系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
物理治療學系復健科學碩士班 2年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
42M000066 / A
3 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Differential diagnosis for physical therapists
林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
70 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
3 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
可選學制 (availability)
2年級 至4年級



課程概述Course Description
教學目標Course Objectives
目標在於使學生了解並有能力實際操作物理治療臨床個案,包含肌肉骨骼、神經肌肉,皮膚,心血管與肺循環系統之基本主觀與客觀檢查與流程,並學習以標準化的檢測流程,篩選出表徵類似物理治療常見神經肌肉骨骼系統問題的系統性或其他內科疾病,以建立學生能有效率地辨識出需要轉介其他醫療專業的患者。 The goals of this course are 1) to provide students with a fundamental approach to the subjective and objective portions of the examination process for a broad spectrum of patients within musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, integumentary, and cardiovascular and pulmonary realms; and 2) to provide the students with a consistent way to screen for systemic diseases and medical conditions that can mimic neuromusculoskeletal problems; and 3) to establish the ability of the students to effectively recognize systemic diseases and medical conditions that referral would be necessary.
大學制物理治療專業科目 Required courses as a physical therapist
教學方式Teaching Methods
由學生自訂學習目標與抱負水準 Self-defined learning goal and evaluation standard 案例或故事討論 Case study or event discussion 講課 Lecturing 學生上台報告 Oral presentation 學生實作 Student hands-on practice 觀察與資料收集 Observation and data collection 見習 Clinical observation 協同教學 Teaching collaborated with industry 其他系課程委員會核定之實務學習項目 Other practical learning items by Course Committee
口試 Oral Exam 個人上台報告 Oral Report 前後測比較進步與成長 Progress evaluation 出席狀況 Class attendance 課堂參與與表現 Class involvement 心得與反思報告 Learning gain and introspection report
1. Fruth, Jones and Bartlett: Fundamentals of the Physical Therapy Examination: Patient Interview and Tests and Measures, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2014. 2. Goodman and Snyder: Differential Diagnosis for Physical Therapists: Screening for Referral. Elsevier Inc., 6th ed., 2018. 3. William G. Boissonnault: Primary care for the physical therapist: examination and triage. Elsevier Inc., 2nd ed., 2011.
教學進度Course Schedule
2018/09/10 課程簡介;臨床患者訪談技巧-建立基礎資訊 - 客觀檢測資訊 Course introduction (T1) Part I The Patient Interview Skill – Laying a Solid Foundation (T1) Part II Building on the Foundation 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin) 曾馨醇
2018/09/17 Ch5. 血液學相關疾病篩檢 (T2) Section Two: Viscerogenic Causes of Neuromusculoskeletal Pain and Dysfunction; Ch5. Screening for Hematologic Disease 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin) 曾馨醇
2018/09/24 中秋節放假 National Holiday 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin) 范錦蕙
2018/10/01 簡介各大系統快速篩檢流程 Ch3. 疼痛評估與內臟性疼痛型態種類 (T2) Section One: Introduction to the Screening Process 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin) 范錦蕙
2018/10/08 內臟性引發之類神經肌肉骨骼系統疼痛;Ch4. 身體評估篩檢技巧 (T2) Ch3. Pain Types and Viscerogenic Pain Patterns 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin) 范錦蕙
2018/10/15 Ch6. 心血管系統相關疾病篩檢 (T2) Ch6. Screening for Cardiovascular Disease 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin) 曾馨醇
2018/10/22 Ch7. 肺臟系統相關疾病篩檢 (T2) Ch7. Screening for Pulmonary Disease 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin) 曾馨醇
2018/10/29 Ch8-9. 肝膽腸胃系統相關疾病篩檢 (T2) Ch8. Screening for Gastrointestinal Disease Ch9. Screening for Hepatic and Biliary Disease 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin) 范錦蕙
2018/11/05 Ch10. 泌尿系統相關疾病篩檢 (T2) Ch10. Screening for Urogenital Disease 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin) 曾馨醇
2018/11/12 Ch11-12. 免疫、內分泌與代謝系統相關疾病篩檢 (T2) Ch11. Screening for Endocrine and Metabolic Disease Ch12. Screening for Immunologic Disease 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin) 曾馨醇
2018/11/19 Ch13. 惡性腫瘤相關疾病篩檢 (T2) Ch13. Screening for Cancer 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin) 曾馨醇
2018/11/26 系統性引發之類神經肌肉骨骼系統疼痛與功能障礙; Ch14. 頭、頸、背部之篩檢 (T2) Section Three: Systemic Origins of Neuromusculoskeletal Pain and Dysfunction; Ch14. Screening in the Head, Neck, and Back 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin) 簡温原(Andy Chien)
2018/12/03 Ch 18. 上半身之篩檢:肩帶與上肢 (T2) Ch 18. Screening in the Shoulder and Upper Extremity 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin) 蔡永裕
2018/12/10 Ch16. 下半身之篩檢:臀、髖、腹骨與腿部 (T2) Ch16. Screening in the Lower Quadrant: Buttock, Hip, Thigh, Groin, and Leg 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin) 蔡永裕
2018/12/17 Ch15. 薦椎、薦髂與骨盆部位之篩檢 (T2) Ch15. Screening in the Sacrum, Sacroiliac, and Pelvis 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin) 范錦蕙
2018/12/24 Ch17. 軀幹中軸之篩檢:胸、乳、肋部 (T2) Ch 17. Screening in the Chest, Breast, and Ribs 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin) 范錦蕙
2018/12/31 元旦彈性放假 物理治療基本身體檢查與測量 National holiday Tests and Measures 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin) 蔡永裕
2019/01/07 期末考週 Final Exam 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin) 曾馨醇