yang,Wen-Hao) 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine) 黃文欽(Huang,Wen-Chin) 鄧喬方(Teng, Chiao-Fang) 劉彥良(Liu, Yen-Liang) 李培志(Lee, Pei-Chih) 許榮茂(Hsu,Jung-Mao) 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen) 賴姝蓉(Lai, Shu-Jung) 王志豪(Wang, Chih-Hao) 李興國(Li, Xing-Guo) 徐昭業(Shiu, Jau-Ye) 山口浩史(Yamaguchi Hirohito)
2021/10/08 The tale of fibroblasts in endometrial cancer (Speaker : Ivy Chung / Director of University Malaya Malaysia) The tale of fibroblasts in endometrial cancer (Speaker : Ivy Chung / Director of University Malaya Malaysia) 譚明(Tan, Ming)
2021/10/12 The tale of fibroblasts in endometrial cancer (Speaker : Ivy Chung / Director of University Malaya Malaysia) The tale of fibroblasts in endometrial cancer (Speaker : Ivy Chung / Director of University Malaya Malaysia) 佘玉萍(Yuh-Pyng Sher) 蘇文琪(Wen-Chi Su) 鄒瑞煌(Ruey-Hwang Chou) 吳恒祥(Wu, Heng-Hsiung) 李威昇 楊文豪(Yang,Wen-Hao) 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine) 黃文欽(Huang,Wen-Chin) 鄧喬方(Teng, Chiao-Fang) 劉彥良(Liu, Yen-Liang) 李培志(Lee, Pei-Chih) 許榮茂(Hsu,Jung-Mao) 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen) 賴姝蓉(Lai, Shu-Jung) 王志豪(Wang, Chih-Hao) 李興國(Li, Xing-Guo) 徐昭業(Shiu, Jau-Ye) 山口浩史(Yamaguchi Hirohito)
2021/10/15 Chromosome instability and human diseases (Speaker : Chi, Ya-Hui / Associate Investigator National Health Research Institutes) Chromosome instability and human diseases (Speaker : Chi, Ya-Hui / Associate Investigator National Health Research Institutes) 譚明(Tan, Ming)
2021/10/19 Chromosome instability and human diseases (Speaker : Chi, Ya-Hui / Associate Investigator National Health Research Institutes) Chromosome instability and human diseases (Speaker : Chi, Ya-Hui / Associate Investigator National Health Research Institutes) 佘玉萍(Yuh-Pyng Sher) 蘇文琪(Wen-Chi Su) 鄒瑞煌(Ruey-Hwang Chou) 吳恒祥(Wu, Heng-Hsiung) 李威昇 楊文豪(Yang,Wen-Hao) 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine) 黃文欽(Huang,Wen-Chin) 鄧喬方(Teng, Chiao-Fang) 劉彥良(Liu, Yen-Liang) 李培志(Lee, Pei-Chih) 許榮茂(Hsu,Jung-Mao) 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen) 賴姝蓉(Lai, Shu-Jung) 王志豪(Wang, Chih-Hao) 李興國(Li, Xing-Guo) 徐昭業(Shiu, Jau-Ye) 山口浩史(Yamaguchi Hirohito)
2021/10/22 Abnormal electrophysiological activities associated with mitochondrial function and oxidative stress in induced pluripotent cells (iPSCs) and iPSCs-derived neurons harboring a pathogenic mtDNA mutation (Speaker : Wei, Yau-Huei) Abnormal electrophysiological activities associated with mitochondrial function and oxidative stress in induced pluripotent cells (iPSCs) and iPSCs-derived neurons harboring a pathogenic mtDNA mutation (Speaker : Wei, Yau-Huei) 王志豪(Wang, Chih-Hao)
