系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
通識選組 1年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
95U000834 / A
2 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Psychology of Jung : inheritance and self - exploring
蘇冠賓(Kuan-Pin Su)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
106 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
104 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
可選學制 (availability)
1年級 至6年級



課程概述Course Description
榮格(Carl G. Jung)的潛意識理論和佛洛依德不同,延伸出「個人」及「集體」潛意識。個人潛意識包括個人的種種情結,而集體潛意識則包括人類整體經千百年累積在無意識中的原型。其證據是榮格在世界各地所收集的人類共同的象徵。他考察不同民族的宗教、神話、傳說、童話、與寓言得到所有人類共有的原型。所以在個性化可能發現超出個人經驗的象徵(集體潛意識),其中的內容可視為人基本問題,如生命、死亡、意義、快樂、與恐懼,也可能有靈性方面的觀念。 榮格認為整合自己潛意識的的特性自然發展個人的個性(個性化),但無法整合則會產生精神病的症狀。榮格說:「在治療中,問題總在於這整個人,而絕不僅僅在於症狀。我們必須提出挑戰整個人格的問題。」根據榮格的理論,你可以透過自由聯想,在探索自我的過程,拿下虛偽的人格面具Persona,和邪惡的陰影Shadow 相處、並認識你靈魂當中的另一個性別Anima-Animus。 榮格的心理學延伸精神分析的傳統,但傳統不是膜拜灰燼,而是傳承佛洛依德的火炬。榮格的心理學更加複雜,對理性的醫學訓練者而言,要理解榮格要突破在理性思考慣性,不要在「以實質性存在、或事實實體為基礎出發」的前提之下卡關;對於榮格處理「病人、女學生和情婦的界限」,也是另一項引發爭議的重大議題。
教學目標Course Objectives
本課程期望各系所修課學生透過授課內容入門榮格的理論與思想以及對心理學的貢獻,並由榮格的理論與思想切入生活,包含其理論在各種領域的影響,啟發學生對心理學的興趣,提升課程結束後充實相關領域的知能之意願;也期望本課程能提供心理相關之研究系所修課學生未來接觸心理治療工作上多元的學術知識與觀點。本課程亦安排專家演講以拓展學生的視野,並透過電影欣賞讓學生不只藉由授課,也能以更活潑的方式接觸榮格的理論,培養由不同管道汲取學識的能力,同時電影欣賞與分組討論報告也可以促進學生多元學習以及與人溝通,尊重與欣賞他人意見、與人合作的能力和素養。 Carl Gustav Jung (26 July 1875 – 6 June 1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist psychoanalyst and the founder of analytical psychology. Jung's work has been influential in the fields of psychiatry, anthropology, archaeology, literature, philosophy, psychology and even religious studies. Within the field of analytical psychology, there are several pioneer concepts developed by Jung, including Collective unconscious, Archetype, Extraversion and introversion, Persona, and Spirituality. The foundation of archetypes is based on evolution and inheritance and includes four types: personality mask, shadow, ego, Anima and Animus. The concept of collective subconsciousness distinguishes him from Freud, in which he believes that the development focus of our consciousness is easily affected by collective values, but the prototype in the collective subconscious will help us correct the wrong development direction of personality. This course expects students from all departments to be introduced to Jung’s theories thoughts and their contributions to psychology through the content of the course, and the influence of his theories in various fields, and inspires students to psychology and the interest in learning will increase the willingness to enrich the knowledge and ability of related fields after the course is completed, it is also hoped that this course can provide students with psychological related research courses in the future to be exposed to diverse academic knowledge and perspectives on the work of psychotherapy. This course also arranges expert lectures to expand students’ horizons, and through film appreciation, students can not only been taught, but also have a more lively approach to Jung’s theory, cultivate the ability to learn knowledge from different channels, and film appreciation and grouping. Discussion reports can also promote students' learning diverseness and communication with others respect and appreciate the opinions of others and the ability and quality of cooperating with others.
