系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
通識選組 1年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
96U000654 / A
2 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Social media: Community, Culture, and Commerce
胡凱焜(Hu, Kae-Kuen)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
61 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
60 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
可選學制 (availability)
1年級 至1年級



課程概述Course Description
知名的普普藝術大師Andy Warhol曾說「在未來,每個人都能成名15分鐘」。而社群媒體的崛起,的確使每個人都能將自己的文字與圖片透過手機和網路呈現出來,也能夠迅速地讀到社群媒體上所發佈的內容。掌握社群媒體的力量,就掌握了議題與影響力。本課程以經濟、社會、傳播、管理數個面向為基礎,提供網路社群發展脈絡、演進之介紹。課程區分為三個模組,分別是模組一:社群的力量、模組二、社群文化,以及模組三:平台、電子商務與行銷。
教學目標Course Objectives
課程主要目標如下: 1. 瞭解網路社群概念以及社群文化,並能夠實際應用。 2. 瞭解新媒體之影響力,並具備網路訊息辨識、分析能力。 3. 藉由期末專題實作,期望學生能具備基本議題設定與傳播能力。 The well-known pop art master Andy Warhol once said, "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes." The rise of social media has indeed enabled everyone to post their text and images through mobile phones and the Internet, as well as to read content and response quickly on social media. Thus, to master the power of the social media has mastered the agenda setting and social influence. This course provides an introduction to the development and evolution of the online community based on several aspects of economy, society, communication, and management. The course is divided into three modules, namely Module 1: Power of Community, Module 2: Culture of Community, and Module 3: Platform, E-Commerce and Marketing. The main objectives of the course are as follows: 1. To understand the concept of online community and community culture, and be able to apply it. 2. To understand the influence of new media and have the ability to identify and analyze information. 3. With the final project, students are expected to have basic agenda setting and communication skills.
教學方式Teaching Methods
非同步教學(主要提供線上影音教材,透過線上教學平台進行作業及討論) Asynchronous Online Learning 講課 Lecturing 小組討論、腦力激盪(如案例討論、電影欣賞等) Group discussion, Brain storming, e.g., Case study, Event discussion, Movie review 學生創新、創意活動 Innovation, creative activities
專題報告 Project report 課堂參與與表現 Class involvement 心得與反思報告 Learning gain and introspection report
課堂參與與表現 (Class involvement) 30%、心得與反思報告 (Learning gain and introspection report) 40%、期末專題報告 (Project report) 30%
 Algesheimer, R., Dholakia, U. M. and Hermann, A. 2005. The Social Influence of Brand Community: Evidence from European Car Clubs. Journal of Marketing, 69(3): 19-34.  Kolter, Keller, Ang, Leong and Tan. 2012. Marketing Management: An Asian Perspective. Fifth edition. Prentice Hall. 華泰書局代理  Schindehutte, Minet., Morris, Michael H., Pitt, Leyland F. 2008. Rethinking Marketing: The Entrepreneurial Imperative. Prentice Hall.  邱永和(譯),2004。網路資訊經濟學(原作者:Oz Shy, The Economics of Network Industries)。台北:雙葉書廊有限公司。  杜一凡,2018。網紅經濟:善用直播平台,經營粉絲,素人也能大吸金。台北:有意思出版社。  黃瓊仙(譯),2019。SNS社群行銷術:關鍵就是「3F」(原作者:藤村正宏)。台北:凱特文化。  陳威如、余卓軒,2013。平台革命:席捲全球社交、購物、遊戲、媒體的商業模式創新。台北:商周出版。  陳建勳(譯),2005。草根媒體(原作者:Dan Gillmor)。台北:金石堂。  張逸安(譯),2004。聰明行動族:下一場社會革命(原作者:Howard Rheingold)。台北:聯經出版。
教學進度Course Schedule
2020/10/07 模組一:社群的力量 主題1:導論 內容:資訊社會簡介 Module 1: Power of Community Session 1:Introduction Content:Introduction to Information Society 胡凱焜(Hu, Kae-Kuen)
2020/10/14 主題2:從渋谷到矽谷 內容:Howard Rheingold是當今討論科技的社會意涵最知名的權威之一,他觀察並寫作有關電腦運算、通訊與文化的新興趨勢。Rheingold在千禧年初期,觀察人們透過手機、呼叫器、個人數位助理及手機、電腦等無線裝置互動,人人都可以掌握到立即與無所不在的溝通,也逐步翻轉了媒體的樣貌。 Session 2:From Shibuya to Silicon Valley Content:Howard Rheingold is one of the most well-known authorities in today's discussion of the social implications of technology. He observes and writes about emerging trends in computer computing, communication and culture. In the early millennium, Rheingold observed people interacting with wireless devices such as mobile phones, pagers, personal digital assistants, mobile phones, computers, etc., and everyone could grasp the immediate and ubiquitous communication, which gradually flipped the appearance of the media. 胡凱焜(Hu, Kae-Kuen)
