1、瞭解婦產科護理之現況與發展趨勢,並體認婦產科護理人員之專業角色與功能。 2、理解婦女懷孕、生產及產褥期之身心社會變化,與如何提供合宜之個別性護理。 3、具備以家庭為中心之護理理念,瞭解如何協助產婦及其家庭成員勝任養育新生兒之角色。 4、確認高危險妊娠婦女之身心社會壓力及其護理。 5、體認我國之傳統文化對孕產婦之意義和影響。 6、認識育齡婦女常見之健康問題,包括生殖器官疾病、不孕症、婦產科手術前後護理等。
1.understanding the current and future of maternity nursing, and identifying the role of professional nursing staff. 2.to recognize women's physical and mental changes in different stages, and provide appropriate nursing care. 3.The idea of family-centered maternity care. 4.Nursing care of High-Risk Pregnancy. 5.the effects Chinese cultural child-bearing belief bring to women in the society 6.Gynecologic nursing
1.has completed the basic medical course (physiology, anatomy, pharmacology, microbiology, pathology), human development, physical assessment, fundamental nursing.
2.Gynecology Nursing & Medical-Surgical Nursing.
3.Fundamental clinical practice