The primary objective of this course is to provide an English learning environment that aims to improve students’ technical English proficiency in the field of public health. The course covers important topics in public health, including epidemiology, biostatistics, health management and policy, environmental health, occupational health, and heath risk. By the end of the semester, the students are expected to become familiar with a number of public health terminology.
教學方式Teaching Methods
期中與期末考 (80%), 課堂出席與參與 (20%).
Term exams (80%), class attendance and participation (20%).
Course material will be provided by the lecturer.
教學進度Course Schedule
2010/09/13 課程介紹
Course introduction
2010/09/20 健康照護
Health Services (Overview)
2010/09/27 衛生政策
Health Care Policy
2010/10/04 職業皮膚暴露與管制
Occupational skin exposures and its current regulations
2010/10/11 化學防護衣物於職業皮膚暴露防治之應用
Chemical protective clothing against occupational skin exposures
2010/10/25 健康照護管理
Health Care Management
2010/11/01 期中考
Midterm exam
2010/11/08 環境衛生概論
Overview of Environmental Health
2010/11/22 流行病學初探
Basic Epidemiology
2010/11/29 基礎生物統計
Fundamental Biostatistics
2010/12/20 臨床即時量測與決策支援系統
Real-time Clinical Infometrics and Decision Support System
2010/12/27 無線感測網路環境監測系統
Environmental Monitoring System with Wireless Sensor Network
2011/01/03 社區空氣污染
Community Air Pollution
2011/01/10 期末考
Final exam
2010/11/15 生物統計學緒論
Introduction to Biostatistics
2010/12/06 生態風險評估簡介
Guidelines for Ecological Risk Assessment
2010/12/13 機率風險評估
Probabilistic Risk Assessments
2010/10/18 傳染病建模分析之簡介
"Modeling and analysis of infectious diseases: a historical overview"?