系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
通識選組 1年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
95U000633 / A
2 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Science, belief and life
林孟亮(Meng-Liang Lin)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
60 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
60 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
可選學制 (availability)
1年級 至6年級



課程概述Course Description
教學目標Course Objectives
面對這彎曲且低沉的世代,現今年青人須有正面向上提升的能量,急需給予積極的典範學習,作為他們腳前的燈,路上的光,以便建立正確價值觀。 1.典範學習(I)-教導以科學家、聖經中人物及歷代偉人為榜樣,探討信仰對人生的影響。 2.典範學習(II)-由10多位本校教師配合上述偉人的傳記,陳述自己的信仰的歷程,使同學們了解信仰對講者為人處事並教學、研究及服務之影響。 3.與同學們互動討論,培養及學習有價值的人生觀。 Facing this distorted and dull era, today’s young generation need to have positive and upward energy. A proactive learning model is in urgent need to be their guiding light for establishing a correct value system. 1.Learning Model I: Modeling after scientists, biblical figures, and historical greats, search and investigate the influence of religious belief one’s own life. 2.Learning Model II: Introduce the greats’ biographies above by CMU professors and share professors’ life experiences, help students to better understanding the influences of religious belief on the instructors’ life, teaching, researching and services. 3.Interact with students to nourish and to learn a valuable perspective of life.
教學方式Teaching Methods
同步教學(使用虛擬教室如:Moodle同步教室、Google Meet、Microsoft Classroom等) Synchronous Online Learning 非同步教學(主要提供線上影音教材,透過線上教學平台進行作業及討論) Asynchronous Online Learning 講課 Lecturing 小組討論、腦力激盪(如案例討論、電影欣賞等) Group discussion, Brain storming, e.g., Case study, Event discussion, Movie review 觀察與資料收集、採訪 Observation and data collection, Interview 學生創新、創意活動 Innovation, creative activities 由學生自訂學習目標與抱負水準 Self-defined learning goal and evaluation standard 一分鐘回饋、其他 One-minute feedback, Others 學生上台報告、角色演練 Oral presentation, Role playing
專題報告 Project report 個人上台報告 Oral Report 小組上台報告 Group oral report 出席狀況 Class attendance 課堂參與與表現 Class involvement 心得與反思報告 Learning gain and introspection report
1.你了解這些偉大的科學家嗎? (I、II、III), http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5f7771760102dwr1.html 2.Sun Shang Yang Zhu(2012) Matteo Ricci and Xu Guangqi (Readers about China) (Chinese Edition) (Chinese) Paperbac 3.馬偕傳http://www.laijohn.com/book7/601.htm 4.Roland H. Bainton (2013) Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther Paperback 5.My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla Paperback – October 2, 2013 by Nikola Tesla (Author) 6.Alan W. Hirshfeld (2006) The Electric Life of Michael Faraday Hardcover 7.基督心中國情-戴德生牧師的故事 (生命見證) Youtube 8.J. Hudson Taylor: An Autobiography Paperback – December 10, 2010 by J. Hudson Taylor (Author) 9.Maurice A. Finocchiaro (2008)The Essential Galileo (Hackett Classics) 1 Edition Edition by Galileo Galilei (Author), (Translator) 10.Jonathan Aitken (2013) John Newton: From Disgrace to Amazing Grace Paperback 11.Mother Teresa(2009): Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of CalcuttaOct 13, 2009 by Mother Teresa and Brian Kolodiejchuk 12.聖經恢復本( Recovery Version) 李常受主持翻譯,中、英文的《新約》恢復本完成於1987年,英文《舊約》恢復本完成於1997年,中文《舊約》恢復本完成於2003年。
