優良產品是銷售之主體的過時觀念已遠遠落後五十年了;行銷主導一切(marketing orients)的理念,在現代,是凡與銷售及推廣業務有關的各行各業都能深切認同並視之為圭臬。在這個世代裡,無論從事何種行業及工作,每一個人都應該要懂行銷,更應該要會行銷。本課程教學內容旨在以行銷概念為中心,指導學生如何在中草藥產業中,靈活應用行銷規劃之思路、技巧、方法等,來研究、探討中藥藥品如何在通路多元、競爭激烈、法規嚴格的市場與環境中進入、立足、推廣,並在市場上領有一席之地。同時,考量同學即將大學畢業,很快就要步入新的學習領域或職場,課程內也特別加強在人際關係、溝通技巧、服務觀念、生涯規劃等方面與行銷有關的提示。
In the present day, concept of “marketing orients”, no doubt is profoundly recognized and regarded as an important criterion in any sales and promotion affairs in all trades and professions. In this generation, regardless of being engaged in what work or profession, every people should know what is “marketing” and how to marketing. In this curriculum, intended course with centering on marketing concept and guiding with the thoughts, skills and methods of strategic marketing plan will be pointed to coach the students an idea of how to make any botanicals penetrate into an unfamiliar market, establish a foothold in a keen competitive market, promote a foreign new product in a complex market as well as make a successful market share at full blast.
教學方式Teaching Methods
Final report
Class attendance
Class involvement
1.行銷管理(鄭華清et al /全華圖書, 2017);2.醫療行銷管理(陳銘樹et al/全華圖書, 2018);3.行銷
管理-15版(Kotler: Marketing Management /華泰文化, 2017);4.行銷學-16版(Kotler et al: Principles of Marketing /普林斯頓, 2018);5.醫藥產業年鑑2021 (生物技術開發中心/ITIS, 2021);6.藥向前行-臺灣藥品行銷發展(麗文文化/2017)
教學進度Course Schedule
2024/02/21 課程、參考書目、資料庫簡介;緒論
Introduction of curriculum, reference books, bibliography and data banks
柯裕仁 2024/02/28 .國定假日
National Holiday
柯裕仁 2024/03/06 中草藥行銷規劃--行銷規劃的流程、行銷組合4P
Botanical product Marketing Planning -Process of marketing Plan; Marketing mix: 4P
柯裕仁 2024/03/13 中草藥產業經營管理、趨勢及發展
Business management, trend and development in Botanical Industry
柯裕仁 2024/03/20 中草藥產業、行銷環境與社會結構
Marketing environment, structure of Botanical Business and Industry
柯裕仁 2024/03/27 市場;通路
Market; Distribution Channels
柯裕仁 2024/04/03 消費行為及分析
Consumer Behavior and Analysis
柯裕仁 2024/04/10 市場區隔;標的市場選擇;定位策略--定位、差異化
Market Segmentation; Selecting Targeted Market; Positioning Strategy- positioning, differentiation
柯裕仁 2024/04/17 產品生命週期的概念;產品、品牌、價格策略
Concept of Product Life Cycle; Product, Branding and Pricing Strategy
柯裕仁 2024/04/24 整合性推廣策略--廣告、促銷、公關、通路、顧客心理
Integrated Promotion Strategy-Advertisement, Sales Promotion, Public Relationship, Channels, Customer Psychology
柯裕仁 2024/05/01 銷售技巧及銷售人員在行銷的功能、角色、必備的特質及技能
Selling Skills and Salesmanship in marketing
柯裕仁 2024/05/08 服務的概念;顧客關係管理
Concept of Service; Customer Relationship Management
柯裕仁 2024/05/15 職場溝通及生涯規劃
Communication Skills and Career Planning