2021/10/26 Abnormal electrophysiological activities associated with mitochondrial function and oxidative stress in induced pluripotent cells (iPSCs) and iPSCs-derived neurons harboring a pathogenic mtDNA mutation (Speaker : Wei, Yau-Huei) Abnormal electrophysiological activities associated with mitochondrial function and oxidative stress in induced pluripotent cells (iPSCs) and iPSCs-derived neurons harboring a pathogenic mtDNA mutation (Speaker : Wei, Yau-Huei) 佘玉萍(Yuh-Pyng Sher) 蘇文琪(Wen-Chi Su) 鄒瑞煌(Ruey-Hwang Chou) 吳恒祥(Wu, Heng-Hsiung) 李威昇 楊文豪(Yang,Wen-Hao) 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine) 黃文欽(Huang,Wen-Chin) 鄧喬方(Teng, Chiao-Fang) 劉彥良(Liu, Yen-Liang) 李培志(Lee, Pei-Chih) 許榮茂(Hsu,Jung-Mao) 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen) 賴姝蓉(Lai, Shu-Jung) 王志豪(Wang, Chih-Hao) 李興國(Li, Xing-Guo) 徐昭業(Shiu, Jau-Ye) 山口浩史(Yamaguchi Hirohito)
2021/10/29 Adaptive responses of tumor cells to nutrient restriction (Speaker : Muñoz Pinedo, Cristina /Professor at University of Barcelona Group leader at IDIBELL ) Adaptive responses of tumor cells to nutrient restriction (Speaker : Muñoz Pinedo, Cristina /Professor at University of Barcelona Group leader at IDIBELL ) 譚明(Tan, Ming)
2021/11/02 Adaptive responses of tumor cells to nutrient restriction (Speaker : Muñoz Pinedo, Cristina /Professor at University of Barcelona Group leader at IDIBELL ) Adaptive responses of tumor cells to nutrient restriction (Speaker : Muñoz Pinedo, Cristina /Professor at University of Barcelona Group leader at IDIBELL ) 佘玉萍(Yuh-Pyng Sher) 蘇文琪(Wen-Chi Su) 鄒瑞煌(Ruey-Hwang Chou) 吳恒祥(Wu, Heng-Hsiung) 李威昇 楊文豪(Yang,Wen-Hao) 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine) 黃文欽(Huang,Wen-Chin) 鄧喬方(Teng, Chiao-Fang) 劉彥良(Liu, Yen-Liang) 李培志(Lee, Pei-Chih) 許榮茂(Hsu,Jung-Mao) 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen) 賴姝蓉(Lai, Shu-Jung) 王志豪(Wang, Chih-Hao) 李興國(Li, Xing-Guo) 徐昭業(Shiu, Jau-Ye) 山口浩史(Yamaguchi Hirohito)
2021/11/05 Bad influence: reciprocal interactions between tumor cells and their microenvironment in renal cell carcinoma Bad influence: reciprocal interactions between tumor cells and their microenvironment in renal cell carcinoma 譚明(Tan, Ming) 徐沺(Hsu, Tien)
2021/11/09 Bad influence: reciprocal interactions between tumor cells and their microenvironment in renal cell carcinoma Bad influence: reciprocal interactions between tumor cells and their microenvironment in renal cell carcinoma 佘玉萍(Yuh-Pyng Sher) 蘇文琪(Wen-Chi Su) 鄒瑞煌(Ruey-Hwang Chou) 吳恒祥(Wu, Heng-Hsiung) 李威昇 楊文豪(Yang,Wen-Hao) 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine) 黃文欽(Huang,Wen-Chin) 鄧喬方(Teng, Chiao-Fang) 劉彥良(Liu, Yen-Liang) 李培志(Lee, Pei-Chih) 許榮茂(Hsu,Jung-Mao) 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen) 賴姝蓉(Lai, Shu-Jung) 王志豪(Wang, Chih-Hao) 李興國(Li, Xing-Guo) 徐昭業(Shiu, Jau-Ye) 山口浩史(Yamaguchi Hirohito)
2021/11/12 期中考 無課 Midterm exam No Class 譚明(Tan, Ming)
