系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
中國藥學暨中藥資源學系 2年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
24U000021 / A
1 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Medicinal botany laboratory
郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
60 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
22 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
可選學制 (availability)
2年級 至4年級



課程概述Course Description
植物藥用部位採集之基本概念與注意事項及採集後之貯存與管理的概念介紹 葉脈、果實標本之製作與注意事項、認識植物 校園及附近植物之認識(一)藥園學習並協助整理、打掃 校園及附近植物之認識(二)藥園學習並協助整理、打掃 野外採集(一)(台中市郊) 野外採集(二)(台中市郊) 野外採集(三)(外縣市)
教學目標Course Objectives
研究藥用植物(Pharmaceutical Botany)自以認識植物為先,欲明植物之種類,採集尚矣,採集之時應詳加記錄其名制、形態、時間、地點及初步鑑定等之基本資料,進而配合實地採集教導學生了解其藥用部位、植物分類學(Taxonomy)與植物外部形態學(Plant Macromorphology)宜有充分之認識,並將所學應用於日常生活及服務學習中,教學內容含載於固有典籍、中華藥典或臺灣中藥典之中藥材的藥用植物,同時涵蓋其沿革、構造及鑑別相關知識。故本課程將以深入淺出的方式,配合實務與教學,引導學生對藥用植物學能有完整的認識並能製作標本(臘葉、浸液、葉脈、果實標本等),提昇學生對藥用植物研究之興趣,從而有助於學術生涯之規劃。 Research on Pharmaceutical Botany is based on understanding plants first. If you want to clarify the types of plants, you need to collect them at the time of collection. Basic information such as name system, form, time, location and preliminary identification should be recorded in detail at the time of collection. Students should have a full understanding of their medicinal parts, plant taxonomy and plant external morphology, and apply what they have learned in daily life and service learning. The teaching content is contained in the traditional Chinese medicinal materials, Chinese Pharmacopoeia or Taiwan Chinese Pharmacopoeia. The medicinal plants also cover its evolution, structure and identification related knowledge. Therefore, this course will guide students to have a complete understanding of medicinal botany and make specimens (wax leaves, infusions, leaf veins, fruit specimens, etc.) in an easy-to-understand way, cooperate with practice and teaching, and enhance students’ understanding of medicinal plants. The interest in research helps to plan your academic career.
生物學實驗,需同時修習藥用植物學正課或已修過藥用植物學正課 Biological experiments, Need to take the main course of medicinal botany or have taken the main course of medicinal botany
教學方式Teaching Methods
非同步教學(主要提供線上影音教材,透過線上教學平台進行作業及討論) Asynchronous Online Learning 講課 Lecturing 學生實作 Student hands-on practice 習題練習、書面報告 Exercise, Written report 觀察與資料收集、採訪 Observation and data collection, Interview 學生創新、創意活動 Innovation, creative activities 企業參訪、見實習 Industry visiting, Clinical observation, Internship
實作測驗 Practical exam 期中筆試 Midterm exam 期末筆試 Final exam 專題報告 Project report 實作作品與反思 Practical work and introspection 出席狀況 Class attendance 課堂參與與表現 Class involvement 心得與反思報告 Learning gain and introspection report 其它 Others
1.甘偉松:藥用植物學,國立中國醫藥研究所 (1997) 第三版 2.許鴻源編譯:藥用植物形態學,新醫藥出版社 (1971) 第一版 3.斯氏植物學 徐氏基金會 (1981) 4.廖江川:藥用植物學概論,中國醫藥學院,增訂版 (1994) 5.中藥形態名詞術語圖釋,人民衛生出版社 (1986) 6.林春吉:台灣水生植物①,田野影像出版社 (2002) 7.張永仁:野花圖鑑(再刷二版),遠流出版社 (2003) 8.郭城孟:蕨類圖鑑(四版二刷),遠流出版社 (2004) 9. 葉德銘:森林的蕈息:梅峰常見大型真菌選介,國立臺灣大學附設山地實驗農場 (2011)
教學進度Course Schedule
2023/09/18 植物學與藥用植物學基本知識,學習如何植物觀察紀錄、認識植物及藥園整理與打掃。 課程講解完,到學校藥園實務學習藥用植物及整理。 Basic knowledge of botany and medicinal botany, learning how to observe plant records, understanding of plant. And botany gardens finishing and cleaning. After the course explanation, we went to the school medicine garden to learn about medicinal plants and their arrangement. 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/10/02 自然科學博物館之植物學習與認識 Plant Learning and Understanding in the Natural Science Museum 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/10/16 植物藥用部位採集之基本概念與注意事項及採集後之貯存與管理的概念介紹。 課程講解完,到學校藥園實務學習藥用植物及整理。 Collection pharmaceutical botany of used parts of the basic concepts, matters needing attention, gathering storing and management concept introduction. After the course explanation, we went to the school medicine garden to learn about medicinal plants and their arrangement. 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/10/30 野外植物認識與採集(塔塔加步道-南投-嘉義) Knowledge of wild plants and collection on around (Tatajia Trail-Nantou-Chiayi) And Service Learning a Team 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/11/13 期中考 期中考後,到學校藥園實務學習藥用植物及整理。 Mid-term examination After the mid-term exam, I went to the school medicine garden to learn about medicinal plants and their arrangement. 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/11/27 校園、藥園及附近植物之認識(一) 課程講解完,到學校藥園實務學習藥用植物及整理。 Campus, medicine garden and nearby plant understanding (II) And Service Learning a Team (Ⅰ). After the course explanation, we went to the school medicine garden to learn about medicinal plants and their arrangement. 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/12/11 浸液標本、葉脈、果實標本之製作與注意事項。 課程講解完,到學校藥園實務學習藥用植物及整理。 Preparation for infusion specimens, vein specimens, and fruit specimens. After the course explanation, we went to the school medicine garden to learn about medicinal plants and their arrangement. 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)
2023/12/25 校園、藥園及附近植物之認識(二) 課程講解完,到學校藥園實務學習藥用植物及整理。 Campus, medicine garden and nearby plant understanding (II) And Service Learning a Team (Ⅱ). After the course explanation, we went to the school medicine garden to learn about medicinal plants and their arrangement. 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin) 謝明村
2024/01/08 期末跑考 期末考後,到學校藥園實務學習藥用植物及整理。 Final exam After the final exam, I went to the school medicine garden to learn about medicinal plants and their arrangement. 郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)