系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
醫學系 2年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
01U000858 / A
3 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
Microbiology & immunology (A-1)
吳禮字(Wu Lii Tzu)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
70 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
70 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
含PBL課程週三56堂第 3-4 週09/29,10/06(醫預)第 7-8 週 10/27,11/03 (基礎醫學)第 10-11 週11/17,11/24 (生化)第 13、14 週 12/08,12/15(醫預)
可選學制 (availability)
2年級 至5年級



課程概述Course Description
教學目標Course Objectives
主要目標為教導學生了解引起人類疾病的各種生物性致病原,以及自身免疫系統如何防禦及對抗外來致病原之課程。 The content of this course includes immunology, bacteriology, virology, and mycology. The aims of this course are to provide the basic knowledge about immunology and microbiology to students. Additionally, students will know how the pathogens induce diseases and how the host defense system destroys the pathogens.
普通生物學、生物化學 biology and biochemistry
教學方式Teaching Methods
同步教學(使用虛擬教室如:Moodle同步教室、Google Meet、Microsoft Classroom等) Synchronous Online Learning 講課 Lecturing 一分鐘回饋、其他 One-minute feedback, Others
期中筆試 Midterm exam 隨堂筆試測驗 In-class exam 期末筆試 Final exam 出席狀況 Class attendance 課堂參與與表現 Class involvement
1. 出席率及日常成績佔百分之十 2. 考試成績佔百分之九十 3. PBL
1. Medical Microbiology (8th ed.) 2015. Murry P. R., Rosenthal K. S., Kobayashi G. S. and Pfaller M. A. Mosby-Tear Book, Inc. (藝軒圖書)
教學進度Course Schedule
2021/09/15 醫學微生物學的介紹 關鍵內容:感染疾病的微生物;細菌的形態和特性;細菌生長模式;細菌生長因子; 細菌遺傳特性 Introduction to medical microbiology Key content:.Kinds of Microorganisms that Cause Infectious Disease;Gross Morphology of Bacteria;Types of growth in Bacteria;Factors regulating growth; Genetics of bacteria 吳禮字(Wu Lii Tzu)
2021/09/22 滅菌、消毒及防腐 抗微生物用藥 關鍵內容:消毒滅菌原理; 消毒滅菌方法和影響因素;抗生素種類和作用原理;抗藥性機轉;感受性測試 Sterilization, disinfection, and antisepsis Antimicrobial agents Key content:Mechanism of sterilization and disinfection; Methods and factors of Microbial Control;.Mechanism of Antimicrobial chemotherapy drugs; Mechanism of antibiotic resistance; Susceptible test 吳禮字(Wu Lii Tzu)
2021/09/29 關鍵內容:葡萄球菌屬;鏈球菌屬; 奈瑟氏雙球菌屬;超級抗原; 毒性休克症候群;猩紅熱; 肺炎;腦膜炎;淋病 Gram-positive and Gram-negative pyogenic cocci Key content: Staphylococcus;Streptococcus;Neisseria; Superantigen; Toxic shock syndrome;Scarlet fever; Pneumoniae;meningitides;Gonorrhea 吳禮字(Wu Lii Tzu)
2021/10/06 腸內桿菌科 關鍵內容:大腸桿菌;沙門氏桿菌;志賀氏桿菌; 耶爾辛氏桿菌; 傷寒; 鼠疫; 胃腸炎 Enterobacteriaceae Key content: Escherichia coli; Salmonella; Shigella; Yersinia; Typhoid Fever; plaque; gastroenteritis 潘怡均(Pang, Yi-Chun)
2021/10/13 病毒介紹 病毒的診斷 關鍵內容:病毒結構;病毒複製生活史;病毒致病機轉;實驗室診斷;抗病毒藥;疫苗 General properties of virus laboratory diagnosis of viral disease Key content: Viral structure; Viral replication cycle; Viral pathogenesis; Laboratory diagnosis; Antiviral drugs; Vaccines 項千芸(Chien-Yun Hsiang)
2021/10/20 普利昂病毒 腺病毒科及乳突病毒科 關鍵內容:蛋白質感染小體;庫賈氏症;腺病毒;乳突狀瘤病毒;疣;子宮頸癌 Prion, Papillomaviridae, Adenoviridae, and Rhabdoviridae Key content: Prion; Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; Adenovirus; Papillomavirus; Warts; Cervical cancer 項千芸(Chien-Yun Hsiang)
