系所 / 年級Department/Grade-Level
牙醫學系 2年級
課號 / 班別Course Code
00U000010 / A
1 學分
選 / 必修Elective / Required
科目中文名稱Course Title (Chinese)
科目英文名稱Course Title (English)
吳政訓(Cheng-Hsun Wu)
開課期間Course Load
人數上限Enrollment Max.
70 人
已選人數Enrollment Taken
57 人
抽籤自動遞補等候人數Number of the waiting list after ballot
0 人
可選學制 (availability)
2年級 至7年級



課程概述Course Description
The Meninges of the Brain and Spinal cord External Feature of the Brain A. The S-c-a-l-p: Structure:Skin、Hypodermis、Aponeurosis、Loose areolar tissue、Pericranium。 B. Bony structure: Form the cranial cavity, Contains brain and its surrounding meninges, portions of cranial nerve, arteries, veins and venous sinus. C. The meninges: i. Dura mater Falx cerebrum、Tentorium cerebellum、Falx cerebellum、Diaphragm sella. *Nerve innervate: *Blood supply: ii. Arachnoid mater:Subdura space Cisternae. iii. Pia mater D. The venous sinuses: Sup. sagittal sinus、Inf. sagittal sinus、Transverse sinus 、Cavernous sinus 、Sup. and Inf. petrosal sinus Spinal Cord Ascending and Descending Tracts 1. Overview of the spinal cord 2. Describe internal structure of the spinal cord 3. Describe cells and nucleus of the spinal cord 4. Describe the ascending and descending tract of the spinal cord Brain Stem 1. Medulla: pyramid, olive, inferior cerebellar peduncle, cuneate and gracile tubercles, floor of fourth ventricle. 2. Pons: basal part of pons, middle cerebellar peduncle, superior cerebellar peduncle, floor of fourth ventricle. 3. Midbrain: Interpeduncular fossa, basis pedunculi, inferior or superior colliculus. 4. Functionally important uncleus or tract within the brainstem. 5. The sites of cranial nerves III to VII in relation to the anatomical landmarks at different levels on the brain stem. 6.The fourth ventricle. Cerebrum 1. 大腦的分區。 2. 間腦的分區。 3. 大腦半球的結構。 4. 腦溝的結構。 5. 大腦的分葉。 6. 大腦半球的內部結構。 The Cranial Nerve Nuclei & Their Central Connection & Distribution 1. Organization of the cranial nerves. 2. Describe each cranial nerve, include their peripheral and central pathways, location of the nuclei. The Cerebellum and Its Connections 1. General appearances of the Cerebellum 2. Subdivisions of the Cerebellum 3. Connection of the Cerebellum Reticular Formation and Limbic System 1. Reticular Formation (RF) Medial, Lateral & Midline column (Raphe nuclei, Serotonergic neurons – Serotonin, Sleep – wake mechanism) 2. Serotonergic neurons – Serotonin, Cholinergic neurons – Acetylcholine “Catecholamine” neurons – Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine), Adrenaline (Epinephrine), Dopamine 3. Medullary / Pontine reticulo - spinal tract & Raphe - spinal tract 4. Limbic system: 1.Hippocampal formation (Hippocampus, Dentate gyrus, Parahippocampal gyrus (Subiculum)), 2.Amygdaloid body (Amygdala), 3.Cingulate gyrus, 4.Septal area (Paraolfactory area), 5.Hypothalamus (Mammillary body), 6.Anterior thalamus. Functions: Memory: Hippocampus, Emotion: Defense / reproduction (Amygdala). Ventricular System 1. General description of the ventricular system。 2. Cerebrospinal fluid: functions, formation, circulation and absorption。 3. Blood-brain and blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier: structure and functions。 4. Relationship to other region:cerebrum, brain stem, cerebellum, thalamus。 5. Clinical correlation: hydrocephalus, cerebral trauma and inflammation。 Clinical of the Neuroanatomy 1. Neuroradiology診斷工具:X-ray、CT、MRI、DSA簡介。 2. Anatomy複習:認識basal ganglion、brain stem、腦葉之CT、MRI影像。 認識subarachnoid spaces之CT、MRI影像。 Several important subarachnoid spaces: Ventricles: lateral ventricles, 3rd ventricle, and 4th ventricle Cisterns: suprasellar cistern, quadrigeminal cistern Fissures: Sylvian fissure, interhemispheric fissure 3. Gray scale:CT density、MRI signal intensity。 4. Mass effect 5. Brain edema (cytotoxic edema、white matter edema)。
教學目標Course Objectives
神經解剖學是教授人體中樞與周邊神經系統相互間如何運作,特別是大體解剖無法辨識的「複雜腦部結構」與「神經傳導路徑」,也為神經科學、臨床神經病學、精神病學、心理學等相關專業知識,預先構建中樞神經系統的組織架構,理解神經網絡運作,著眼學生將來在照顧病患時所需的專業發展奠定必要的形態學知識。課程中將理論教學和實驗教學緊密結合,培養學生理論聯繫實際的方法,充分發揮學生學習的主動性和自學能力;進而培養學生觀察自然、發現問題、分析問題和解決問題的能力;並適時導入臨床病例,以提高學生學習的積極性和目的性。 Neuroanatomy is the study of how it works between the human central and peripheral nervous system, especially in Gross Anatomy , which does not recognize the "complexity of brain structure" and "nerve conduction path", and for neuroscience, clinical neurology, psychiatry, psychology and other relevant professional knowledge, to pre-build the organizational structure of the central nervous system, to understand the operation of neural networks, and to focus on students to take care of patients required to lay the necessary professional development of morphological knowledge in the future. Courses will cover theories and experiments will be closely integrated into teaching and students learn to integrate theories with practical ways to give full initiativesand self-learning capabilities, to cultivate the students to observe the nature, to identify problems, to analyze problems and problem-solving skills, and to import clinical cases to improve students’ learning motivations and purposes properly.
普通生物學。 BIOLOGY。
教學方式Teaching Methods
1. Richard S. Snell : Clinica Neuroanatomy for Medical Students. ( Sixth edition; 2006)
教學進度Course Schedule
2010/03/04 中?神經系統的介紹與組成;腦和脊髓的腦脊髓膜(第十五章) Introduction and Organization of the Central Nerve System; The Menings of the Brain and Spinal Cord.(Chap 15).
2010/03/18 脊髓與上行和下行神經徑(第四章) The Spinal Cord, Ascending and Descending Tract (Chap 4).
2010/04/01 腦幹(第五章) The Brain Stem. (Chap 5).
2010/04/15 小腦與其聯繫(第六章) The Cerebellum and Its Connection. (Chap 6)
2010/04/29 大腦(第七章) The Cerebrum (Chap 7)
2010/05/13 網狀結構與邊緣系統(第九章) Reticular Formation and Limbic System. (Chap 9)
2010/05/27 腦室系統(第十六章) The Ventricular System. ( Chap 16)
2010/06/10 臨床神經解剖學 Clinical Neuroanatomy.
2010/04/22 期中考 The Middle Examination
2010/06/24 期末考 The Terminal Examination.