系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
通識選組 1年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
95U000888 / A
2 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Science and me
蔡豐聲(Feng-Sheng Tsai)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
121 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
107 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
本課程為磨課師線上課程,選完課後請至「校園入口網」,點選「磨課師線上開放式課程 CMU MOOCs」上課。http://moocs.cmu.edu.tw。如初選滿額,以畢業班為優先,再依年級高低,最後依權重排序。
可選學制 (availability)
1年級 至6年級



課程概述Course Description
### 因選課人數超過上限過多,已不進行加簽。若有機會,下學期還請同學多多支持,謝謝。 ### 邀請多位國際數學學者,分享其數學思路進程或對其生涯規劃的影響,深入淺出探討各數學相關之演講主題,演講之後再搭配科普化的方式引導同學進一步學習。
教學目標Course Objectives
邀請多位國際數學學者,分享其數學思路進程或對其生涯規劃的影響,深入淺出探討各數學相關之演講主題,演講之後再搭配科普化的方式引導同學進一步學習。 A number of international mathematics scholars are invited to share their mathematical thinking process or the impact on their career planning, and discuss various mathematics-related speech topics in simple terms, which will guide students to further study in a scientific way.
教學方式Teaching Methods
線上教學(如磨課師、翻轉教學) Online teaching, e.g., MOOCs, Flipped classroom, SPOCs 由學生自訂學習目標與抱負水準 Self-defined learning goal and evaluation standard
專題報告 Project report 課堂參與與表現 Class involvement
1. 不用數字的數學:讓我們談談數學的概念,一些你從沒想過的事……激發無窮的想像力!,米羅‧貝克曼,經濟新潮社 2. 數學通識講義:搞懂人生最強思考工具,升級判斷與解決問題的能力, 吳軍,日出出版
教學進度Course Schedule
2023/02/19 課程簡介 (磨課師線上課程) Course introduction 蔡豐聲(Feng-Sheng Tsai)
2023/02/26 演講主題(Prof. Erdal Karapinar) The history of mathematics: a brief retrospective. (磨課師線上課程) Speech topic (Prof. Erdal Karapinar) The history of mathematics: a brief retrospective. 蔡豐聲(Feng-Sheng Tsai) Erdal Karapinar(Erdal Karapinar)
2023/03/05 演講主題(Prof. Vasile Berinde) The distance between two sets. Some applications in health sciences. (磨課師線上課程) Speech topic (Prof. Vasile Berinde) The distance between two sets. Some applications in health sciences. 蔡豐聲(Feng-Sheng Tsai) Vasile Berinde(Vasile Berinde)
2023/03/12 演講主題(Prof. Shahram Rezapour) Orders, cones and graphs I. (磨課師線上課程) Speech topic (Prof. Shahram Rezapour) Orders, cones and graphs I. 蔡豐聲(Feng-Sheng Tsai) Shahram Rezapour(Shahram Rezapour)
2023/03/19 演講主題(Prof. Shahram Rezapour) Orders, cones and graphs II. (磨課師線上課程) Speech topic (Prof. Shahram Rezapour) Orders, cones and graphs II. 蔡豐聲(Feng-Sheng Tsai) Shahram Rezapour(Shahram Rezapour)
2023/03/26 演講主題(Prof. Shahram Rezapour) Matrix structure I (磨課師線上課程) Speech topic (Prof. Shahram Rezapour) Matrix structure I. 蔡豐聲(Feng-Sheng Tsai) Shahram Rezapour(Shahram Rezapour)
2023/04/02 演講主題(Prof. Shahram Rezapour) Matrix structure II (磨課師線上課程) Speech topic (Prof. Shahram Rezapour) Matrix structure II. 蔡豐聲(Feng-Sheng Tsai) Shahram Rezapour(Shahram Rezapour)
2023/04/09 演講主題(Prof. Abdon Atangana) Fractional differentiation and integration. (磨課師線上課程) Speech topic (Prof. Abdon Atangana) Fractional differentiation and integration. 蔡豐聲(Feng-Sheng Tsai) Abdon Atangana(Abdon Atangana)
2023/04/16 演講主題(Prof. Shih-sen Chang) The relationship between classical mathematics and modern mathematics. (磨課師線上課程) Speech topic (Prof. Shih-sen Chang) The relationship between classical mathematics and modern mathematics. 蔡豐聲(Feng-Sheng Tsai) 張石生
2023/04/23 演講主題(Prof. Mohammad Mursaleen) Functional Analysis. (磨課師線上課程) Speech topic (Prof. Mohammad Mursaleen) Functional Analysis. 蔡豐聲(Feng-Sheng Tsai) Mohammad Mursaleen(Mohammad Mursaleen)
2023/04/30 演講主題(Prof. Mujahid Abbas) Nonlinear Operator Theory. (磨課師線上課程) Speech topic (Prof. Mujahid Abbas) Nonlinear Operator Theory. 蔡豐聲(Feng-Sheng Tsai) Mujahid Abbas(Mujahid Abbas)
2023/05/07 演講主題(Prof. Ömer Civalek) Application of some numerical solution methods as Rayleigh-Ritz, differential quadrature. (磨課師線上課程) Speech topic (Prof. Ömer Civalek) Application of some numerical solution methods as Rayleigh-Ritz, differential quadrature. 蔡豐聲(Feng-Sheng Tsai) Ömer Civalek(Omer Civalek)
2023/05/14 演講主題(Prof. Bekir Akgöz) Discrete singular convolution methods for boundary value and eigenvalue problems in mechanics. (磨課師線上課程) Speech topic (Prof. Bekir Akgöz) Discrete singular convolution methods for boundary value and eigenvalue problems in mechanics. 蔡豐聲(Feng-Sheng Tsai) Bekir Akgöz(Bekir Akgoz)
2023/05/21 演講主題(Prof. Xiaoying Zhuang) Civil Engineering. (磨課師線上課程) Speech topic (Prof. Xiaoying Zhuang) Civil Engineering. 蔡豐聲(Feng-Sheng Tsai) Xiaoying Zhuang(Xiaoying Zhuang)
2023/05/28 演講主題(Prof. Erdal Karapinar) Linear algebra (磨課師線上課程) Speech topic (Prof. Erdal Karapinar) Linear algebra 蔡豐聲(Feng-Sheng Tsai) Erdal Karapinar(Erdal Karapinar)
2023/06/04 演講主題(Prof. Abdon Atangana) Fractional differentiation and integration II. (磨課師線上課程) Speech topic (Prof. Abdon Atangana) Fractional differentiation and integration II. 蔡豐聲(Feng-Sheng Tsai) Abdon Atangana(Abdon Atangana)
2023/06/11 演講主題(Prof. Adrian Petrusel) Banach Contraction Principle: A Century of Applications. (磨課師線上課程) Speech topic (Prof. Adrian Petrusel) Banach Contraction Principle: A Century of Applications. 蔡豐聲(Feng-Sheng Tsai) Adrian-Olimpiu Petruşel(Adrian-Olimpiu Petrusel)
2023/06/18 期末專題報告 (磨課師線上課程) Final project report 蔡豐聲(Feng-Sheng Tsai)