This course is intended to introduce the student to basic knowledge, experimental methods and techniques of Toxicology in Chinese Medicine, supplemented by discussions of modern scientific literature.
教學方式Teaching Methods
The final grade in this course will be based on active participation(30%), written assignment(s)(30%) and oral presentation(s)(40%)
1. 毒藥本草,楊倉良主編,中國中醫藥出版社,1993
2. 常用有毒中藥真詮,高廣生、范奉友、周玉田主編,山東科學技術出版社,1999 (電子書)
3. 有毒中藥臨床精要(最新版),高淥汶編著,學苑出版社,1993 (電子書)
4. Melanie Johns Cupp, Toxicology and clinical pharmacology of herbal products, 2000. (e-Book)
5. Timothy S. Tracy, Richard L. Kingston, Herbal products :toxicology and clinical pharmacology, 2nd ed., 2007
6. Fred Jennes, Herb Toxicities & Drug Interactions: A Formula Approach, 2004
教學進度Course Schedule
2012/02/24 課程介紹
江素瑛(Su-yin Chiang) 2012/03/02 中藥中毒原因與預防
The cause of poisoning and its prevention
江素瑛(Su-yin Chiang) 2012/04/06 科學期刊論文討論(1)
Scientific Paper Discussion(1)
江素瑛(Su-yin Chiang) 2012/04/20 有毒中草藥的用法(1)
Clinical use of toxic herbs (1)
賴東淵 2012/06/01 有毒中草藥的用法(2)
Clinical use of toxic herbs (2)
賴東淵 2012/03/09 常見有毒中草藥與其健康危害(1)
Common toxic herbs and their health effects(1)
江素瑛(Su-yin Chiang) 2012/03/16 中草藥的毒性評估測試方法
Toxicity testing of toxic herbs of acute treatment
江素瑛(Su-yin Chiang) 2012/03/23 中西藥的交互作用(1)
The interaction of Western medicine and Chinese medicine (1)
林聖興(LIN,SHENG-SHING) 2012/03/30 中西藥的交互作用(2)
The interaction of Western medicine and Chinese medicine (2)
林聖興(LIN,SHENG-SHING) 2012/04/27 常見有毒中草藥與其健康危害(2)
Common toxic herbs and their health effects(2)
黃俊發(Chun-Fa Huang) 2012/05/04 常見有毒中草藥與其健康危害(3)
Common toxic herbs and their health effects(3)
黃俊發(Chun-Fa Huang) 2012/04/13 中草藥藥理毒理電子資料庫的介紹
Electronic databases in and pharmacology and toxicology of herbal medicine
江素瑛(Su-yin Chiang) 2012/05/11 草藥及植物中毒案例與解毒藥
Clinical poisoning cases of toxic herbs and common antidotes of toxic herbs
江素瑛(Su-yin Chiang) 2012/05/25 有毒中草藥的劑量反應關係與安全性評估
The dose-response relationship and safety assessment of toxic
吳焜裕(WU, KUEN-YUH) 2012/05/18 科學期刊論文討論(2)
Scientific Paper Discussion(2)
江素瑛(Su-yin Chiang) 2012/06/15 科學期刊論文討論(3)
Scientific Paper Discussion(3)
江素瑛(Su-yin Chiang) 2012/06/22 期末討論
Final discussion
江素瑛(Su-yin Chiang) 2012/06/08 以毒理基因組學預測中草藥的相關毒性
Toxicogenomics for the prediction of toxicity related to herbs from TCM
江素瑛(Su-yin Chiang)