系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
中國藥學暨中藥資源學系 3年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
24U000052 / A
2 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
65 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
38 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
可選學制 (availability)
3年級 至4年級



課程概述Course Description
生藥學總論及基本概念 生合成概念及路徑 生藥名及生藥的範疇 根類生藥(一):桔梗、人參、遠志、美遠志等生藥 根類生藥(二)龍膽、歐龍膽、甘草、吐根根類生藥 根類生藥(三)柴胡、當歸、黃耆、印度蛇木等生藥 根類生藥(四)魚藤、附子、紫草、顛茄根等生藥 期中考 根莖類生藥(一)半夏、大黃、黃連等生藥 根莖類生藥(二)北美黃連、鈴蘭、海?等生藥 根莖類生藥(三)秋水仙、普達非倫、東菪根等生藥 根莖類生藥(四)大蒜、薑、薑黃、鬱金等生藥 皮類生藥(一)桂皮、金雞納、美鼠李皮等生藥 皮類生藥(二)歐鼠李皮、黃柏皮、安石榴皮、五倍子等生藥 皮類生藥(三)沒食子、野櫻皮、降真香、喜樹、紫衫等生藥 期末考
教學目標Course Objectives
生藥學是研究生藥及確認藥材基原之的基礎。卻正確辯別藥材,首先應研究植物組織學,尤其應對植物外部形態學宜有充分之認識,並須具有名制、分類、五官鑑定等之基本常識,內容涵蓋基原、成分、生合成、藥理、藥效之概覽及實驗。進而教導學生了解生藥藥材之藥用部位、有效成分及其使用。故本課程將以深入淺出的方式,配合實務教學,引導學生對生藥學能有完整的認識,從而有助於學生對生藥學更進一步的認識及其學術生涯之規劃。 Pharmacology is the foundation for graduate medicine and the confirmation of the basic ingredients of medicinal materials. But to correctly distinguish medicinal materials, first of all, we should study plant histology, especially the external morphology of the plant should have a sufficient understanding, and must have basic knowledge of name system, classification, facial features identification, etc. The content covers the basics, ingredients, biosynthesis, Overview and experiment of pharmacology and efficacy. And then teach students to understand the medicinal parts, active ingredients and their use of crude drugs. Therefore, this course will guide students to have a complete understanding of pharmacology in an easy-to-understand way and cooperate with practical teaching, which will help students to further understand pharmacology and plan their academic career.
藥用植物學 Pharmaceutical botany
教學方式Teaching Methods
非同步教學(主要提供線上影音教材,透過線上教學平台進行作業及討論) Asynchronous Online Learning 講課 Lecturing 觀察與資料收集、採訪 Observation and data collection, Interview
期中筆試 Midterm exam 期末筆試 Final exam 出席狀況 Class attendance 課堂參與與表現 Class involvement 心得與反思報告 Learning gain and introspection report 其它 Others
1.許鴻源編譯:藥用植物形態學,新醫藥出版社(1971) 2.李青祐編著:生藥學,大學圖書出版社(1982) 3.顏焜熒編著:原色生藥學,南天書局(1985) 4.James E. Robbers;Marilyn K. Speedie;Varro E. Tyler:Pharmacognosy and Pharmacobiotechnology,九洲出版(1996) 5.W. C. Evans;Trease and Evans Pharmacohnosy 15th edition, W. B. Saunders(藝軒出版社)(2002)6.陳瑞龍:生藥學,合記圖書出版社(1991) 增訂第三版 7.台灣藥學會生藥學組整編:常用中藥,台灣藥學會,增修一版(2012)
教學進度Course Schedule
2023/09/12 生合成概念及路徑 Biosynthesis concept and the pathway 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/09/19 生藥名及生藥的範疇 Scientific name and crude drug category 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/09/26 根類生藥(一):桔梗、人參、遠志、美遠志等生藥 The root class of pharmacognosy (1): Platycodon Radix, Ginseng Radix, Polygalae Radix, Senegae Radix 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/10/03 根類生藥(二)龍膽、歐龍膽、甘草、吐根根類生藥 The root class of pharmacognosy (2) Gentianae Radix, Gentianae Luteae Radix , Glycyrrhizae Radix,Ipecacuanhae Radix 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/10/10 國慶假期 National Day Holiday 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/10/17 根類生藥(三)柴胡、當歸、黃耆、印度蛇木等生藥及根類生藥(四)魚藤、附子、紫草、顛茄根等生藥 The root class of pharmacognosy (3):Bupleuri Radix, Angelicae Sinensis Radix, Astragali Radix, Rauwolfiae Serpentinaiae Radix and The root class of pharmacognosy (4) Rotenone, Monkshood, Borage, Belladonna root 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/10/24 根莖類生藥(一)半夏、大黃、黃連等生藥 The rootstock class of pharmacognosy (1)Pinellae Rhizoma, Rhei Radix et Rhizoma, Coptidis Rhizoma 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/10/31 根莖類生藥(二)北美黃連、鈴蘭、海蔥等生藥 The rootstock class of pharmacognosy(2)-Hydrastis Rhizoma;Convallariae Rhizoma; Squilae Rhizoma, etc 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/11/07 期中考 Mid-term examination 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/11/14 根莖類生藥(三)秋水仙、普達非倫、東菪莨根等生藥 The rootstock class of pharmacognosy (3)Colchici Rhizoma, Podophylli Rhizoma, Hyoscyami Rhizoma, etc 林雲蓮(LIN, YUN-LIAN)
2023/11/21 根莖類生藥(四)大蒜、薑、薑黃、鬱金等生藥 The root class of pharmacognosy (3): garlic, ginger, turmeric, turmeric, etc. 林雲蓮(LIN, YUN-LIAN)
2023/11/28 根莖類生藥(四)大蒜、薑、薑黃、鬱金等生藥 The root class of pharmacognosy (3): garlic, ginger, turmeric, turmeric, etc. 林雲蓮(LIN, YUN-LIAN)
2023/12/05 皮類生藥(一)桂皮、金雞納、美鼠李皮等生藥 The bark class of pharmacognosy (1):cinnamon, cinchona, Cascara sagrada, etc. 林雲蓮(LIN, YUN-LIAN)
2023/12/12 皮類生藥(三)沒食子、野櫻皮、降真香等生藥 The bark class of pharmacognosy (3):gallic, wild cherry bark,Acronychia pedunculata, etc. 張永勳(Yuan Shiun Chang)
2023/12/19 皮類生藥(四)五倍子、喜樹、紫衫等生藥 The bark class of pharmacognosy (4):gall, acuminata, purple shirt, etc. 張永勳(Yuan Shiun Chang)
2023/12/26 皮類生藥(五)厚朴、杜仲、地骨皮等 The bark class of pharmacognosy (5): Magnoliae Cortex, Eucommiae Cortex, Lycii Radicis Cortex, etc. 張永勳(Yuan Shiun Chang)
2024/01/02 藤木類生藥:檀香、沉香、蘇木、天仙藤、皂角刺等 The rattan wood class of pharmacognosy : sandalwood, aloes, and hematoxylin, angel vine, herb, etc. 張永勳(Yuan Shiun Chang)
2024/01/09 期末考(張永勳、林雲蓮) Final-term examination 張永勳(Yuan Shiun Chang) 林雲蓮(LIN, YUN-LIAN)