2020/10/21 主題3:草根媒體(自媒體) 內容:Dan Gillmor認為透過個人網誌、網際網路聊天室,以及電子郵件,任何人都能生產新聞。草根媒體是開放以及賦權的開始,新時代的媒體規則,從「控制」轉變為「參與」。 Session 3:We Media Content:Dan Gillmor believes that anyone can produce news through personal blogs, internet chat rooms, and email. Grassroots media is the beginning of openness and empowerment. The media rules of the new era have changed from "control" to "participation". 胡凱焜(Hu, Kae-Kuen)
2020/10/28 主題4:社群媒體的崛起 內容:自媒體時代的開啟,讓社群網站如浪潮般一波波的襲擊我們的生活,Youtube、Facebook、Twitter、Tumblr、Google +、Instagram、微博等幾乎已經破除國界及語言隔閡,加上人手一隻的智慧型手機讓我們可以不定時的記錄日常,使用者從過去習慣的旁觀者角色,變成參與者甚至內容製造者。這帶來了巨大的轉變,社群媒體的效應已經不僅是好友之間八卦的平台,更多的互動可能與商機正悄悄的發生。 Session 4:Emerging of Social Media Content:The emerging of the new media era is hitting our lives like waves, social media such as Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, Instagram, Weibo, etc. have almost broken national borders and language barriers, via smart phones allow us to record every time. Since users transform their roles from observers to participants, which brought a huge change. There are new interaction ways among people and there will be emerging business opportunities. 胡凱焜(Hu, Kae-Kuen)
2020/11/04 模組二:社群文化 主題5:PTT鄉民文化 內容:說明鄉民文化的由來、慣用語言,鄉民文化如何逐漸影響大眾媒介,甚至影響議題。 Module 2: Culture of Community Session 5:Netizen Culture of PTT Content:Explain the origin of the netizen culture, the idioms, and how the rural culture gradually influences the mass media and even influences the issue. 胡凱焜(Hu, Kae-Kuen)
2020/11/11 主題6:迷文化 內容: “迷”文化建立在社群的基礎上,透過資通訊科技的傳播,更加的具有滲透力,甚至全球化。 Session 6:Fan cultures Content:The “fan” culture is based on the community and is more penetrating and even global through the dissemination of information and communication technology. 胡凱焜(Hu, Kae-Kuen)
2020/11/18 主題7:婉君(網軍) 內容:網軍從哪來?議題如何操作設定?如何影響大眾認知? Session 7:Cyber Army Content:Where does the cyber army come from? How to operate the agenda settings? How to influence public perception? 胡凱焜(Hu, Kae-Kuen)
2020/11/25 主題8:真實與謊言 內容:網路謠言如何產生?如何辨識? Session 8:Truth and Lies Content:How do Internet rumors come about? How to identify it? 胡凱焜(Hu, Kae-Kuen)
2020/12/02 期中心得報告 Midterm learning gain report 胡凱焜(Hu, Kae-Kuen)
2020/12/09 模組三:平台、電子商務與行銷 主題9:資訊產業經濟學 內容:網路經濟的基本概念、經濟運作之特性 Module 3: Platform, e-Commerce, and Marketing Session 9:Economics of Information Industry Content:The basic concept of the internet economy and the characteristics of information economic operations. 胡凱焜(Hu, Kae-Kuen)
2020/12/16 主題10:平台策略 內容:大型社群、電子商務平台的運作策略 Session 10:Platform Strategy Content:Operational strategies for large communities and e-commerce platforms. 胡凱焜(Hu, Kae-Kuen)
2020/12/23 主題11:顧客關係管理 內容:線上線下的關係運作與管理 Session 11:Customer Relationship Management Content:Online and offline relationship operation and management. 胡凱焜(Hu, Kae-Kuen)
2020/12/30 主題12:21世紀的行銷 內容:口碑行銷、病毒行銷,以及新世代的傳播方法,如Youtuber等。 Session 12:Marketing for the 21st Century Content:Word-of-mouth marketing, viral marketing, and new generations of communication methods, such as Youtuber. 胡凱焜(Hu, Kae-Kuen)
2021/01/06 主題13:品牌個性與消費者自我概念 內容:個人化是網路時代的特性。除了演算法傳遞的大眾偏好之外,個人對於自我的認知,也是網路時代消費的重要一環。 Session 13:Brand Personality and Self-concept Content:Personalization is a characteristic of the Internet age. In addition to the popular preferences conveyed by algorithms, personal perception of self is also an important part of consumption in the Internet age. 胡凱焜(Hu, Kae-Kuen)
2021/01/13 主題14:建立永續強大的品牌 內容:個人即品牌。如何讓品牌能夠永續,且具有影響力? Session 14:Building and Sustaining Strong Brand Content:Personal is the brand. How to make the brand sustainable and influential? 胡凱焜(Hu, Kae-Kuen)
2021/01/20 社群行銷工作坊 Community marketing workshop 胡凱焜(Hu, Kae-Kuen)
2021/01/27 期末報告/展演(I) Final Report, Exhibition or Performing(I) 胡凱焜(Hu, Kae-Kuen)
2021/02/03 期末報告/展演(II) Final Report, Exhibition or Performing(II) 胡凱焜(Hu, Kae-Kuen)