Traditional Chinese medicinal is the basis of understanding and researching Chinese medicine. However, to correctly distinguish the medicinal materials and confirm the quality of the medicinal materials, we should first understand the historical evolution, sources, types, authenticity of the medicinal materials and the application in medicine, and then on the plant histology, morphology, active ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine, pharmacological effects of traditional Chinese medicine and The application of curative effect should be fully understood. The content covers the taste of traditional Chinese medicine, return to the classics, ingredients, main efficacy, pharmacology and drug classification overview and identification of medicinal materials. And must have the basic knowledge of name system, classification, facial features identification, etc., and then teach students to understand the medicinal parts of medicinal materials, effective ingredients and their authenticity discrimination and identification techniques. Therefore, this course will guide students to have a complete understanding of Chinese herbal medicines in a simple and easy way, and cooperate with the teaching of external morphology, effective ingredients and medical applications of practical herbal medicines, thus helping students to further understand Chinese herbal medicines. And help to plan his academic career.