教學進度Course Schedule
2021/09/14 1.講次名稱:引言。 2.課程內容:課程簡介 Lecture Title:Introduction。 Lecture Content:Briefing on curriculum 林孟亮(Meng-Liang Lin)
2021/09/21 中秋節放假 Moon Festival
2021/09/28 1.講次名稱:凱利(Howard Atwood Kelly)不止的熱忱/婦產科大師 2.課程內容:長期資助台灣早期的婦產科大師凱利醫師一生令人學習的點滴 3.進行方式:授課、影片欣賞及討論 Lecture Title:Everlasting enthusiasm—Great Obstetrician-(Howard Atwood Kelly) Lecture Content:The life of Dr. Howard Atwood Kelly is dedicated to log-time support to the early development of the obstetrics in Taiwan. Approach:Lecturing, Movie and video clips review and Discussion 林孟亮(Meng-Liang Lin)
2021/10/05 1.講次名稱:書中之書--聖經鳥瞰 2.課程內容:介紹聖經的來源、聖經的功用、寫經的人、的、時間及其完成與權威認定,並聖經主要之思想邏輯。 3.進行方式:專題演講。 Lecture Title:Book of books –Birdview of the Bible Lecture Content:Introduce the origin of the Bible, the functions, authors, timeline, authoritative confirmation, and major logics of thoughts. Approach:Lecturing and Discussion 林孟亮(Meng-Liang Lin)
2021/10/12 1.講次名稱:醫學大師-巴金森 2.課程內容:震顫麻痺(Shaking Palsy)-巴金森症(Parkinson’s disease)的發現者;全世界第一個鑑定恐龍化石的考古學者;倫敦貧民區的社會改革者;神經系統與神經障礙醫學的開創者;兒童主日學校長。 3.進行方式:授課、影片欣賞及討論。 Lecture Title:Master of Medicine- Parkinson Lecture Content:The discoverer of Shaking Palsy-Parkinson’s disease and the first archeologist of dinosaur fossils, social reformer of London’s slum, the pioneer of neural system and neurological disorder, and the principal of children bible school. Approach: Lecturing, Movie review and Discussion 林殿傑(Dan-Jae, Lin)
2021/10/19 1.講次名稱: 愛台灣的宣教士馬偕 2.課程內容:馬偕(英語:George Leslie Mackay,1844年3月21日-1901年6月2日),生於加拿大安大略省。於19世紀末期至台灣傳教與行醫,在台灣奉獻教育及醫學。 3.進行方式:授課、影片欣賞及討論。 Lecture Title:Missionary Mackay Lecture Content:George Leslie Mackay,1844, 3, 21-1901, 6, 2). Born in Ontario, Canada. In the late 19 th century was went to Taiwan and dedicated in education and medicine. Approach:With powerpoint presentation and CPS system 湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin)
2021/10/26 1.講次名稱:從木星的衛星來看伽利略的信仰 2.課程內容:伽利略如何在受壓迫過程中,依舊堅持自己的信仰,進而影響後代物理學家。 3.進行方式:授課、影片欣賞及討論。 Lecture Title:From satellites of Jupiter to Galileo’s belief Lecture Lecture Content:Under the church’s extreme suppression, Galileo Galilei always hold his faith and influenced the later generations of scientists Approach:Lecturing, Movie and video clips review and Discussion 許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)
2021/11/02 1.講次名稱:在黑暗中的光明生命 2.課程內容:芬妮 克羅斯比(Fanny Crosby)是一位知名的讚美詩作者。她出生貧窮,在六週大時,因眼疾被誤診而永久失明。芬妮從未恨過那位醫師,反而作出許多對神讚美與感恩的詩歌,影響了無數人的生命,使他們在困苦絕望中重新站起來,找到永恆的希望。芬妮一生相信慈愛的神,按照祂奇妙的旨意,分派她這盲者去做聖工。她一生寫的聖詩超過九千首,享年九十五歲。 3.進行方式:授課、影片欣賞及討論。 Lecture Title:The Promising Life in the Dark Lecture Content:Fanny Crosby is a very well-known hymn writer. She was born in poverty. When she was in six weeks old, her eyes were permanent blind due to misdiagnose. Fanny never hated the physician. Instead, she made a lot of praise and gratitude to God's poetry which affecting the lives of countless people, so they may stand up again out of their despair to find the eternal hope. Fanny believed in the love of God in her whole life, working according to His wonderful will in her blindness. She wrote more than nine thousand hymns in her lifetime, she passed away at the age of ninety five years old. Approach:Lectures, film appreciation, and discussion. 蔡興國(Sinkuo Daniel Chai)
