系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
中國藥學暨中藥資源學系 3年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
24U000254 / A
2 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Chinese Materia Medica
郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
60 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
35 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
可選學制 (availability)
3年級 至4年級



課程概述Course Description
中藥藥材學之內涵 中藥藥材學之歷史及本草學沿革(一) 中藥藥材學之歷史及本草學沿革(二) 中藥藥材學與生藥學的發展及比較(一) 中藥藥材學與生藥學的發展及比較(二) 中藥藥材學之真偽優劣之鑑定(一) 中藥藥材學之真偽優劣之鑑定(二) 中藥藥材學之資源 中藥藥材學之生產 中藥各類藥材之介紹根及根莖類藥材(一) 中藥各類藥材之介紹根及根莖類藥材(二) 中藥各類藥材之介紹莖及全草類藥材(一) 中藥各類藥材之介紹莖及全草類藥材(二) 中藥各類藥材之介紹-葉類藥材 中藥各類藥材之介紹-花類藥材 中藥各類藥材之介紹-果實及種子類藥材
教學目標Course Objectives
中藥藥材學是認識及研究中藥的基礎。卻正確辯別藥材及確認藥材之品質的優劣,首先應認識藥材的歷史沿革、來源、種類、真偽及醫藥上的應用,進而對植物組織學、形態學、中藥有效成分、中藥藥理作用及療效的應用,宜有充分之認識,內容涵蓋中藥性味、歸經、成分、主治效能、藥理與藥性分類之概覽及藥材鑑定。並須具有名制、分類、五官鑑定等之基本常識,進而教導學生了解藥材之藥用部位、有效成分及其真偽優劣的辯別與鑑定技術。故本課程將以深入淺出的方式,配合實務藥材之外部形態學、有效成分及醫藥上的應用等教學,引導學生對中藥藥材有完整的認識,從而有助於學生對中藥藥材能更進一步的認識及並有助其學術生涯之規劃。 Traditional Chinese medicinal is the basis of understanding and researching Chinese medicine. However, to correctly distinguish the medicinal materials and confirm the quality of the medicinal materials, we should first understand the historical evolution, sources, types, authenticity of the medicinal materials and the application in medicine, and then on the plant histology, morphology, active ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine, pharmacological effects of traditional Chinese medicine and The application of curative effect should be fully understood. The content covers the taste of traditional Chinese medicine, return to the classics, ingredients, main efficacy, pharmacology and drug classification overview and identification of medicinal materials. And must have the basic knowledge of name system, classification, facial features identification, etc., and then teach students to understand the medicinal parts of medicinal materials, effective ingredients and their authenticity discrimination and identification techniques. Therefore, this course will guide students to have a complete understanding of Chinese herbal medicines in a simple and easy way, and cooperate with the teaching of external morphology, effective ingredients and medical applications of practical herbal medicines, thus helping students to further understand Chinese herbal medicines. And help to plan his academic career.
本草學、藥用植物學 Pents'aology, Medicinal botany
教學方式Teaching Methods
非同步教學(主要提供線上影音教材,透過線上教學平台進行作業及討論) Asynchronous Online Learning 講課 Lecturing 習題練習、書面報告 Exercise, Written report 觀察與資料收集、採訪 Observation and data collection, Interview 學生創新、創意活動 Innovation, creative activities
期中筆試 Midterm exam 期末筆試 Final exam 專題報告 Project report 出席狀況 Class attendance 課堂參與與表現 Class involvement 心得與反思報告 Learning gain and introspection report 其它 Others
1. 藥材商品規格質量鑑別 馮耀男等著 暨南大學出版社(1995) 2.James E. Robbers;Marilyn K. Speedie;Varro E. Tyler:Pharmacognosy and Pharmacobiotechnology,九洲出版(1996) 3.中國藥材學 徐國鈞、徐珞珊等著(中國醫藥科技出版社)(1996) 4.常用中藥材品種整理與質量研究 徐國鈞、徐珞珊等著 福建科學技術出版社(1997) 5.中藥檢驗方法專輯(九)製劑高效液相層析法 行政院衛生署藥物食品檢驗局(1996) 6.新編中藥誌 蕭培根 主編 化學工業出版社(2002) 7.臺灣市售中藥材真偽及代用品圖集 行政院衛生署中醫藥委員會(2003)
教學進度Course Schedule
2023/09/14 中藥藥材學之內涵及基本知識 Traditional chinese medicine of connotation and basic knowledge 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/09/21 中藥藥材學之歷史及本草學沿革(一) Traditional chinese medicine herbal history and science history (1) 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/09/28 中藥藥材學之歷史及本草學沿革(二) Traditional chinese medicine herbal history and science history (2) 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/10/05 中藥藥材學與生藥學的發展及比較(一) Development and comparison of Traditional chinese medicine herbal and pharmacognosy (Ⅰ) 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/10/12 中藥藥材學與生藥學的發展及比較(二) Development and comparison of Traditional chinese medicine herbal and pharmacognosy (Ⅱ) 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/10/19 中藥藥材學之真偽優劣之鑑定 Identification of the authenticity of the merits of traditional chinese medicine 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/10/26 中藥藥材之資源與生產及基本知識(一) Resources and production of traditional chinese medicine , and basic knowledge of chinese medicine (Ⅰ) 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/11/02 中藥藥材之資源與生產及基本知識(二) Resources and production of traditional chinese medicine , and basic knowledge of chinese medicine (Ⅱ) 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/11/09 期中考 Midterm Examination 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/11/16 中藥各類藥材之介紹-根及根莖類藥材(一) Traditional chinese medicine of introduction of various types of herbs - root and rhizome medicinal (Ⅰ) 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/11/23 中藥各類藥材之介紹-根及根莖類藥材(二) Traditional chinese medicine of introduction of various types of herbs - root and rhizome medicinal (Ⅱ) 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/11/30 中藥各類藥材之介紹-莖、木及全草類藥材 Traditional chinese medicine of introduction of various types of herbs - stem, wood and herbs medicinal 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/12/07 中藥各類藥材之介紹-葉類、花類、種子及果實藥材 Traditional chinese medicine of introduction of various types of herbs - lears, flowers, seed and fruits medicinal 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/12/14 中藥各類藥材之實務應用及藥局經營管理(一) The practical application of traditional Chinese medicine of all kinds of herbs and pharmacy management (Ⅰ) 林敦生
2023/12/21 中藥各類藥材之實務應用及藥局經營管理(二) The practical application of traditional Chinese medicine of all kinds of herbs and pharmacy management (Ⅱ) 林敦生
2023/12/28 中藥各類藥材之實務應用及藥局經營管理(三) The practical application of traditional Chinese medicine of all kinds of herbs and pharmacy management (Ⅲ) 林敦生
2024/01/04 中藥各類藥材之實務應用及藥局經營管理(四) The practical application of traditional Chinese medicine of all kinds of herbs and pharmacy management (Ⅳ) 林敦生
2024/01/11 期末考 Final-term examination 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin) 林敦生