Psychology is the scientific study about human mind and behavior. The complexity and muti-dimensional aspects of human mind and behavior making this course highly diversity in contents. In this course, we will introduce modern theories in this field, and will discuss some hot issues we would have in our daily life.
教學方式Teaching Methods
Case study or event discussion
Movie review and discussions
Midterm exam
Final exam
Class attendance
Class involvement
2016/09/13 課程簡介
1. 什麼是心理學
2. 本課程內容
3. 課程要求
1. What is psychology?
2. The syllabus
3. The load of this course
李金鈴(Li, Jing-Ling) 2016/09/20 當代心理學的簡史與典派
1. 哲學的淵源
2. 當代心理學歷史
3. 台灣心理學界現狀
4. 心理學的研究方法
History and paradigms of contemporary psychology
1. The philosophical roots
2. Development of contemporary psychology
3. Psychology in Taiwan
4. Research methods in psychology
簡惠玲(Sarina Hui-Lin Chien) 2016/09/27 感覺與知覺
1. 感覺與知覺的區分
2. 感覺系統簡介
3. 知覺的意義
Sensation and perception
1. The distinguish between sensation and perception
2. Examples of sensation
3. Examples of perception
李金鈴(Li, Jing-Ling) 2016/10/04 意識與意識狀態
1. 意識的本質
2. 睡眠與夢
3. 催眠
4. 靜坐冥想
5. 超心理現象
Various states of consciousness
1. The nature of consciousness
2. Sleep and dream
3. Hypnosis
4. Meditation
5. Parapsychology
簡惠玲(Sarina Hui-Lin Chien) 2016/10/11 學習的機制
1. 學習的意義
2. 古典制約
3. 操作制約
4. 對行為學派的反思
1. The definition of learning
2. Classical conditioning
3. Operational conditioning
4. Learning phenomenon beyond behaviorism
李金鈴(Li, Jing-Ling) 2016/10/18 思考與語言
1. 思考與語言的相依性
2. 思考:決策、判斷與推理
3. 語言的基本要素
4. 語言影響思考的例子
Thinking and language
1. The interdependence of thinking and language
2. Thinking: decision making, judgment, and reasoning
3. The basic elements of language
4. Examples that language can affect our thinking
李金鈴(Li, Jing-Ling) 2016/10/25 記憶與遺忘
1. 如何研究記憶
2. 記憶的歷程與模型
3. 記憶的類別
4. 遺忘的現象
5. 增進記憶的方法
Memory and forgetting
1. How to study memory?
2. Processes and models on memory
3. Types of memory
4. Forgetting
5. Mnemonics
簡惠玲(Sarina Hui-Lin Chien) 2016/11/01 期中考
李金鈴(Li, Jing-Ling) 2016/11/08 期中考週
李金鈴(Li, Jing-Ling) 2016/11/15 男女大不同
1. 男女的社會角色
2. 認知上的性別差異
3. 未經證實的性別差異
4. 雙性性格
Gender differences in cognitive functions
1. The social role of different gender
2. Gender differences on cognition
3. Not-approved gender differences
4. Androgyny
李金鈴(Li, Jing-Ling) 2016/11/22 生物心理學
1. 感情的定義
2. Papez Circuit和其引發的疾病
3. 三腦合一
4. 恐懼感的兩條路徑
5. 影響情緒的生物因素
Biological basis of psychology
1. Emotions, moods, and feelings
2. Papez circuit and its diseases
3. Triune brain
4. The two pathways of fear
5. Biological factors that affect emotion
張瓈云(Sunny LY Chang) 2016/11/29 基因與行為
1. 基因與行為的關係
2. 介紹果蠅研究
3. 以果蠅模式測試人類疾病
4. 單核苷酸多型性
5. 人類的基因研究
Gene and behavior
1. The relationship between gene and behavior
2. Drosophila as a study model
3. Current Drosophila models on human disease
4. Single nucleotide polymorphism
5. Current gene-behavior studies in human being
林維勇(Wei-Yong Lin) 2016/12/06 動機與情緒
1. 動機是什麼?
2. 解釋動機的理論
3. 動機的類型
4. 情緒是什麼?
Motivation and emotion
1. What is motivation?
2. Theories on motivation
3. Types of motivation
4. What is emotion?
簡惠玲(Sarina Hui-Lin Chien) 2016/12/13 社會心理學
1. 愛情練習題
2. 愛情三向度理論
3. 愛情依附理論
4. 社會懈怠
5. 從眾行為
6. 服從權威
Social Psychology
1. Effective practices for love
2. The triangular theory of love
3. The attachment theory of love
3. Social loafing
4. Conformity
5. Obedience to authority
李金鈴(Li, Jing-Ling) 2016/12/20 異常行為
1. 異常的定義
2. 焦慮症
3. 憂鬱症
4. 網路成癮
Abnormal behavior
1. The definition of abnormal behavior
2. Anxiety disorder
3. Depression
4. Internet addition
李金鈴(Li, Jing-Ling) 2016/12/27 智力與智力測驗
1. IQ的由來
2. 智力理論
3. 智力測驗簡介
4. 智力的遺傳成分
Intelligence and IQ tests
1. The history of IQ tests
2. Theory on human intelligence
3. How to create a IQ test
4. Is IQ an inherited ability?
李金鈴(Li, Jing-Ling) 2017/01/03 期末評量
Final evaluation
李金鈴(Li, Jing-Ling) 2017/01/10 期末考週
Final exam week
李金鈴(Li, Jing-Ling)