教學方式Teaching Methods
講課 Lecturing 習題練習、書面報告 Exercise, Written report 小組討論、腦力激盪(如案例討論、電影欣賞等) Group discussion, Brain storming, e.g., Case study, Event discussion, Movie review
期中報告 Midterm report 期末報告 Final report 個人上台報告 Oral Report 出席狀況 Class attendance
1. Anthony Stevens著,楊韶剛譯:簡析榮格(A Very Short Introduction)。外語教學與研究出版社,北京,2105。 2. 吳光遠著:讀懂榮格。台北,海鴿文化,2017。 3. Daryl Sharp著,李佳怡譯:榮格心理學不插電講堂:我的大象生活(Jungian psychology unplugged: My life as an elephant)。台北,城邦印書館,2016。 4. Robert H. Hopcke著,蔣韜譯:導讀榮格 (A Guided Tour of The Collected Works of C. G. Jung)。立緒文化,新北,1997。 5. Murray Stein著,朱侃如譯:榮格心靈地圖 (Jung’s map of the soul : An introduction)。立緒文化,新北,1997。 6. Calvin Hall、Vernon Nordby著,馮川譯:榮格心理學七講 (A Primer of Jungian Psychology)。北京大學出版社,北京,2017。 7. 常若松著,譯:人類心靈的神話:榮格的分析心理學。果實文化,台北,2000。 8. 長尾剛著,蕭雲菁譯:圖解榮格心理學 (手にとるようにユング心理がわ学かる本)。台北,易博士出版社,2015。 9. Carl G. Jung著,龔卓軍譯:人及其象徵:榮格思想精華 (Man and His Symbols)。立緒文化,新北,1997。
教學進度Course Schedule
2022/02/25 課程大綱與修課須知 / 榮格生平 Outline / Biography of Carl Jung 蘇冠賓(Kuan-Pin Su) 黃榮村(Jong-Tsun Huang) 張倍禎(Chang, Jane)
2022/03/04 榮格心理學的歷史 History of Carl Jung theory 張倍禎(Chang, Jane)
2022/03/11 從發展的觀點來談榮格自性化觀念 Talking About Jung's Concept of Individuation From the Perspective of Development 王浩威
2022/03/11 榮格理論的心靈結構模式 Jung's Concept : Model structure of the Psyche 王浩威
2022/03/18 心理韌性與危機的悟道—由榮格精神分析談當代電影和音樂的創作 Resilience and Crisis—Jungian Approach to Creativity in Modern Movie and Music 蘇冠賓(Kuan-Pin Su)
2022/03/18 靈魂完整之道 — 榮格的個體化與瑜伽的向內自我探尋 The path of Soul — the Jung’s individuality and the Yoga of inner Self quest & searching 朱安薈
2022/04/01 榮格的集體潛意識、原型、與共時性 Jungian Collective Unconscious, Archetypes, and Synchronicity 黃榮村(Jong-Tsun Huang)
2022/04/15 身體與潛意識 Jungian Analyst: Body and unconscious 邵湘雅
2022/04/22 期中考 Midterm exam 蘇冠賓(Kuan-Pin Su) 黃榮村(Jong-Tsun Huang) 張倍禎(Chang, Jane)
2022/04/29 沙遊治療 Sandplay therapy 黃梅芳
2022/05/06 積極想像 Active Imagaination 詹美涓
2022/05/13 榮格心理學與生態心理學 Jungian Psychology and Ecopsychology 陳俊霖
2022/05/20 心理類型 Psychological Types 鄧惠文
2022/05/27 榮格與神祕主義 Carl Jung and mysticism 王溢嘉
2022/06/10 陰影與人性 —吉田修一小說「惡人」解析與討論 Film appreciation based on Shuichi Yoshida's novel (Part I & II) 鄧惠文
2022/06/17 傳承不是膜拜灰燼,而是傳承火炬—從人工智能來探索榮格對自我和存在的旅程 Not to Worship the Ashes but to Relay the Torch—Emotional Intelligence in Machine Learning in the Search of Self and Existence with Jungian Psychology 蘇冠賓(Kuan-Pin Su)
2022/06/17 期末綜合討論:同學報名並獲選為期末口頭報告 Final discussion 張倍禎(Chang, Jane)
2022/06/24 期末考 Final exam 蘇冠賓(Kuan-Pin Su) 黃榮村(Jong-Tsun Huang) 張倍禎(Chang, Jane)