2021/11/09 期中報告 Midtern report 林孟亮(Meng-Liang Lin)
2021/11/16 期中報告 Midtern report 林孟亮(Meng-Liang Lin)
2021/11/23 1.講次名稱:昆蟲詩人-法布爾(Jean-Henri Casimir Fabre) 2.課程內容:法國著名昆蟲學家,傾畢生之力觀察研究昆蟲,並以兼具生動、優美的文學手法寫作著名的《昆蟲記》。法布爾相信有一位造物主,而祂創造萬物的寓意都指向祂自己。 3.進行方式:授課、影片欣賞及討論。 Lecture Title: Jean Henri Fabre, an author known for the writing about the lives of insects. Lecture Content: A famous French entomologist, dedicated his life to the study of insects and wrote Souvenirs Entomologiques with vivid and beautiful writing manners. Fabre believed that there is a Creator, and the meaning of His creation of all things points to Himself. Approach:Lecturing, movie review and discussion 陳瑩陵(Chen, Ying-Ling)
2021/11/30 1.講次名稱:尊貴的器皿--人的價值 2.課程內容:以聖經的觀點,分析人的價值觀,建立正確的人生觀。 3.進行方式:專題演講 Lecture Title:Honorable Vessel—the value of Human being Lecture Content: From the perspectives of the Bible to analyze human value for establishing correct outlook on life. Approach:Lecturing and Discussion 林孟亮(Meng-Liang Lin)
2021/12/07 1.講次名稱:夜裡的明燈-南丁格爾 2.課程內容:南丁格爾如何從文學家,立志轉變為一位專業的護理師。順服自己的信仰,堅持並改革現代護理,成為影響全世界醫療體系的典範人物。 3.進行方式:授課、影片欣賞及討論。 Lecture Title:The only light in the dark night - Nightingale. Lecture Content:Nightingale becomes a professional nurse transform from a writer. She follows her own beliefs and reforms modern nursing that influences the world's medical system. Approach:Lecturing, Movie and video clips review and Discussion 馬維芬(Wei-Fen Ma)
2021/12/14 1.講次名稱:富裕與貧窮-德雷莎修女 2.課程內容:「全心主意為最貧苦的人服務」。且看是什麼樣的信仰讓她在如此艱苦的環境中堅持下去。 3.進行方式:授課、影片欣賞及討論。 Lecture Title:Wealth and Poverty-Mother Teresa Lecture Content:Serve the poorest. What kind of faith to keep her in such a difficult environment. Approach:Lecturing, Movie and video clips review and Discussion 朱育秀(Chu, Yu-Hsiu)
2021/12/21 1.講次名稱:馬丁路德 (Martin Luther) 偉大的改教運動領袖 2.課程內容:西元15世紀尚未宗教改革的歷史背景,以及馬丁路德的信仰歷程,如何讓他不畏強權,進行宗教改革。 3.進行方式:授課、影片欣賞及討論。 Lecture Title:The great leader of religion reform movement--Martin Luther Lecture Content:In the corrupted church atmosphere in fifteen century Martin Luther was brave to start the religion reformation regardless the powerful authoritarianism. Approach:Lecturing, Movie review and Discussion 黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)
2021/12/28 1.講次名稱:尼古拉.特斯拉 (Nikola Tesla) 無私的奉獻 2.課程內容:尼古拉.特斯拉的信仰歷程,以及他如何不畏當時商業利益的壓力,以交流電改善人類的生活。 3.進行方式:授課、影片欣賞及討論。 Lecture Title: Fearless Offering of Nikola Tesla Lecture Content:The faith adventure of Nikola Tesla to take the mountainous pressure of commercial profits without any fear to improve human life with his invention of alternative current. Approach:Lecturing, Movie review and Discussion 黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)
2022/01/04 期末報告或提問與解答 Final Report or Q and A 林孟亮(Meng-Liang Lin)
2022/01/11 期末報告或提問與解答 Final Report or Q and A 林孟亮(Meng-Liang Lin)