系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
生物科技學系博士班 1年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
D0D000025 / A
2 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Supramolecular chemistry
陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
15 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
2 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
全英文上課 全英語授課(Full English course)
可選學制 (availability)
1年級 至6年級



課程概述Course Description
Supramolecular chemistry is defined as the chemistry beyond the molecule. The focus of this study is on complex entities composed of molecules joined by intermolecular interactions. The course focuses on the nature of intramolecular interactions and the structure of supramolecular assembly. The study of intermolecular interactions is critical to understanding many biological structures and processes. Biological systems are often the inspiration for supramolecular research. The course also covers supramolecular design knowledge for biological applications.
教學目標Course Objectives
成功終止課程的學生將獲得分子組裝的深入知識。此外,該課程概述了近年來有機化學研究的發展 Students who successfully terminate the course will gain in-depth knowledge of molecular assembly. In addition, the course outlines the development of organic chemistry research in recent years.
需要了解有機化學的基本概念。 It is required the knowledge of the basic concepts of organic chemistry.
教學方式Teaching Methods
講課 Lecturing 學生上台報告 Oral presentation
期末報告 Final report 出席狀況 Class attendance 課堂參與與表現 Class involvement
After the class the students must write a report describing one or more topics. The quality of the relationship and the participation in the course are the criteria for the evaluation. 課後,學生必須撰寫描述一個或多個主題的報告。關係的質量和參與課程是評估的標準
‘Core concepts in Supramolecular Chemistry and Nanochemistry’ by Jonathan W. Steed, David R. Turner, Karl Wallace, 2007
教學進度Course Schedule
2019/02/20 超分子化學簡介:定義,主客體化學,受體,鎖定和關鍵類比,協同性,預組織和互補性。 Introduction to Supramolecular Chemistry: Definitions, host-guest chemistry, receptors, locking and key analogies, synergy, pre-organization and complementarity. 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2019/02/27 超分子相互作用的性質,超分子概念和設計:陽離子結合的主體,較軟的金屬離子的配體設計,有機陽離子的絡合 The nature of supramolecular interactions, supramolecular concepts and design: cation-binding host, ligand design of softer metal ions, complexation of organic cations 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2019/03/06 在課堂活動中我 In class activity I 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2019/03/13 主持有機結構:杯芳烴,環糊精,葫蘆脲,陰離子受體,離子對受體 Hosting organic structures: calixarenes, cyclodextrins, cucurbiturils, anion receptors, ion pair receptors 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2019/03/20 自組裝配位化合物 Self-assembled compounds 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2019/03/27 配位聚合物 Coordination Polymers 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2019/04/03 分子機器:catenanes,rotaxanes,分子開關,分子馬達 Molecular machines: catenanes, rotaxanes, molecular switches, molecular motors 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2019/04/10 在課堂活動II中 In class activity II 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2019/04/17 生物自組裝 Biological self-assembly 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2019/04/24 生物模擬和超分子催化 Biological mimics and Supramolecular catalysis 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2019/05/01 超分子結構的生物學應用 Biological application of supramolecular structure 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2019/05/08 刺激響應的聚合物和凝膠 Stimuli-Responsive Polymers and Gels 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2019/05/15 調製藥物輸送 Modulated Drug Delivery 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2019/05/22 聚合物膠束藥物載體 Polymer micelle drug carrier 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2019/05/29 基因傳遞 Gene Delivery 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2019/06/05 傳感與診斷 Sensing and Diagnosis 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2019/06/12 用於蜂窩調製的超分子方法 Supramoleculars Approaches for Cellular Modulation 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)
2019/06/19 在課堂活動III中 In class activity III 陳曉義(Coluccini Carmine)