2021/11/19 台灣國際創新生物醫學峰會 All students attend the International Conference on Advanced Biomedical Sciences (ICABS) 譚明(Tan, Ming)
2021/11/23 台灣國際創新生物醫學峰會 All students attend the International Conference on Advanced Biomedical Sciences (ICABS) 佘玉萍(Yuh-Pyng Sher) 蘇文琪(Wen-Chi Su) 鄒瑞煌(Ruey-Hwang Chou) 吳恒祥(Wu, Heng-Hsiung) 李威昇 楊文豪(Yang,Wen-Hao) 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine) 黃文欽(Huang,Wen-Chin) 鄧喬方(Teng, Chiao-Fang) 劉彥良(Liu, Yen-Liang) 李培志(Lee, Pei-Chih) 許榮茂(Hsu,Jung-Mao) 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen) 賴姝蓉(Lai, Shu-Jung) 王志豪(Wang, Chih-Hao) 李興國(Li, Xing-Guo) 徐昭業(Shiu, Jau-Ye) 山口浩史(Yamaguchi Hirohito)
2021/11/26 Transcriptional control of astrocyte function in normal and diseased brain Transcriptional control of astrocyte function in normal and diseased brain 譚明(Tan, Ming) 黃騰緯(Huang, Teng-Wei)
2021/11/30 Transcriptional control of astrocyte function in normal and diseased brain Transcriptional control of astrocyte function in normal and diseased brain 佘玉萍(Yuh-Pyng Sher) 蘇文琪(Wen-Chi Su) 鄒瑞煌(Ruey-Hwang Chou) 吳恒祥(Wu, Heng-Hsiung) 李威昇 楊文豪(Yang,Wen-Hao) 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine) 黃文欽(Huang,Wen-Chin) 鄧喬方(Teng, Chiao-Fang) 劉彥良(Liu, Yen-Liang) 李培志(Lee, Pei-Chih) 許榮茂(Hsu,Jung-Mao) 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen) 賴姝蓉(Lai, Shu-Jung) 王志豪(Wang, Chih-Hao) 李興國(Li, Xing-Guo) 徐昭業(Shiu, Jau-Ye) 山口浩史(Yamaguchi Hirohito)
2021/12/03 Cancer metastasis: novel targets for cancer therapy Cancer metastasis: novel targets for cancer therapy 佘玉萍(Yuh-Pyng Sher) 譚明(Tan, Ming)
2021/12/07 Cancer metastasis: novel targets for cancer therapy Cancer metastasis: novel targets for cancer therapy 佘玉萍(Yuh-Pyng Sher) 蘇文琪(Wen-Chi Su) 鄒瑞煌(Ruey-Hwang Chou) 吳恒祥(Wu, Heng-Hsiung) 李威昇 楊文豪(Yang,Wen-Hao) 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine) 黃文欽(Huang,Wen-Chin) 鄧喬方(Teng, Chiao-Fang) 劉彥良(Liu, Yen-Liang) 李培志(Lee, Pei-Chih) 許榮茂(Hsu,Jung-Mao) 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen) 賴姝蓉(Lai, Shu-Jung) 王志豪(Wang, Chih-Hao) 李興國(Li, Xing-Guo) 徐昭業(Shiu, Jau-Ye) 山口浩史(Yamaguchi Hirohito)
2021/12/10 Utilizing bioinformatics and machine learning to conduct big data driven cancer research Utilizing bioinformatics and machine learning to conduct big data driven cancer research 莊曜宇(Chuang, Eric Y.) 譚明(Tan, Ming)
2021/12/14 Utilizing bioinformatics and machine learning to conduct big data driven cancer research Utilizing bioinformatics and machine learning to conduct big data driven cancer research 佘玉萍(Yuh-Pyng Sher) 蘇文琪(Wen-Chi Su) 鄒瑞煌(Ruey-Hwang Chou) 吳恒祥(Wu, Heng-Hsiung) 李威昇 楊文豪(Yang,Wen-Hao) 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine) 黃文欽(Huang,Wen-Chin) 鄧喬方(Teng, Chiao-Fang) 劉彥良(Liu, Yen-Liang) 李培志(Lee, Pei-Chih) 許榮茂(Hsu,Jung-Mao) 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen) 賴姝蓉(Lai, Shu-Jung) 王志豪(Wang, Chih-Hao) 李興國(Li, Xing-Guo) 徐昭業(Shiu, Jau-Ye) 山口浩史(Yamaguchi Hirohito)
