2. Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking 9/e 2007
History and Examination
The complete patient history 2nd ed.
教學進度Course Schedule
2009/02/16 第一次模擬考 2009/02/17 課程介紹 2009/02/17 Medical communication 2009/02/17 Patient interview and history taking 2009/02/18 Accuracy and reliability of physical examination 2009/02/19 Decision-making in clinical medicine 2009/02/20 Medical records 2009/02/24 Improving Communication and Strengthening Relationships 2009/02/26 Clinical evaluation of cardiovascular disease 2009/03/04 Introduction to nuclear medicine 2009/03/05 Interpretation of plain film, CXR,KUB 2009/03/06 Introduction to basic ECG/林於錦 2009/03/06 Introduction to CT, MRI/羅于倩 2009/03/06 Introduction of sonography 2009/03/09 影片 - What Matters to Families, Speaking the Same Language 2009/03/09 影片 - Communication at the End of Life, Difficult Conversations in Pediatric Palliative Care 2009/03/10 Introduction to clinical Loboratory Medicine 2009/03/11 Clinical laboratory exam (urine analysis, stool analysis, CBC & Biochemistry, sputum smear) 2009/03/12 ABG interpretation and pulmonary function test/黃文良 2009/03/13 Clinical evaluation of respiratory disease 2009/03/16 第一次段考 2009/03/23 Clinical evaluation of gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary disease/周仁偉 2009/03/23 Interpretation of hepatobiliary biochemistry/蘇文邦 2009/03/25 Clinical laboratory exam (urine analysis, stool analysis, CBC & Biochemistry, sputum smear) 2009/04/01 Clinical Skill (臨床技能中心&立夫教學大樓12F中醫系) & (History taking) 病房 2009/03/30 第二次段考 2009/04/07 Clinical evaluation of renal and urinary diseases 2009/04/08 Clinical Skill (臨床技能中心&立夫教學大樓12F中醫系) & (History taking) 病房 2009/04/13 13~17學校期中考=第三次段考 2009/04/22 Clinical Skill (臨床技能中心&立夫教學大樓12F中醫系) & (History taking) 病房 2009/04/23 Clinical evaluation of endocrinology and metabolism 2009/04/28 Clinical evaluation of immune and connective tissue diseases /黃柏豪 2009/04/29 Clinical Skill (臨床技能中心&立夫教學大樓12F中醫系) & (History taking) 病房 2009/05/04 第2次模擬考 2009/05/06 Clinical Skill (臨床技能中心&立夫教學大樓12F中醫系) & (History taking) 病房 2009/05/11 Clinical evaluation of oncology and haematology/林振源 2009/05/11 性別意識課程 2009/05/13 Clinical Skill (臨床技能中心&立夫教學大樓12F中醫系) & (History taking) 病房 2009/05/18 第四次段考 2009/05/18 醫事法律概論/吳俊穎 2009/05/20 Evidence-based medicine 2009/05/20 Clinical Skill (臨床技能中心&立夫教學大樓12F中醫系) & (History taking) 病房 2009/05/21 search the best evidence 2009/05/22 Clinical evaluation of surgical & critically ill patients/葉俊杰 2009/05/25 醫事法律須知/吳俊穎 2009/06/01 第3次模擬考 2009/06/03 Clinical Skill (臨床技能中心&立夫教學大樓12F中醫系) & (History taking) 病房 2009/06/04 Clinical evaluation of psychiatric disorders 2009/06/10 Clinical evaluation of Pediatric disorders 2009/06/10 Clinical Skill (臨床技能中心&立夫教學大樓12F中醫系) & (History taking) 病房 2009/06/15 第五次段考