系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
中醫學系甲組 2年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
22U000727 / A
1 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Biochemistry laboratory (A-1)
李妙蓉(Miau-Rong Lee)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
68 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
54 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
可選學制 (availability)
2年級 至8年級



課程概述Course Description
1. Introduction;Instruments 生化實驗儀器介紹 2. Introduction to Protein Analysis 蛋白質分析技術介紹 3. Principles and Theory of Biochemistry Techniques 實驗方法之理論介紹 4. Casein Purification and Protein Quantization 分離酪蛋白與蛋白質定量實驗 5. SDS-PAGE SDS-PAGE膠體電泳法 6. Enzyme Kinetics 酵素動力學的測定 7. Carbohydrates Test 醣類的定性反應 8. Discussion 期末總檢討 9. Final examination: 12:10~13:00 期末筆試:12:10~13:00
教學目標Course Objectives
本課程期望學生能深入了解各種生化反應的原理並實際印證。同時也能熟習各種生化研究方法與技術,並能就實驗資料、結果進行分析判斷與推理,以培養邏輯思考與獨立進行研究的能力。 The course objectives are: 1. to provide training with the principles and skills of basic biochemistry laboratory techniques 2. to provide training for scientific writing, as exemplified by interpretation of a given data and short lab reports 3. to develop the ability to think scientifically and evaluate information critically 4. to provide a sufficient background for students who intend to study more advanced biochemistry topics 5. to develop the ability to demonstrate knowledge of accepted safe laboratory practices.
有機化學實驗、生物學實驗 Organic Chemistry Laboratory, Biology Laboratory
教學方式Teaching Methods
講課 Lecturing 小組討論 Group discussion 學生實作 Student hands-on practice 習題練習 Exercise 觀察與資料收集 Observation and data collection
實作測驗 Practical exam 隨堂筆試測驗 In-class exam 期末筆試 Final exam 小組作業 Group homework 期中報告 Midterm report 出席狀況 Class attendance 課堂參與與表現 Class involvement
1. 本科彙編之「生物化學實驗原理和操作技術」實驗課本,已不再出版, 同學可使用舊書 2. 每次實驗課之詳細內容請定期參閱 Moodle 平台, 教師上傳之講義 。
教學進度Course Schedule
2019/09/17 課程內容簡介與生化實驗儀器介紹 (關鍵內容:實驗室安全、Micropipette 操作練習及檢測、微量吸管,分注器、電磁加熱攪拌器、分注器 、微量離心機、震盪混合器、往復式震盪恆溫水浴器、乾浴加熱器、紫外光 /可見光分度計、酵素免疫分析儀、多孔微量盤、蛋白質直立式電泳裝置、煙櫥,抽氣櫃) Introduction to Course Contents and instruments (Key content: Laboratory safety, Micropipette, Microplate, Hot plate/Magnetic stirrer, Dispenser, Microcentrifuge, Vortex Mixer, Water Bath, Dry Bath , Protein Electrophoresis apparatus, UV/Visible Spectrophotometer, ELISA reader, Fume Hood) 李妙蓉(Miau-Rong Lee) 黄琮竣(Huang, Tsurng-Juhn)
2019/10/01 酪蛋白純化與蛋白質的定性分析 (關鍵內容:鹽溶及鹽析法、有機溶劑沉澱法 、等點電沉澱法 、選擇性變性沉澱法、有機聚合物沉澱法) Casein Purification and Qualitative Analysis of Proteins (Key content: salting in, salting out, protein precipitation by organic solvant, protein precipitation by isoelectric point (pI), differential precipitation, polyethylene glycol precipitation) 張乃文(Nai-Wen Chang) 馬明琪(Maa, Ming-Chei)
2019/10/15 細胞蛋白質之萃取與純化 (關鍵內容:細胞總蛋白抽取,TCA蛋白質沉澱法,蛋白酶抑制劑,次細胞胞器蛋白質分離法,不同速度離心法,蛋白質之萃取純化產率 ) Extraction and purification of cellular protein (Key content: total protein extraction, trichloroacetic acid precipitation, Protease inhibitors, Subcellular Fractionation, Differential-velocity centrifugation, Yield of protein purification) 鄭志鴻(CHENG, TZU-HURNG) 黄琮竣(Huang, Tsurng-Juhn)
2019/10/29 蛋白質的定量分析 (關鍵內容:蛋白質定量實驗 , 光度計原理, E:為莫耳消光係數, Bradford 試劑, 蛋白質標準濃度溶液(牛血清白蛋白,BSA) Quantitative analysis of Proteins (Key content: Protein quantization, molar extinction coefficient, Bradford reagent, Protein standard solution (bovine serum albumin, BSA) 張乃文(Nai-Wen Chang) 黄琮竣(Huang, Tsurng-Juhn)
2019/11/12 SDS-膠體電泳法 (關鍵內容:SDS- 聚丙烯醯胺凝膠電泳法, 蛋白質直分子量標準品,標準曲線,coomassie gel stains, Native Electrophoresis, 二維電泳, 等電點聚焦 ) SDS-PAGE (Key content: SDS-PAGE, protein molecular weight standard, standard curve, coomassie gel stains, Native Electrophoresis, 2D Electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing) 李妙蓉(Miau-Rong Lee) 陳昭賢(Chao-Hsien Chen)
2019/11/26 酵素動力學的測定 (關鍵內容:酵素動力學常數Km與Vmax的測定方式, 酵素acylase, 受質濃度 , Lineweaver–Burk 雙倒數圖, 雙曲線, Ninhydrin) Analysis of Enzyme Kinetics (Key content: Enzyme Kinetics, Km and Vmax, acylase, N-acetyl-L-Leu, substrate concentration, Lineweaver–Burk plot (or double reciprocal plot), hyperbolic curve), Ninhydrin) 李妙蓉(Miau-Rong Lee) 詹淑秦(Hsu Chin Chan)
2019/12/10 維生素測定 (關鍵內容:維生素檢測法、脂溶性(A、D、E、K)、水溶性兩類(B、C)、維生素A Carr-Price 試驗、維生素B1、B2和C 鑑定 Determination of Vitamins (Key content: lipid soluble vitamin(A, D, E, K), water soluble vitamin (B, C), vitamin A Carr-Price test, ) 鄭志鴻(CHENG, TZU-HURNG) 馬明琪(Maa, Ming-Chei)
2019/12/24 醣類測定 (關鍵內容:Molisch Test(醣鑑定試驗)、Benedict Test(還原醣試驗)、Barfoed Test (單, 雙醣鑑定試驗)、Seliwanoff Test(酮醣試驗)、Bial Test(五碳醣及戊聚醣試驗)、Iodine Test(碘呈色實驗)、還原醣與非還原醣、單醣與雙醣) Carbohydrates Test (Key content: Molisch Test, Benedict Test, Barfoed Test , Seliwanoff Test, Bial Test, Iodine Test, reducing sugar and nonreducing sugar, monosaccharide and disaccharide) 詹淑秦(Hsu Chin Chan) 陳昭賢(Chao-Hsien Chen)
2020/01/02 星期四 12:10~13:00期末筆試 Final examination: 12:10~13:00 李妙蓉(Miau-Rong Lee)