2021/12/17 Molecular Characterization of Breast Cancer for Personalized Cancer Therapy Molecular Characterization of Breast Cancer for Personalized Cancer Therapy 譚明(Tan, Ming) 山口浩史(Yamaguchi Hirohito)
2021/12/21 Molecular Characterization of Breast Cancer for Personalized Cancer Therapy Molecular Characterization of Breast Cancer for Personalized Cancer Therapy 佘玉萍(Yuh-Pyng Sher) 蘇文琪(Wen-Chi Su) 鄒瑞煌(Ruey-Hwang Chou) 吳恒祥(Wu, Heng-Hsiung) 李威昇 楊文豪(Yang,Wen-Hao) 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine) 黃文欽(Huang,Wen-Chin) 鄧喬方(Teng, Chiao-Fang) 劉彥良(Liu, Yen-Liang) 李培志(Lee, Pei-Chih) 許榮茂(Hsu,Jung-Mao) 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen) 賴姝蓉(Lai, Shu-Jung) 王志豪(Wang, Chih-Hao) 李興國(Li, Xing-Guo) 徐昭業(Shiu, Jau-Ye) 山口浩史(Yamaguchi Hirohito)
2021/12/24 Exploring the interactions between cells and nanomaterials at different dimensions: from single molecule to whole animal studies (Speaker : Chen, Pei-Lin) Exploring the interactions between cells and nanomaterials at different dimensions: from single molecule to whole animal studies (Speaker : Chen, Pei-Lin) 徐昭業(Shiu, Jau-Ye)
2021/12/28 Exploring the interactions between cells and nanomaterials at different dimensions: from single molecule to whole animal studies (Speaker : Chen, Pei-Lin) Exploring the interactions between cells and nanomaterials at different dimensions: from single molecule to whole animal studies (Speaker : Chen, Pei-Lin) 佘玉萍(Yuh-Pyng Sher) 蘇文琪(Wen-Chi Su) 鄒瑞煌(Ruey-Hwang Chou) 吳恒祥(Wu, Heng-Hsiung) 李威昇 楊文豪(Yang,Wen-Hao) 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine) 黃文欽(Huang,Wen-Chin) 鄧喬方(Teng, Chiao-Fang) 劉彥良(Liu, Yen-Liang) 李培志(Lee, Pei-Chih) 許榮茂(Hsu,Jung-Mao) 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen) 賴姝蓉(Lai, Shu-Jung) 王志豪(Wang, Chih-Hao) 李興國(Li, Xing-Guo) 徐昭業(Shiu, Jau-Ye) 山口浩史(Yamaguchi Hirohito)
2021/12/31 元旦補假 National Day No Class 譚明(Tan, Ming)
2022/01/07 Small molecular, antibody protein & cell can all be therapeutics: choice from CMU? Small molecular, antibody protein & cell can all be therapeutics: choice from CMU? 洪明奇(HUNG,MIEN-CHIE) 譚明(Tan, Ming)
2022/01/11 Small molecular, antibody protein & cell can all be therapeutics: choice from CMU? Small molecular, antibody protein & cell can all be therapeutics: choice from CMU? 佘玉萍(Yuh-Pyng Sher) 蘇文琪(Wen-Chi Su) 鄒瑞煌(Ruey-Hwang Chou) 吳恒祥(Wu, Heng-Hsiung) 李威昇 楊文豪(Yang,Wen-Hao) 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine) 黃文欽(Huang,Wen-Chin) 鄧喬方(Teng, Chiao-Fang) 劉彥良(Liu, Yen-Liang) 李培志(Lee, Pei-Chih) 許榮茂(Hsu,Jung-Mao) 楊哲彥(Yang, Jer-Yen) 賴姝蓉(Lai, Shu-Jung) 王志豪(Wang, Chih-Hao) 李興國(Li, Xing-Guo) 徐昭業(Shiu, Jau-Ye) 山口浩史(Yamaguchi Hirohito)
2022/01/14 期末考無課 Final exam No Class 譚明(Tan, Ming)