系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
藥用化妝品學系 1年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
15U000161 / A
2 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Organic chemistry(B-1)
吳錦生(Wu, Chin-Sheng)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
62 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
49 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
可選學制 (availability)
1年級 至1年級



課程概述Course Description
本課程內容包括:課程簡介、結構與鍵結、極化的共價鍵;酸與鹼、有機化合物:烷類與它們的立體化學、有機化合物:環烷類與它們的立體化學、在四面體中心的立體化學、有機反應的概要、烯類:結構與反應性、烯類:反應與合成、炔類:有機合成簡介、有機鹵化物、鹵烷類的反應:親核性取代與消去反應、結構鑑定:質譜與紅外線光譜、結構鑑定:核磁共振光譜。(This course includes the introduction, Structure and Bonding, Polar Covalent Bonds; Acids and Bases, Organic Compounds: Alkanes and Their Stereochemistry, Organic Compounds: Cycloalkanes and Their Stereochemistry, Stereochemistry at Tetrahedral Centers, An Overview of Organic Reactions, Alkenes: Structure and Reactivity, Alkenes: Reactions and Synthesis, Alkynes: An Introduction to Organic Synthesis, Organohalides, Reactions of Alkyl Halides: Nucleophilic Substitutions and Eliminations, Structure Determination: Mass Spectrometry and Infrared Spectroscopy, and Structure Determination: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.)
教學目標Course Objectives
有機化學為生命科學的基礎,與日常生活息息相關。體內之新陳代謝就是有機化學反應。瞭解各類有機化合物之性質及反應,可幫助往後相關課程(如生物化學、化妝品材料學、包裝材料學、界面化學、香料學、皮膚藥理學、藥妝品學、化妝品調製學、儀器分析、化妝品檢驗學、化妝品毒理學、生物科技等)之基礎與連貫學習。 Organic chemistry is a foundation of Life sciences and closely related to our daily life. Human body is an organism in essence, internal metabolism is the organic chemical reaction. Understand the nature and reactions of all kinds of organic compounds, can help correlated curriculum (such as Biochemistry, Cosmetic materials, Packing materials, Surface Chemistry, Perfumery, Skin Pharmacology, Cosmeceutics, Cosmetic Manufacture, Instrumentation, Cosmetic Analysis, Cosmetic Toxicology, Biotechnology, etc.) later on the foundation and study consistently.
普通化學、普通生物學 General Chemistry, General Biology
教學方式Teaching Methods
平時考試平均成績占40%,期中、學期考試平均成績占50%為主,平時問題討論表現及上課出席紀錄占10%。(The total score of this subject accounts for 50% with the average achievement of the Mid and Final exam is as the main fact, the average achievement of the two ordinary exam accounts for 40%, and the expression of question discussion at ordinary times and the attendance account for 10%.)
1. John McMurry: Organic Chemistry, 8th ed. 2012 (授課教材,teaching material). 2. John McMurry: Organic Chemistry With Biological Applications, 2nd ed. 2011. 3. Organic Chemistry: A biological approach; John McMurry (1st ed.). 4. Brown & Foote: Organic Chemistry, 2nd ed. 1998. 5. Wade: Organic Chemistry, 4th ed. 1999.6. Solomons: Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry, 5th ed. 1997.7. Brown & Poon: Introduction to Organic Chemistry, 3rd ed. 2005. 8. Sykes: A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, 6th ed. 1988. 9. John McMurry: Fundamental of Organic Chemistry, 7th ed. 2011.
教學進度Course Schedule
2013/09/10 課程簡介/結構與鍵結 Introduction/Structure and Bonding 吳錦生(Wu, Chin-Sheng)
2013/09/17 結構與鍵結/極化的共價鍵;酸與鹼 Structure and Bonding/Polar Covalent Bonds; Acids and Bases 吳錦生(Wu, Chin-Sheng)
2013/09/24 有機化合物:烷類與它們的立體化學 Organic Compounds: Alkanes and Their Stereochemistry 吳錦生(Wu, Chin-Sheng)
2013/10/01 有機化合物:環烷類與它們的立體化學 Organic Compounds: Cycloalkanes and Their Stereochemistry 吳錦生(Wu, Chin-Sheng)
2013/10/08 平時考試/在四面體中心的立體化學 Ordinary exam/Stereochemistry at Tetrahedral Centers 吳錦生(Wu, Chin-Sheng)
2013/10/15 在四面體中心的立體化學/有機反應的概要 Stereochemistry at Tetrahedral Centers/An Overview of Organic Reactions 吳錦生(Wu, Chin-Sheng)
2013/10/22 有機反應的概要/烯類:結構與反應性 An Overview of Organic Reactions/Alkenes: Structure and Reactivity 吳錦生(Wu, Chin-Sheng)
2013/10/29 烯類:結構與反應性/烯類:反應與合成 Alkenes: Structure and Reactivity/Alkenes: Reactions and Synthesis 吳錦生(Wu, Chin-Sheng)
2013/11/05 期中考試 Mid exam 吳錦生(Wu, Chin-Sheng)
2013/11/12 烯類:反應與合成/炔類:有機合成簡介 Alkenes: Reactions and Synthesis/Alkynes: An Introduction to Organic Synthesis 吳錦生(Wu, Chin-Sheng)
2013/11/19 炔類:有機合成簡介/有機鹵化物 Alkynes: An Introduction to Organic Synthesis/Organohalides 吳錦生(Wu, Chin-Sheng)
2013/11/26 有機鹵化物 Organohalides 吳錦生(Wu, Chin-Sheng)
2013/12/03 鹵烷類的反應:親核性取代與消去反應 Reactions of Alkyl Halides: Nucleophilic Substitutions and Eliminations 吳錦生(Wu, Chin-Sheng)
2013/12/10 平時考試/鹵烷類的反應:親核性取代與消去反應 Ordinary exam/Reactions of Alkyl Halides: Nucleophilic Substitutions and Eliminations 吳錦生(Wu, Chin-Sheng)
2013/12/17 結構鑑定:質譜與紅外線光譜 Structure Determination: Mass Spectrometry and Infrared Spectroscopy 吳錦生(Wu, Chin-Sheng)
2013/12/24 結構鑑定:質譜與紅外線光譜/結構鑑定:核磁共振光譜 Structure Determination: Mass Spectrometry and Infrared Spectroscopy/Structure Determination: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 吳錦生(Wu, Chin-Sheng)
2013/12/31 結構鑑定:核磁共振光譜 Structure Determination: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 吳錦生(Wu, Chin-Sheng)
2014/01/07 學期考試 Final exam 吳錦生(Wu, Chin-Sheng)
系核心能力 職能目標