To have the students who work for the Chinese medicine acquaint with the mathematics, carefully handle calculus skill and Fourier analysis technique to apply in the Chinese medical science.
2010/02/26 概論、極限與導函數
introduction, limit and derivative function
2010/03/05 EXCEL公式與函數
formula and function in Excel
2010/03/12 EXCEL建立圖表與編修
create diagram and editing in Excel
2010/03/19 數學工具
mathematic as a tool
2010/03/26 微分應用練習
practice for differentiation application
2010/04/09 複數
complex number
2010/04/16 複變函數
function with complex variables
2010/04/23 期中考
2010/04/30 傅立葉分析與數位訊號處理
Fourier analysis and digital signal processing
2010/05/07 傅立葉級數之實踐與傅立葉級數半幅展開式
practice the Fourier series and the half width Fourier expansion
2010/05/14 複數傅立葉級數與積分
complex Fourier series and Fourier integration
2010/05/21 經絡物理
channel physics
2010/05/28 經絡假說
channel hypothesis
2010/06/04 脈象之頻譜分析
spectrum analysis of the pulse
2010/06/11 生理訊號之數位訊號處理
digital signal processing of the bio-signals
2010/06/18 現代數學大觀
modern mathematics
2010/06/25 期末考
final term