2021/10/27 微小RNA病毒及李奧病毒科 關鍵內容:小兒麻痺病毒;克沙奇病毒;腸病毒;手足口病;疱疹性咽峽炎;鼻病毒;感冒;輪狀病毒;胃腸炎 Picornaviridae and Reoviridae Key content: Poliovirus; Coxsackievirus; Enterovirus; Foot-hand-mouth disease; Herpangina; Rhinovirus; Common cold; Rotavirus; Gastroenteritis 項千芸(Chien-Yun Hsiang)
2021/11/03 皰疹病毒科 關鍵內容:單純疱疹病毒;口唇疱疹;生殖道疱疹;水痘帶狀疱疹病毒;巨細胞病毒;Epstein-Barr病毒;傳染性單核球增多症;鼻咽癌;狂犬病毒 Herpesviridae Key content: Herpes simplex virus; Cold sores; Genital herpes; Varicella-zoster virus; Cytomegalovirus; Epstein-Barr virus; Infectious mononucleosis; Nasopharyngeal carcinoma; Rabies virus 項千芸(Chien-Yun Hsiang)
2021/11/10 期中考Midterm Examination Midterm Examination 吳禮字(Wu Lii Tzu)
2021/11/17 弧菌、螺旋桿菌、假單胞菌 關鍵內容:霍亂;曲狀桿菌;螺旋桿菌;胃幽門螺旋桿菌;胃潰瘍;胃癌; 綠膿桿菌 Vibrio, Helicobacter, and Pseudomonas Key content: Cholera; Campylobacter; Helicobacter; Helicobacter pylori; gastric ulcer; gastric cancer; Pseudomonas aeruginosa 潘怡均(Pang, Yi-Chun)
2021/11/24 革蘭氏陽性的桿菌 關鍵內容: 桿菌屬; 梭狀芽孢桿菌屬; 炭疽桿菌; 破傷風; 痙攣性痲痺; 肉毒桿菌; 肉毒桿菌毒素; 鬆弛緩性痲痺 Gram-positive, spore-forming bacilli: Bacillus, Clostridium, Corynebacterium, and Listeria Key content: Bacillus; Clostridium; Bacillus anthracis; Tetanus; spastic paralysis; Clostridium botulinum; Botulinum toxin; Flaccid paralysis 潘怡均(Pang, Yi-Chun)
2021/12/01 分枝桿菌、嗜血桿菌、退伍軍人桿菌、博德氏桿菌、弗朗西斯氏菌、布氏桿菌 關鍵內容: 結核分枝桿菌; 蘭氏巨細胞; 抗酸性染色; 卡介苗; 麻瘋病; 流感嗜血桿菌; 百日咳博德氏菌; 人畜共通; 兔熱病; 嗜肺性退伍軍人菌; 退伍軍人症 Mycobacteria, Heamophilus, Legionella, Bordetella, Fracisella, and Brucella Key content: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Langhans cells; Acid-fast stain; bacille Calmette-Guérin; Leprosy; Haemophilus influenzae; Bordetella pertussis; Zoonotic; tularemia; Legionella pneumophila; legionellosis 潘怡均(Pang, Yi-Chun)
2021/12/08 彎曲菌、立克次體、黴漿菌、披衣菌 關鍵內容: 梅毒; 下疳; 萊姆症; 回歸熱; 黴漿菌;尿漿菌; 立克次體; 東方體; 艾利希體; 無形體; 柯克斯體; 砂眼; 鸚鵡熱 Spirochetes, Rickettsiae, Mycoplasm, and Chlamydia Key content: syphilis; chancres; Lyme disease; relapsing fever; Mycoplasma; Ureaplasma; Rickettsia; Orientia; Ehrlichia; Anaplasma; Coxiella; Trachoma; parrot fever5. Diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control 潘怡均(Pang, Yi-Chun)
2021/12/15 反轉錄病毒 關鍵內容:人類免疫缺陷病毒;愛滋病;雞尾酒療法;人類T細胞白血病病毒 Retroviridae Key content: Human immunodeficiency virus; Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; Cocktail therapy; Human T-cell leukemia virus 項千芸(Chien-Yun Hsiang)
2021/12/22 正黏液病毒科和副黏液病毒科 (關鍵內容: 流感病毒; 副流感病毒;麻疹病毒;腮腺炎病毒) Orthomyxoviridae and Paramyxoviridae (Key content: Influenza virus; Parainfluenza Virus; Measles virus; Mumps virus) 洪詩雅(Shih-Ya Hung)
2021/12/29 藉由蚊蟲為媒介的病毒和肝炎病毒 (關鍵內容: A型肝炎病毒;B型肝炎病毒; C型肝炎病毒;D型肝炎病毒; 黃熱病病毒; 日本腦炎病毒; 登革病毒) Arboviruses and Hepatitis viruses (Key content: Hepatitis A virus; Hepatitis B virus; Hepatitis C virus; Hepatitis D virus; Yellow fever virus; Japanese encephalitis virus; Dengus virus) 洪詩雅(Shih-Ya Hung)
2022/01/05 黴菌學 (關鍵內容: 淺表皮黴菌; 皮膚黴菌; 皮下黴菌; 全身性黴菌; 伺機性黴菌) Mycology (Key content: Superficial mycoses; Cutaneous mycoses; Subcutaneous mycoses; Systemic mycoses; Opportunistic mycoses) 洪詩雅(Shih-Ya Hung)
2022/01/12 期末考 Final Examination 吳禮字(Wu Lii Tzu)