1. Special Lecture: An overview of DNA and the central dogma
2. DNA and Chromosome
3. DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination
4. How Cells Read The Genome: From DNA to Protein
5. Control of Gene Expression
6. Manipulating Proteins, DNA, and RNA
7. Visualizing Cells
8. Molecular Chinese Medicine
教學目標Course Objectives
教學方式Teaching Methods
Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2008. B. Alberts, A. Johnson, J. Lewis, M. Raff, K. Roberts, P. Walter. 5th ed., Garland Science Publishing, London, UK.
教學進度Course Schedule
2008/09/15 Special Lecture: An overview of DNA and the Central Dogma 2008/09/22 DNA and Chromosome 2008/09/29 DNA and Chromosome 2008/10/13 DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination 2008/10/20 How Cells Read The Genome: From DNA to Protein 2008/10/27 How Cells Read The Genome: From DNA to Protein 2008/11/10 How Cells Read The Genome: From DNA to Protein 2008/11/17 Control of Gene Expression 2008/11/24 Control of Gene Expression 2008/12/01 Control of Gene Expression 2008/12/22 Visualizing Cells 2008/12/29 Visualizing Cells 2009/01/12 Final examination 2008/10/06 DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination 2008/11/03 Midterm examination 2009/01/05 Molecular Chinese Medicine 2008/12/15 Manipulating Proteins, DNA, and RNA 2008/12/08 Manipulating Proteins, DNA, and RNA